yesterday on twitter, this happened:

If you are close come by. (@ The Rhino w/ @picard102) # Babes trying on clothes for us (@ Buckler) # this was played during dinner at Campagnolo this weekend. love this song. ♫ # haiiiiiiiii @raymitheminx, what are you doing tonight? # Photo: THIS – is this the real life of is this just Fanta-sea # Photo: for @raymitheminx # omg Sense Appeal is at 699, at 700 we get free coffee! go like the shiz # Nadim at Sense Appeal is stylish, check his gear. # and yes dappleganger is a more dapper doppleganger # there is a dappleganger of @thedanlevy at Sense Appeal right now. # yay team! # i miss you @raymitheminx . we need a play date just you & me to catch up please! also gave gift for you xoxo # I liked a @YouTube video TEDxToronto 2010 Sponsor – The Working Group – Produced by The # Super cute extra long boyfriend cardi from @MarksWW w/ cowboys & jeans today # My friend @GuyKawasaki sent me a signed copy of his book! #blog # Love it here every day. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # oooh! Nice! RT @ShopBicyclette: Currently unpacking floral & denim rompers, a vintage-inspired lace trim dress & floral cardi’s #lovemyjob # i love ipad. # This is your daily reminder to vote for #ultimateblogger @shawnhawaii #winning #

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Philip Sparks FW 2011 – fashion week begins @burroughes

Models look prettier when they smile. Burroughes is good for parties, not as good for fashion shows. He did this pose for me and smiled right after. Eye contact. Glitter, Julio. I looked like a Nana. Vest knitted by a nana. Yannnnnnnnnnnno you giant, you totall missed Puma Social. Duh! Hi Tristan, nice hustle. Daniel and I worked together at Gap in Kitchener when I was 16. First job ever and to this day one of the very best. I made connections there that will last a LIFETIME. Work it gurllllllllll. Hey Hawley. The end. How much of a difference does my new camera make? Like a zillion. Thanks Olympus!

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it’s players like these that are the future

Last year about 20 people like you who ready this bloggy  joined me for a TFC soccer game.  It was so much fun. My friend Jonathan hooked it all up and if I’m good maybe we can do it again this summer. I’m going to my first game this season on May 7th, the daye before my birthday (mark that day in your calendar and set a reminder). I kid I kid. 😛 The TFC just signed four kids from their youth academy. Check out this special video just for me from 18 year old Matt Stinson. Am I a cougar yet? Actually, I’ll stick with Puma. Remember that other time Lights gave mama a shoutout. Love her too.

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never stop fighting.

Hello friends! Feels kinda Springy today, not that I’ve been outside or anything. Erin Leydon shot this of me in the summer. Amazing how the change in time, season, daylight really effects us humans. Oh science, you. CONFETTI! I have a confetti popper in my room and I so bady wanna pop it off the balcony one of these days. I will. Has to be sunny & a little windy to get what I’m looking for. Maybe I’ll save it for summer. I feel it getting closer… These photos are from tumblr, have you checked it before? It’s called OH CASIE and it’s mostly photos of pretty girls and stuff > I felt like a little Gwen today. I love her. I have all the Harajuku Girl parfums. I totally adored when she used to parade around with these harajuku babes. I’d love to do that too, naturally. Her outfits make me so happy, SUPA KAWAII. And these two, where do we even start, Gavin, such a babe. This hair makes me happy. Mine is growing on the top, slowly. I would so get extentions so I could have Gewn hair. So great. Remember waaaaaaaay back in like 2009 when I was obsessed with Aggy? I wrote about Aggy Style, her singing, and this one time she was all bruised up. Clearly I have a think for blondes with hair like me, haha. Haven’t seen her around much anymore. Wonder if she is still doing runway? She’s cute as ever still. Caught this recent snapshop on tumblr too. The Puma video is finshed and should be uploaded to their youtube anytime. JapanQuakeTO is coming together also. The site for that should be live later this afternoon.  I’ll share it all when it’s ready. Hope you have an awesome day!…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Sleeping with my clothes tonight 🙂 I love them, and you. #night # i ate all the chocolate fingers, cadbury. # translation is hard to read # i want to go bungy jumping. # A calculator is only as fast as it’s operator. # show me your teeth! #livefeed #gaga #smile #retainer # and the wieners winners are….@jedgar & jarvisemerald! #blog # #pumasocial vid will be up tomorrow, checkin’ their youtube channel, looks pretty neat. like the header # ‘brazen’ is a word I do NOT like. # whaaaa? #HelpJapan is a promoted tweet? PROMOTED BY WHO? # i’m glad i don’t have a twin. that would be TOO MUCH CASIE. # being the uglier twin is like pretty much, the worst. # also, he is the uglier twin. #bachelor # The #Bachelor loser is not good enough for that cute blonde one, he should pick brown hair. # who just typed BONG instead of BLOG. i think i know what mama needs. uh….blog coming right up 😉 # what browser do you use WP in and do you notice a difference? #blogger # #jeopardy time! # today i learned all about nuclear reactors. #

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can’t stop the hurt inside when love and plates collide

Yesterday I was going for coffee I found this in the elevator. It was just sitting there, a tag from an article of clothing made in Japan. Red, skulls, mastermind. To me, it was a sign that I need to do something. A bunch of us are planning #JapanQuakeTO, a fundraiser to be held March 31st. All proceeds donated to Red Cross in support of those affected by the latest destruction in Japan. If you would like to get involved with donations or anything, please let me/us know. Knife Toronto is donating proceeds this weekend to Red Cross. Located on Queen Street near Bathurst. Found this infographic really interesting, click to see in large form. Where will the next quake strike? Here’s lookin’ at you California. Weather & natural disasters are so crazy, fascinating, destructive, powerful. Also kinda interesting is that on Thursday night before I went out to Puma Social I Tweeted this: I have always wanted to go to Japan and the day after I tweeted that, destruction happened. My reasons for wanting to go have completely changed now. If I go it will be for relief efforts, not to ‘be big in Japan’. Amazing how a few hours can change so much. Last night I went to see Morgan play at Supermarket in Kensington for Canadian Music Week/Fest. He was good. I like his song ‘Let It Go’. Keep up the great work Morgan. Hope you have a really great day. I’m working in fundraising for JapanQuakeTO & a couple other things.   P.S. Love design for JapanQuakeTO is complete and the site will be live soon with a link to get tickets etc. I am so proud to live in a city of so many great people that we can pull together like this in a time of need.…

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