Day 447: Cover Me In Sunshine

Went for a 4km run in the woods this morning while listening to Effortless by Greg McKeown on Audible. The book was recommended by a colleague and I’m really enjoying it. Great perspectives on work, life, and living a joyful life. Was a pretty relaxing day, beautiful weather. Spent a good amount of time reading in the sun, I started That Summer by Jennifer Weiner after Jen recommended it. I hadn’t picked up my kindle in ages and it was so nice to just sit and read. How great is this IG filter? Imagine I had this many tattoos. I bet mum will see this and be like ‘OMGGGG’. Ha! Cover me in sunshine, cover me in tattoos, I’m happy!

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Day 446: Live Music in the Sun

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Day 428: Family Day at the Cottage

Lovely family day at the cottage. We all worked together to get the place ready for summer. Emily spent a chunk of the day power washing the concrete and it looks so nice. I set up a herb garden in our new planter box that Sean out together. Decided my garden gloves were too boring and added a few Hayley Elsaesser iron-ons to make them a little more fun. We set up one of the patio sets near the woodpile for another sitting area. I started listening to Seth Rogen‘s new book ‘Yearbook‘ on Audible. It’s so funny! Highly recommend. Absolutely LOVE this Hinza Tote I ordered from The Curator’s Shop. My sister’s childhood BFF Leah Mackie started The Curator’s Shop with a friend and they have all kinds of boxes you can order filled with gifts. We’re heading back downtown tonight so I can be home for work tomorrow. Emily has been doing school at her mum’s so we’ll drop her off on the way. Here’s to a good week!

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427: Sun’s Out!

Had a nice run this morning, I love running in the woods! I am obsessed with my Apple Watch and love the notifications and positives vibes from Nike Run Club. Sun’s out! Spent some time reading in the sun and working on my tan. It’s amazing how this weather can make your mood. Sean, Em and I worked artound the cottage getting it ready for summer. At night we had a nice fire, listened to music, and roasted marshmallows as the sun went down. I am living for this weather!

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425: Better Days Are On Their Way

Had such a nice bike ride today after work. Went over to see April and hang out in the backyard. I’ve been loving these warmer temps and wearing cute clothes. We walked about 5km from her place, up to Dundas, to Bathurst, and back along Queen West. The trees are all starting to bloom and it will be summer in no time. Don’t lose hope, better days are on their way. Sending you love from the internet, have a great day!

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Day 422: Ray of Sunshine

Had a nice dip in the lake this morning. Things are in bloom; trees are growing leaves, flowers blooming, birds singing. ? This is my absolute favorite mug, Sasha got it for me ages ago in LA. The compliment I love most is being called a Ray of Sunshine or in this case Ray of F**king Sunshine. ? We’re still at the cottage and gonna stay a few more days. Sean got a new wireless router that will make it easier for us both to work from the cottage. Hoping we can spend a lot of time up here this summer. ☀️ Hope your week is off to a great start!

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