Tech | Buffer Festival Industry Day 2014

About a week ago I attended the first ever Buffer Festival Industry Day. Here’s a quick little snip of some of  my fav moments! It was great listening to top YouTubers talk about their experiences in brand building and projects. I was right up front to admire Harley from Epic Meal Time’s beard. He was my fav on the panel and it was neat to hear how the Epic Meal Time brand has evolved. A couple years ago I was at a Biz Media party and the team from Epic Meal time was there (blog post here w/ photos). They made a bacon volcano and bacon roses to go along with a suite of other epic meat creations. There was a meat photobooth too. I arrived just in time to catch my friend Brad Ford from Contiki chatting about brands, fans, and influence.  This is one of my fav topics and it was cool to hear how the other brands were working with influencers. I can speak first hand about the awesome job Contiki has done in connecting with ambassadors to tell their brand story.  I’m working on a little something new with Contiki but no details just yet…you’ll know soon enough! Take a look at my adventure to Thailand with them last year here. This was an awesome event for anyone looking to beef up their knowledge of how to make it on YouTube. I can only imagine how much the landscape will change by the time Buffer Festival rolls around next year. Something not to be missed! Hope your week is good. I’m off to the OBEY Clothing spring preview then to hang out with Globe Style and Sophie Kinsella, author of the Shopaholics series. Have an awesome day! CASIE

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Artness is All Around You

Saw a bunch of artistic things around today as I was out walking. One kinda crazy thing I saw was this let of kids mannequin legs out for the trash bin. Naturally, I snapped a photo and posted on Instagram. My friends at the AGO regrammed my photo as part of their #isartalien pop up. As I was on my way back to the office after lunch I saw that a mad had picked UP THE LEGS and was taking them somewhere. I creepily snapped this photo to document. You know how I do! Hopefully he is using them as a sculpture or something artistic… Somebody FOUND THE LEGS. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 15, 2014 This table is at Ravi Soups, I thought it looked lovely with the chairs and floor pattern. The floor in there was super slippery from the rain so I was concentrating on it quite a bit. These guys are workin’ on the railroad near our house. All the live-long day. My rose coloured glasses seem to add a brightness to everything despite the dreary rainy day. I’m really looking forward to the weekend. More than ever, really. I feel like I need a vacation, even if only for a few days. Sending sunshine your way! <3 CASIE

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On Wednesdays We Wear Pink | No Bully #DayofPink

Oh hey I’m wearing pink. Last Wednesday I wore my ‘you can’t sit with us’ shirt. Not really appropriate for the ‘anti-bullying international Day of Pink’. Beautiful day out. Gap khakis & cardigan Zara pink rose shirt Standing O Accessories bracelet H&M trench coat Toms shoes Glasses from my travels

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Hope your day is filled with love and chocolates and besties and flowers and sunshine. When I arrived home from my Justin Timberlake experience last night my amazingly wonderful BF Sean surprised me with roses, an über cute card, and jewellery from Vivienne Westwood. He knows me so well and always gets the most thoughtful gifts! ILU HONEY! ♥ Today Ryan Gosling showed up to give me a kiss! Straight from the Internet. Lucky girl! We had tacos for lunch at work and XOXO cakes ! Chocolates delivery from Motorola! Obvs shared w/ workmates. House of Cards IS BACK! Netflix sent me a love note and candy hearts that are House of Cards. Love! Much love from the Internet across the world wide web from my heart to yours. ♥ ILU! ♥ CASIE * top photo by the ever so talented Becca Lemire! citalopram no prescription fucidin no prescription lasix no prescription ventolin inhaler no prescription

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Love Is in Air, The Freezing Cold Air

Love is in the air this week! I adore Valentines Day mostly because hearts are my fav print, flowers, cinnamon hearts, and presents. Last year my bf surprised me with a gift from Tiffany’s and I’ve been wearing it since. Nothing really planned this year bc Sean is shooting a commercial this weekend and I’m shooting a new YouTube series I’m in with Cuisinart. Snapped these on my way into the office w/ GoPro this morning. When is it every going to get warm? I’m so sick of winter. Photos with rose filters and hearts seem to brighten things up. Gloves/Glasses – ALDO,  Hat Parkhurst,  Coat/Shoes – Nasty Gal, Pants – Express  Hope your day is good. Here’s some love songs for you 🙂 ♥ CASIE

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War of the Words | Toronto Poetry Slam

On Saturday I went to my first Poetry Slam w/ Vanessa Grillone and her cousin. It was so awesome! I ended up being one of the judges. When I was 14 I published an anthology of poetry and prose so this was super neat.

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