if this was your last year to live, would you live it out?

I was sitting on the couch last night and I caved, I purchased the official replica of this ring. Fan girl, crazy, call me what you want. I love her and the Royal Wedding is one thing I really love. I will 100% be up watching despite the time difference. One of the best things about having a blog is keeping memories. I found this one post title “you wouldn’t believe me if i told you” from 2009. I had been asked to go to this fashion show for Puma and in my post after it I wrote: I’d love to do something else for Puma downtown or online please! I’m thinking something that involves me and clothes/shoes/accessories. Thank you, love Casie. Pretty neat I’m doing something with them now. Found this old post from May 2009 when I worked in Liberty Village. The title is a quote I was happy to find “the trouble with jogging is the ice falls out of your glass”. I like this video. Our Puma Social video from last night will be done this week. Stay tuned, you’ll see it here. Where am I, do you know? Oh, did you hear? DB & Posh Spice are having a baby girl. Breaking news via twitter. That kid is gonna be the most awesome, well, potentially. Let’s hope she get’s the right mix of both their looks. Speaking of looks…looks skinny & sexy to me. The SXSW launch of iPad 2 today must have been really fun. This is the Mashable video. I’d like to do more reporting. I really enjoy that. I’ve got a heart on for a new iPad2 and I think Andy knows already. After reading all about it, I’m not gonna rush out for it since I’ve got first gen already. I’ll be…

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sometimes victory is a phone number

Last night was amazing. I will tell you more about later because being an after hours athlete I slept half the day. I’ve gotta run to a meeting now. VP of Puma told me I am amazing and Puma Social is one of Forbes magazine’s most creative campaigns of the year. Talk about WINNING. Ok, more later. Bye 🙂

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thursday feels like friday, i’m ready for the weekend

I wear this on my head all the time. Not for any religious reason or anything, makes me feel safe/good with head/ears covered. I googled ‘covered head sacred brain’ and the first link was something to do with Kabbalah. I just got a new red string. I remmeber this guy I knew, Andre and he always wore a hat, he was a spiritual healer and said he could feel energy going out his head when it was exposed. I dunno if that is true but I kinda like it. This my sh*t: laptop, ipad, cute face, android, glasses. Thanks internet.I lugged my mini-mobile office to 1188 and the hair salon the other day. Not too heavy and I like having all my gadgets. Mac & PC, I go bothways now. Does anyone know if I can return these babies to the Doc store on Queen where I got them? Some of the stitching is has come undone. I think the lifetime warranty is on the sole only. Here goes hair cut, shop chop. That is Darren, check out his salon facebook.com/darrenkwikstudio. He has been doing my hir for about three years and he is VERY good. My hair is extreme high maintenace and tricky so he can surely do a good job on yours. Salon is on Queen Street across from Parkette & Oyster Boy near Bellwoods. Call him, tell him you are my friend 416 361-1016. I love getting my head shaved. I feels so good. Captured it this time. Tonight I’m on location for the Puma Social event. My call time is 8pm, I reckon peeps be arriving 9:30 and on. It’s gonna be realllllly fun. This was where the last video we shot started on Queen Street. Tonight is going to be waaaaaaaay crazlier and full of…

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have you seen the YMCA commercial w/ kids singing to the tune of ‘lua’ bright eyes?

I was watching a movie on BRAVO and a YMCA commercial came on that caught my ear. It was a child singing a song to the tune of Lua by bright Eyes. This struck my attention because I really like that song and was very surprised to hear it associated with a child and the YMCA. If you’ve never heard it, listen for the first time. “Lua” is a single by Bright Eyes released in October 2004. Originally appearing on the album, I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning, the song deals with two people as they struggle through depression, addiction, and an interminable night.[1] Conor Oberst appears alone on the track, on vocals and acoustic guitar. First thing I did was google “lua bright eyes ymca commercial” and I found this tweet: Verse 4 & 5: You’re looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black You just keep going to the bathroom always say you’ll be right back Well it takes one to know one, kid, I think you’ve got it bad But what’s so easy in the evening, by the morning is such a drag. I’ve got a flask inside my pocket we can share it on the train If you promise to stay conscious I will try and do the same We might die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain But what was normal in the evening, by the morning seems insane. I mean, I like the song but for it to be associalted with the YMCA when the song is about drinking and late night ‘partying’ makes me go HMMMMMMMMMMMM. Amiright? Wonder if YMCA is aware of this? Perhaps is was done on purpose. In other news, my boy Tony Pierce in LA blogged the Puma Social video and is surprised at…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I was hijacked “@casiestewart: @jedgar <3 🙂 🙂 🙂 <3” # #bornthisway (@ Air Canada Centre w/ 22 others) http://4sq.com/hK9UDv # quarter chicken white w/ fries, diet coke (@ Swiss Chalet) http://4sq.com/fBaoIs # RE: Thanks they are Doc Martens Triumph edition. Got them at the Doc store Queen/Spadina in Toronto. So my fav! http://disq.us/1bm7hh # FYI http://twitpic.com/45scsu # This would be better if I could find my stylus. #firstworldproblems http://twitpic.com/45sc38 # bi-sexual is really bi-winning eh @charliesheen. #winning #epic # So excited to not just drive but #cruze tomorrow. Snip of the commerical filmed in my neighbourhood & describes the car as #winning EPIC! # I can't believe @victornewman. Wow. #yandr # Want RT @wired: What? Your child's bedroom doesn't have a walk-in pirate ship mounted on the ceiling? Bad parent. http://wrd.tw/exepGH # Photo: more winning via life: On What He’s On › “I am on a drug. I’s called Charile Sheen. It’s not… http://tumblr.com/xmj1nxhqeq # Photo: this eye makeup is stunning http://tumblr.com/xmj1nxd3rr # Photo: gothiccharmschool: http://tumblr.com/xmj1nxd1zq # Photo: doinwork:#winning http://tumblr.com/xmj1nxd0x4 # RE: @SidewalkHustle wow. hotness. i love that Stam so hard. http://disq.us/1bhjqr # did you see this ASS CAm I posted yesterday? i SO wanna do this. http://bit.ly/hrJqZN # should i come visit your office with my new car tomorrow afternoon? #cruze #winning # ahem, you missed one. RT @GuyKawasaki: 10 women who secretly control the internet http://is.gd/ssfOt9 # just kidding. i'm already the boss. # I got a promotion! # RE: @Jarvisemerald my fav show http://disq.us/1bh2zg # RE: girl you know it's true http://disq.us/1bh2wq # two and a half men ringtone. need. asap. # connecting RT @clickflickca: Social Media is good for the soul. # cat nap. # According to @Klout, @charliesheen's Klout score is 88. #winning http://bit.ly/fCIdMT #fml # POPULAR MICROBLOGGING SITE # i wonder if @hipsterhitler…

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been training for this pretty much my whole life

Watch it. Lemme know what you think in comments. I was so nervous when I saw it last night for my first time. Gah! PUMA Social Toronto Afterhours from 1188 on Vimeo. Today I wrote about a Canadian hip hop artist in NYC named George Reefah for Z-List. Check it out here. Must get coffee/lunch! Byeeeeeeeeeee  

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