Relax & Recharge Dem Batteries, Girl.
I’ve been having a lovely relaxing day at home. I love Saturdays with no plans but home and the couch. Repaired some furniture, watched a few movies, sorted an array of business cards, and played Barbies with a mini munchkin. Movie marathon currently in progress so far we watched Hard Candy w/ Ellen Page, a psycho thriller and Waynes World. Next up looking for rom com and some foreign film to remind me of travelling. These photos are from my trip to our nations’s capital for Ottawa Fashion Week earlier this year. Have been using my camera less since I switched to iPhone and forgot about all kinds photos on it. Doh! In the spirit of being Canadian, this video sums up all aI learned about prohibition on my trip to the Canadian Club HQ last month. The infographc is on PR newswire and you can read some of the other kids write-ups about the tour on Sidewalk Hustle and It was done by the same film studio that did the vid I was in for Puma last year, 1188 Films. We had so much fun with this campaign, celebrating After Hours Athletes. Hey, sometimes a victory is making last call 😉 This vid was the promo for the event, which was one of my fav parties ever. See the party vid on Puma’s YouTube. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE
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