Dreaming of Summer, Real Love

  Urgh, I’m sick of winter. This is a face of a someone who is ready for a dose of SUNSHINE! Time to start planning vacation. A pile of birds flew out from under the bridge as this photo was taken. Thank goodness none of them ‘got me’. I know apparently ‘good luck’ but getting shat on by a bird en route to the office doesn’t not sounds like fun to me.   Skated again yesterday. Longing for days with bright sunshine and green grass. Bike rides too. I have real love for bike rides.   That’s all for now. Ok bye! Vardenafil without prescription Amoxil without prescription Fluoxetine without prescription

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August, Sweet Summer

Weekend photo diary… on Saturday I was grumpy. Love this new lip paint from essence, it’s SO GOOD. Just it in in NY last week. It’s from the new fall collection. We finally made that airplane Porter gave me. Flew it around a bit. Had a nice family walk. Love this little robot on Queen Street. New fav bar in the hood is called Roux. West on Dudas near Keele. Saw this cute little bunny on the rail path. He wasn’t even scared! Hope you had a great weekend. Here’s to making today a good one! Happy Monday 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Summer, Sunshine, Sunday Supermoon

So lovely. I could stay up here till September.  Super hot out, should swim. Just might! Sanasaaaaaaaa! Happy Sunday! CASIE Posted from WordPress for Android on HTC One

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May Long Weekend – Summer is here!

Had a great steak dinner last night then sat out on the dock. Finished the night having a beer in the hot tub by the moonlight. It was beautiful! En route to put the boat in the water. Went to garage sale. Found some movies and a long, black, Angora sweater. It was 75¢ but I have her $2 and they laughed their heads off. It was pretty funny. Have an awesome day. Wear sunscreen!  And bug spray. I got eaten alive by bedroom intruders last night! So many mozzies. CASIE

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Payless Summer Preview Sale w/ Savings from CAA

I’ve been biking heaps since the weather has FINALLY warmed up. One of my fav things this time of year is shopping for new spring things! As I was browsing the CAA website  last week I was pleasantly surprised to see I can save 10% at Payless with my membership! I like shoes. Actually, I love shoes! Each summer I wear heaps of flat shoes and often wear them out from all my walking, biking, concerts, and activities. So, affordable little flats are perfect. Plus, a girl can never have too many shoes! I went to the Payless store located conveniently across from the Eaton Centre on Yonge Street. There are over 40 stores in the GTA and you can also order online. There’s heaps of shoes for men, women, and kids, with all kinds of accessories. You’ll save 10% if you show your CAA card when making a purchase.  Plus, their Summer Preview Sale is on now! I’m super impressed with all the life-side assistance savings from CAA. I’ve had my membership for about 3 months and already saved more having it than the cost of the membership. Remember my trip to Boston? Next on my list is a movie date and dinner where I use my CAA card to impress my BF with my savvy savings. Had lunch with Mum and Dad last week and they BOTH recently renewed their memberships. We’re a CAA family!  To see all the life-side assistance savings from CAA visit caasco.com or check them out on Facebook and Twitter. They have a blog too! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Going to the UK for Thomas Sabo Spring Summer 2013

Tomorrow after work I am going to London, England. LONDON, ENGLAND MATE! Staying atLe Méridien Piccadilly Partying at The Shard: Tallest Building in the European Union (Open February 2013) Will be visiting the shard as one of the first to experiece the exclusive ‘View From The Shard’ with a champagne reception and party on the 69th floor in the viewing gallery. I’ll be joining press from around the world to preview the 2013 Thomas Sabo and meeting the new Brand Ambassadors. The Shard is on London Bridge Street and I could not be more excited. This trip is all my fav things, travel, press, social, and media.  Not to metion how charming English accents are! I’ve talked about going to London for years now and it’s HAPPENING! I’ll be documenting it all on Instagram and right here. Dan Witchalls Base Jump from The Shard: This is awesome. I can see myself getting into base jumping at some point.   If you had one day ONLY to yourself in London, what would you do? LMK! <3 CASIE

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