it’s quite warm here in sunny california
Hey look, it’s me your fav little blogging munchkin’ baberoo. This is me at SFO airport about 45 mins an hour ago. SFO, it’s quite nice for an airport. I’m at the hotel now soaking up some free internet before I attenpt to tackle the Golden Gate Bridge and go see the home of Michelle, Steph and DJ Tanner. I meet Virgin America tomorrow so today is all MINE. MINE! Ok listen up… I have something for you…wanna come to a party with me on Saturday? You MUST be AT LEAST 19 and you must be cool. I have two special tickets with some hot young hipster’ who likes vodka’s name on them. The band USS is headlining with a couple other guests. If you like music & boooooze this is your cup of tea! Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project so you gotta show them and me some serious love aiiight. How do you win? Hmmm, why should I pick you? What will you do for me? Lets see if anyone is creative and start there. Comment away!! FYI: THIS PARTY COMES WITH A WARNING LABEL> YOU WILL GET CRUNK. Saturday, October 23rd. Doors open at 9pm Courthouse – 57 Adelaide St. East for more details
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