21 Days Till the New Year – Why Wait to Make a Change?

Went for my first yoga class in a while today. I feel so good. Found a studio that’s a 7min walk and beside a great coffee shop. I also downloaded a countdown app for my next trip (California!) and set a countdown till the New Year. There’s 21 days till 2017 and since it’s been such a sh*t year for heaps of reasons, I’m gonna try and make the last bit really great. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? In case you’re just tuning in, I had breast reduction surgery this summer and have been a bit slow getting back to it. The recovery was not too long/hard but big stretches with arms over the head were not in my favour. I did some aerial yoga about 3 months after but not full on yoga-yoga. Plastic surgery is something that I had been thinking about for a long time so I made sure to do as much research as I could before committing to a procedure. One of my friends has recently had a breast reduction operation at the luxurgery facility in New York. I cannot wait to meet up with her soon so we can swap stories about our procedures. Today was the day. Registered for a noon class at YOGA YOGA and set out to make it a good one. A couple weeks months ago I picked out some great yoga gear from the new Gaiam website as a gift from the brand. THANK YOU! Today I opened all the packages and put on new stuff for class. WOO HOO. YOGA YOGA is a vinyasa yoga studio in the Junction Triangle super close to my house. Had it not been a snow storm I’d totally have been there in 2mins via bike. Felt good to stretch. The class was warm…

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Auchentoshan + Sam Roberts Band at Common Sort

I’ve been a fan of Sam Roberts Band since the debut album with ‘Don’t Walk Away Eileen’ and those long glorious locks he had . Each summer he closes out Labour Day weekend at the Kee to Bala in Muskoka and we usually take a crew from the cottage. They’re a really good live band, amazing acoustic, and even better up close! This weekend, Sean and I were guests of Auchentoshan Whisky for a private meet & greet + acoustic show at Common Sort. It was honestly so fun and I finally got to MEET SAM ROBERTS. YAY! (I posted an excited selfie on Twitter.) The show was at 5pm and we arrived a bit early to sample cocktails from Auchentoshan. Sean’s dad loves this brand. I quite enjoy whisky in the winter, a nice sipper to warm you up on a cool night. Auchentoshan is single malt Scotch whisky, triple distilled near Glasgow, Scotland. The band played a few tunes then took requests from the crowd. As you can see I was RIGHT up close. There were a couple kiddos jamming in front of me and a huge crown behind. Hit play on these tweets to watch!  Uhhh @samrobertsband is so good. Thanks for this @CommonGood @Auchentoshan! ?? #distilleddifferent pic.twitter.com/gvSCKrjLdW — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) December 3, 2016 Don't walk away Eileen! ? @samrobertsband w/ @Auchentoshan ✌?️ #distilleddifferent pic.twitter.com/A8heTxTrLZ — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) December 3, 2016 After the show, Sam (first name basis now heh heh) grabbed his drink and walked right down to the kids for photos. I gave him a cheers and said ‘that was great’. I felt a bit like a dork but whatever!  A day before the show I posted a giveaway on Twitter for 2 VIP tix to join us. My winner was Stephanie, aka @stefiedrew from the internet who writes  ‘The Tallest…

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Work Hard. Play Hard. Sleep Easy. Join The #DreamWaterHoliday Twitter Party Wednesday 8pm! $500+ IN prizes

Nothing like a good sleep, eh? Last month was really hectic with lots of travel and tbh, it made me so tired. Different time zones, hotels, sleep patterns, it really tuckers you out. Wednesday at 8pm I’m hosting Twitter party w/ Dream Water Canada and I’d love you to join. We’ve got $500 in prizes including a $250 spa package. We could all use a little pampering this time of year!   Tickets are free and I’m asking you register your Twitter handle so we can contact winners with no stress.  Powered by Eventbrite I usually travel with melatonin to regulate my sleep/help me feel refreshed and this summer I tried out another herbal supplement called Gaba Gaba. A couple weeks ago I was sent a few samples of Dream Water which contains both supplements and 5-HTP that helps them all work better together. The first time I tried it, I noticed I started to feel sleepy in about 10-15 and was out like a light in I’m guessing 20 (idk I fell asleep lol). Dream Water is a tiny into a 2.5oz shot with the ingredients below and sweeter. I first saw it in the USA but you can find it here now at Shoppers, Walmart, and select retailers. If you have any experience with Dream Water or questions LEAVE A COMMENT! It feels so nice to say that after not having comments for over a year. It’s like the phone lines are open again!   Tonight I’m going to see Ross Petty’s ‘Sleeping Beauty‘ then going home to drink some Dream Water. ??

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Travel | Escape & Discover – A Surprise Weekend in Sudbury, ON

This summer I went on a really fun adventure with Ford Canada. They sent us these great luggage bags and told us to pack for a weekend. We had no idea where we were going and in my fret of nervousness the night before, went crazy I decorated my bag. In a group of 20 or so bloggers, it wasn’t hard to know where my bag was at all times. Dare to be different! ??? They sent a driver to pick me up bright and early on a Saturday morning when I was whisked off to a Ford Dealership to meet the gang and find out what was going on. After some snacks & coffee it was time for the reveal. I was handed an envelope with this card and a boarding pass. I did NOT think we would be going anywhere by airplane. Good thing I didn’t pack full size lotions! My team and I jumped in our next car and went straight to Porter Airlines. It felt a bit like The Amazing Race when 4 groups all went separate ways to different destinations. There was a Comicon happening downtown in Sudbury that weekend. Noticed a lot of really cool street art. The paper is called the ‘North Bay Nugget’ ? ?. Went for a hike in the Duchesnay Falls. Ate a seriously huge poutine. We spent the night at a great little 3bdrm beach house bed & breakfast on the lake. We had planned to try loads of water sports and I had packed my wet suit and my dryrobe equivalent, but after a toe-dip inspection we decided it was a no go. The water was pretttttty cold. I had been to Sudbury as a kid but I didn’t remember much. It was pretty neat to see the…

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Tech | Canada’s Leading Digital Media: NextMedia + Digi Awards 2016

Last week I was a speaker at NextMedia, Canada’s leading digital media conference. the 2 day conference focusses on creation, distribution, and monetization of digital media content and technology. Our panel, moderated by Amber Mac, was Blurred Lines: Best Practices for Disclosing Paid Content. I’ve mentioned it a few times how this is a hot topic. My thoughts are that if you are working with someone or got the product/thing as an in-kind donation or gift,, just say so. If you always work on things you genuinely like, being authentic is easy. This isn’t a great photo but it was a memorable moment. Jake said people who will just work for any brand and do it for the money are ‘brand whores’. It’s hard to trust someones opinion if they don’t really have one and they’re just slingin’ stuff at you all the time. Discussing the #BlurredLines on #Disclosure of #Paid #Content via new #Advertising Standards #Rules ☠️ #nextMEDIA16 #handshake A photo posted by Kevin September (@septembersphere) on Nov 10, 2016 at 7:49am PST Amber asked me to be a presenter at the Digis which is the award show closing out the conference.  In it’s 10th year, the awards celebrate Canada’s most successful digital media companies and creators. I wasn’t nervous at all until it came time for rehearsal and I had to read a teleprompter. Which, by the way, was easier than I thought! I presented the award for Best Branded Content. The winner was Lilly & The Snowman from Cineplex. In other news, I left getting a dress to the last minute. So, I popped over to my go-to girls at Studio Fitzroy to rent something. Remember in the summer when I blogged about their dress rentals? That biz was SO SUCCESSFUL they’ve opened a dress rental spot on Dundas West.…

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Tech | Sharing My Love of eReading + Win a Kobo in Our Twitter Chat!

Back in April I worked with Kobo and got my first eReader. TBH I Hadn’t really ready any books in ages and thought, maybe this is my gateway to the love of reading I’ve kinda lost. Well, it was. This is the kind of brand partnership work I truly love, something that fits perfectly. I read heaps of books growing up and since getting my Kobo I’ve read more in 5 months than I have in 5 years. I can’t deny my love this little thing!  ❤️Its been on all my trips, spent summer at the cottage, and is often found in my purse. I read 10 books on it over the summer alone. This weekend I finished my 12th book since April. I will always love paper books, I’ve got stacks, but there’s this new joy for e-reading that I’ve really come to enjoy. So, onto the next bit of info on how YOU can get a Kobo eReader too. Daniel (dothedaniel.com) and I are hosting a 1 hour Twitter Party with Kobo to celebrate the Giller Prize nominees on Wednesday this week at 8pm. Pour yourself a cuppa and join in the fun. We’ve got 6 Kobo eReaders to give away! REGISTER for the Twitter Chat on Wednesday at 8pm ET Powered by Eventbrite Also, if you’re feeling creative and want an extra shot at a Kobo eReader and $500 – write a haiku inspired by any of the 6 books on the 2016 Giller Prize shortlist. I’m currently reading The Best Kind of People and this is my haiku poem entry. Revolver you will never know terror hiding behind walls of a broken heart by Casie Stewart

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