Sassoon Style: Summer Wedding Season

Last week I stopped by Sassoon Toronto for my regular trim. My hair is lower maintenance since I opted for highlights last month instead of full bleach & tone. I really like what’s going on with my two-tone hair, it’s still blonde, has some texture, and is my natural colour at the back. For my touch-up cuts in between colour, I’ve been seeing Tricia for a quick trim. She usually does a few snips while the hair is wet, then does scissor-over-comb (SOC) while my hair is dry to finish off the look. It’s amazing how a quick trim makes you feel so refreshed!  Summer Wedding Hair Tips from Sassoon Toronto I love summer and wedding season is the perfect chance to get all dolled up. I would wear this dress to every wedding this summer, it makes me feel great and always gets compliments. It’s my ‘feel good’ dress of Summer 2018! I chatted with Tricia about the perfect summer wedding hair and got a few tips from Sassoon Salon’s creative directors Lorraine McAndrew and Wesley Hanlon. Keep it fresh Tricia’s reco is to get a fresh haircut/trim/colour touch-up one week before the big day. If you have short hair like me, opt for a blow-dry on the day of. A professional just has the magic touch to give your hair some OOMPH. Hot Tip: For added shine ask for a personalized in-salon Kerastase Fusio-Dose treatment.  “Shine is key for ensuring your hair looks healthy from every angle,” – Lorraine McAndrew, Sassoon Salon senior creative director Styling Requirements If you’re going for a braid or pretty up-do, your hair should be clean, but DO NOT wash it the day of the event. Wash the night before to keep your hair’s natural oils intact, you’ll be able to count those curls, waves, or up-dos holding better and looking great…

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Winter on the Outside, Summer on the Inside

Oh man, did you get a shock when you woke up this morning? I opened my curtains to see that the patio door had a layer of icy frost! Damn. It’s cold out there. Broke out the winter boots and warm jacket. Here we go guys, it’s winter. I’ve been a little off my game this week. Maybe I’m coming down with something? Slept in more than usual today and went to bed at 10 last night which is pretty early for me. I didn’t even make yoga once this week. I also ate so much crap I probably gained 5 damn pounds! We’re closing the cottage this weekend and I’m not looking forward to it. I wish we could keep it open all winter! I know I said I like the closing duties but once winter hits, it’s all bittersweet. I’m heading to have lunch with April and I always feel energized when we hang out.  Stay warm out there my friends! Keeping this quote in my thoughts today and sending sunshine in your general direction through the internet. In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. – Albert Camus  

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So Long Sweet Summer 2017 ☀️

This weekend was so lovely. Spent a bunch of time sitting outside staring at the lake. Went out on my stand-up paddleboard. Had a great BBQ and family dinner. Pie and Kawartha Dairy vanilla ice cream. Slept in. Took naps. New book. Drank hot coffee & read magazines in the still morning sun. The weather was the best we’ve had all summer. Let’s hope we have a few more great days. Soak up that sunshine. Let it charge your batteries! Here’s to a great week!

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Hot Fun in the Summertime! 

It was SOOOOO nice out yesterday. Biked down to the office. Put in some directors notes on a spot then packed up and met Lauren in the park. There were heaps of people hanging out and enjoying what’s left of summer. This weekend we’re up at the cottage for what is looking like the best weekend of the year. Got a cute mani yesterday. Can’t wait to take my SUP board out on the lake.  Here’s to a great weekend w/ lots of laughs, love, and sunshine! ☀️❤️✌?

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Long Live Summer Chill Vibes

Sat out on my patio w/ some wine thinking about the last few months. It’s been nice to spend the last two weekends in the city but most my summer weekends were at the cottage. I’ve mentioned a whole bunch this year how I’ve been working hard to maintain balance. With social media and the life I’ve created surrounding it, it’s hard to keep balance. I’ve actually had to learn and discover what balance means for me. Part of that has been yoga, reading more books, and getting to bed earlier. At the start of August Sean, and I spent a glorious 11 days at the cottage. We had a few nice days and it rained for 5 days in a row. It didn’t even bother me because I watched 2 entire seasons (Ozark + OITNB5) and read three whole books (How to Murder Your Life, The Killing Circle,  The Currency of Love). Each was a different story that took me to another place or made me think about my own life in a new way. I’m looking forward to September, the change of seasons always brings a new energy, change of pace. Autumn is great for layering outfits. I ordered a few great items online that should *hopefully* all arrive in time for TIFF. Next week is going to be really busy with the film festival and Toronto Fashion Week. I’ve got tickets to a couple films and fashion shows along with a few gifting lounges. I will be documenting EVERYTHING. I live for/love this time of year. It’s a chance to see heaps of colleagues, friends, and media related people I don’t see in my day-to-day stuff the rest of the year. SUMMER FOREVER / LONG LIVE SUMMER Shoutout to Jacob’s Creek winery from Australia. They sent over a few of…

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Summer Nights, Shining Lights, Pure Delight

New robe. Obsessed. I feel so fancy sauntering around the cottage in it. Find it here.  I was sent an item as a gift from SheIn a couple week ago and have since ordered so many things. I spend most days up here in a bathing suit or yoga pants. A robe is about as fancy as my cottage wear gets haha.  Will be spending a few hours this afternoon reading on the dock in the sunshine. I’m starting ‘The Currency of Love’ a memoir by Jill Dodd, founder and original designer of ROXY. I was intrigued after reading this in the press release: While working as a struggling model, she fell in love with Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi businessman and one of the wealthiest people in the world. Caught up in a world of private jets, diamonds, and cocaine, she became one of Khashoggi’s “pleasure wives,” only to later learn that she’d been part of a carefully plotted scheme for a negotiated price. In other news, we just got a new hot tub up here and will be taking the first dip tonight! I love summer and vacation so much. I feel like we really needed this getaway. Hope you are having a great weekend. Take some time for yourself. Remember to put your phone down be in the moment. I’m taking my own advice, signing off, and grabbing my Kindle to sit outside!

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