Day 494: Ice Cream Date

Woke up super tired today, not sure why. I find I’m more tired than ever these days and I guess it’s just pandemic fatigue at this point. ?‍♀️ I was out and about this weekend and after not doing much for almost a year, it’s exhausting! Took myself on an ice cream date after a nice long bike ride. I try to get outside for a run or ride each day to clear my head, get exercise, and fresh air. The ice cream at Gaspar Cafe near our place is incredible! I rarely do dairy but when I do, I pretty much always have chocolate. Yesterday I started watching Virgin River on Netflix and it’s not particularly good but somehow I’m almost done the first season. I have a soft spot for shows that I can put on in the background while I’m writing that doesn’t take too much focus, especially if they’re murder or romantic comedy. That’s all for today! Here’s to a good week!

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Day 493: Yacht Girl Summer

Spent some time on a friends’ boat this weekend. Left from the dock at The Boulevard Club and anchored down at Hanlon’s Point Beach. It was such a beautiful day! Soaked up the sun & laughed heaps with Sandy. So fun.

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Day 492: Bike & Beach

Woke up thinking about our dinner at Sabai Sabai last night, the food was incredible. Sean came back from the cottage for a hot minute before heading back up north with Emily. He showed up with flowers from the garden for me, so lovely! What a legend. ? I biked over to Parkdale in the sun then went for a long walk with Sandy to Lakeshore. I am living for this weather and hope we see lots more sunny days. I was at the cottage for most of Summer 2020 so it’s great to appreciate Toronto summer and explore the city.

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Day 491: Dinner at Sabai Sabai in Yorkville

Had the afternoon off work and went to Yorkville for an appointment at D Luxe Lab. It was so nice to be out! I wore new boots from L’Intervalle boots and my fav green dress. After I met up with Marie (aka @Karmacake) at The Pilot for a LONG overdue catch-up. We’ve known each other for a decade and never really sat down to chat. I was going to head home but then Natalie offered to take me for dinner at Sabai Sabai in Yorkville. They serve incredible food from Northern Thailand & Laos. I haven’t had a meal that good in ages! Two of the owners, Seng & Jason treated us to amazing cocktails, food, wine, and lots of laughs. It was a bit chilly on the patio but we were having such a good time it didn’t bother us. We had deep-fried garlic shrimp, khao soi, and sausages. It’s located at Yonge Bloor and I highly recommend it! Here’s to a good weekend!

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Day 489: Hang In There, It Will Be OK

Sometimes you need a reminder that things are going to be ok. We’ve gotten this far and we will get through it, through everything. You are strong, don’t forget. Take time for the things that make you happy. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Find your joy again. Step away from the computer, put on your shoes, go outside. Hang In There, It Will Be OK. Necklace is the Herringbone Chain from Mejuri, I’m obsessed.

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Day 488: I Went to the Mall

After a month I was finally able to visit an Apple Store, I went to the mall! I had a return and would you believe I couldn’t do an exchange by phone or mail, I had to wait until restrictions changed and I could visit a store in person. Made a shopping appt on Monday night on the website and only waited about 2 min once I got there. I had great service and laughed quite a bit with the employee who helped me. I was legit so excited I put on a dress, jewellery, touched up my hair & makeup, made an event of it. Had dinner at Saku Sushi on the patio while I waited for sean to finish work. Michelle came and joined me and it turned into a double date when her bf & Sean arrived. The food there is so good, highly recommend it, and they always have nice cold Sapporo. I got a gold iPhone 12 Pro and am very excited to play with the camera. Ages since I’ve had a new phone! I got Apple Care but I’m not taking this precious thing out of the house until I have a case. Ordered a tempered glass screen protector and mirror case. ?

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