$2 Short To Take Over The World

That would be he name of a song in my band if I had a band and wrote songs. I can write but I don’t write many songs. I used to write prose and poetry before I had a blog and that made me very happy. A blog is like a long poetic story, this one about my life. I hope it goes on forever and I will go back and read it, living it over and over again. Each day as if it happened yesterday. A romance. There was something disarming about his smile. I gave him my last cigarette in trade for this photo. I shouldn’t smoke anyways. It’s gross. Tomorrow night I am seeing a band. A band I did not know, but a band I know now. They are called Blind Pilot and they are from Portland. Thank you to my friend Jonathan for being a legit hipster who knows bands ,for opening my ears to this lovely sound. They are playing the dinner at the Ford Design conference. You might like them too. I do.  [arve url=”https://youtu.be/8qyoxYEM3mI”]  

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Stargazer Take Me for a Moonwalk

This is so true. I made this post of all the tabs I just had open. The internet is so much more fun than cleaning your room. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 6, 2012 My plan was to close all the tabs, get off the computer and clean my room BUT, SATC is on the W Network and I can really do it tomorrow when the sun is out. Right? I once tried on that beautiful Tibi dress from the start of SATC at Rent Frock Repeat once. I loved it. Don’t forget to look at the moon tonight. Biggest one this year, SUPERMOON. Remember the supermoon last year. That was a very magical night. GoDaddy Email Kink Engineering Latex Four tabs on Facebook O’Nizzle on Epilogger at ROFLcon in Boston   My favorite #mbfwa snap by @facehunter feat @margaret_zhanginstagr.am/p/KQ7gtvvH_N/ — Geneva (@apairandaspare) May 6, 2012 The Big Smoke – Marijuana March in Toronto, photos from CBC. I forgot! haha Visual diary of Facehunter photographerYvan Rodic and his Instagram. Photo of Ruby Rose at MBFW Australia last week. I love her.  Banff Media Blogger contest Gmail Rides – Dirtywork show, interactive murder cleanup crime show Gracie Carol fashion blog Three Twitter Velvet tees maxi dresses  Reo Stevens & Keahi De Aboitiz Kitesurfing In Bali Unbrelievable.com by Breana Wired w/ Shoplocket feature Shoplocket signup. Made an account Souls of My Shoes blog by Kimberly Independent Fashion Bloggers Fair Compensation Manifesto – If you are a PR or blogger, read it. Gala Darling‘s blog w/ cute video for the Starbucks Frappuccino Signature Style Series!  Watch it here. Funky music, adorable style. Tumblr – mine, Kink’s Luchas, YouTube about my name Google Calendar Photo from Toronto Fashion Incubator’s 25th Anniversary at the Royal Ontario Museum by Omar Leslie viddy.com/casiestewart  My Instagram photos on Statigram Three WordPress…

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Penny Drive!

This is Will. Will is amazing. Watch his story. He’s having an impromptu Penny Drive for his 75km Ride for Heart June 3rd in Toronto. I would love you to help me ‘show your roll’ and donate to Will’s Ride for Heart. I dare you to watch this any not cry. I’m off to High Park to support a friend in the Harry Rosed run for prostate cancer. It’s beautiful & sunny out. Enjoy the day. Bon weekend! <3 CASIE

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TTC Tales: I’m trapped.

We came to an erect halt and everyone looked around in wonder. That’s not supposed to happen. I can see the train moving on the tracks beside us, but in the opposite direction. The business men beside me are talking about resort skiing through powder and trees. I used to ski. I’m dressed like one of their kids. First thought in my mind is “we got a jumper”. Morbid I know. I blame TV for that. We hear mumbling over the loud speaker and I instantly think of 1984. My mind races and I imagine being trapped down here. I’m glad I have coffee and an almost full bag of Reece’s Pieces minis to tie me over. iPhone is full battery. I forgot headphones. I begin to feel a familiar pain in my chest, anxiety. I remember I have cigarettes and a lighter and I know it’s no smoking but if I never get out of here, I will die happy. The train begins to move. My heart beats normal again. The skiing man smiles at me and we’re moving. The end. * I wondered why the subway was above ground and realized I got so into my story, I missed my stop. Rosedale to Wellesley here I come.

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Blog Life: Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #6

Today was a really busy business day and all I feel like doing is getting a huge slice of chocolate cake and sitting on the couch. It’s my fav night for TV, Criminal Minds & Modern Family. I want to shut my brain off but there is no brain off button. I didn’t blog today until now which usually gives me anxiety but to I just didn’t really feel like today. I tweeted, had my hair done and went to a PR event. I made a couple drafts but nothing made it to publish. I’ve been reading poetry while I watch TV that I wrote years ago. I used to write all the time. Did you know I was a published author in 1996? I co-wrote an anthology of poetry and prose. Lots of work from 2003-2008 lives on MySpace in a far away blog from many moons ago. I’ve been thinking about sharing it here, I just might 😉 Updated the old drawing blog Borderline Artistic too. It’s gettin’ artsy around here ladies & gentlemen.  Rogers included part of this old video on my episode last night, which was amazing by the way. Super humbled by the whole thing. I can’t wait to show you. Enjoy! ♥ CASIE Wind Lift The wind lifts a tissue, Roughly tosses it up and around Sharply throwing it to the ground. It races thought people on the street Catching on things as it passes And things it meets. It rises and meets the sky, Gets caught. Finds love.

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Its lovely outside today but tonight we’re getting a snow storm and winter will be back here.. I’m made the most of a beautiful day by biking on a Bixi downtown. Weeeee! Jacket: Mubaa leather, Holts Shoes: Ego & Greed, Solestruck.com Shirt: Joe Fresh Overalls: H&M Glasses: Vintage from NZ Lipstick: Kate for Rimmel in Rosetto Today TWO crazy awesome things happened today… (remember when I used to ALWAYS say ‘crazy awesome’) … Anyhoo, CTS, my fav vintage shop ever, reopened today and it looks SO NICE. Also, Lauren and I also went to a Mill. The best mill in town!

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