it’s important to have confidence.

This morning I shared a story about my childhood with my friends at Nella Bella. I popped in to say hello as I’d not seen them in a few and I love them. They made me retire my old most fav ever NB bag (tear) & hooked me up with a beauty new one. Thanks team <3 We were chatting about confidence and how important it is to have, especially for kids. We talked about dressing up our younger siblings and also how parents give their kids so much choice these days. What’s up with that anyways? [pause…here come the Mommy Bloggers. haha] When I was little Mum have me choice but not too much. She used to let me pick out my clothes and would lay two outfits on the bed for me to pick one to wear. Well, that wasn’t good enough for me. I’ve always been a creative so when Mum would lay out my outfits I’d mix them up together and make something new. One time I wore this orange shirt with green shorts and one orange/one green sock. Mum let me wear what I liked. One of the other Mum’s on our street said to her “Are you really gonna let her wear that?” All Mum said “If she feels confident wearing that then she can go for it!” Thank you Mum for being that way with me. She inspired a uniqueness that will never go away. Hope you have an awesome day. Do something nice for someone. It will inspire you 🙂   o 

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Tech | Social Media Day -Toronto is one of most most social in the world.

I’d like to think I had something to do with that. I kid, I kid. We’re SO online and our  Social media Day meetup is SO BIG that Mashable wrote about us today. We Toronto peeps know how to have fun. Get social baby. Props to Michael Nus & Dan Levy for putting this together. Last year I spoke about running the social media for MuchMusic & MTV Canada & this year I’m speaking about building a personal brand. Over 350 people are attending so it’s gonna, kinda a big deal. Wish Mum was here to see me in action. I’m sure someone will have on video. Last year I was JUST getting into speaking and has my hands in my pockets the whole time. Won’t do that again. What am I going to wear? I should really have planned this out. Hope to meet some new peeps & will for sure see a bunch of familiar faces. Looking forward to it. If you have any questions, ask away! Follow @casiestewart

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let the sun shine in.

We used to chill on the grass all the time when I was a kid. I love fresh cut grass. Was looking for a four leaf clover, those things are almost impossible to find. New Toms are rad & oh so cozy. Thanks Mum for the flowers. They’re all from her garden. People don’t really do that much here as compared to NZ I find. Nana could always pull together a boquet from her garden. Mum took a whole bunch to someone the day before too. I want that when I grow up, a beautiful garden. BTW Mum, the newspaper made my arm all black so when I got home I looked really skiddy. How cute is she?! Love you. Keri got to meet Mum first time. Think we might adopt her. It was so clear out across the Lake when I got home. I could see across to Rochester and it looked bright. So cool to see another country.  Heaps of Kiters on the South side of the island. I tried it once. Camped on the beach too. Hope you have an awesome day!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Rochester NY looks bright from my house. # What is THE INTERNET? # Photo: Got these bad boys from Mum’s. Nerd history artifacts. # “You’re a screen junkie. Stop checking.” # I always miss Jeopardy in the summer and my room is almost clean. What are you doing? # Say hello to my little friends! (I was scared TBH) # Yes 100% “@ETCanada: Do you think the #Newsweek cover of ‘Diana at 50’ is disrespectful? Vote:” # This Thursday Plantation from Aus is good for mozzy bites. Gently soothes big time. I’m covered & smell like one b # * do not get that tea tree stuff in your eye though. Omg kills. # My skin gonna be like a child w/ all these goodies! Thanks Mreadesso 🙂 # Summer reading, untold story of Diana. Middle name after her, Mum’s fav. # #teenagedream ! @brentwinsor # Mailbag! Wooo hoo. Omg @brentwinsor, mama coveren in glitter! <3 thank you xoxo # I’m back Toronto and you look smoggy! # Haha RT @garyvee: Stopping by the ATM ( have decided to buy Myspace ) # Lawn hang at Mum’s! RT @KeriBlog: It’s @casiestewart and me! # Found @keriblog at Mum’s house! # RE: @brentwinsor omg so excited! #TeenageDream come trueeeeeeeeeeee! # The History of Advertising on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC] – # Oh how I love @HeidiKlum! Check out her cover story: # Dad is building this sweet hot rod, called Rat Rod cause it stays rusty & rough looking # mum always says that one! “@itsbrownbarbie: “Never ASSUME, for it makes an ASS out of U and ME.” – Anonymous” # In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. # What Do You Love: Google’s…

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In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

Wowza, do I ever feel rested. It’s amazing what a vacation home to parents and heaps of sleep does for your soul & creativity. I’m ready to go back to the city today. Look at this cute face. Look again. My first recital at 5, I was a fluffy cloud. Keri is coming to visit Mum today and meet her for the first time. BFF meets Mama. I’m curious as to what she will say, usually people say we are quite alike. Mum is funny. He loves me. He loves me not. What does a flower know anyways? Heading back to the city later today. Caught up on emails & work while I’ve been home. So lovely. Ready to take on the world again! Tomorrow I’m going to Katy Perry! Woo hoo.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

excited for a great week. bon nuit! # watching “Friends with Money” on Netflix. Good movie so far, half way. # Photo: Aggy? # Photo: › *This relaxes me. Therefore I like it. # RE: @ValTorontoGal like, duh. “blog girl gets fat after being paid in chocolate bars” epic fail omgaga. # RE: @zachbussey Exactly! Last year I went to New Zealand for 2 weeks as VIP for #NZFW 10 bloggers from around the wo… # new photo is hot @danadearmond # RE: @dobbernation So many ways to integrate. I’m with you Andrew. Totally agree & great job BTW! # RE: @zachbussey It’s more about companies pitching 2-5 ‘top bloggers’ to do a campaign. I turned down one recently th… # The Dark Side of Successful Blogging # RE: @zachbussey Good post Bussey. You kinda missed my point though, I was saying there’s a difference in blogging abo… # ate the most delish ice cream. hope i don’t get a tummy ache. haven’t had real-cream ice cream in years. ahhh # Find happiness within. # Holykawwww this place is freaking amazing! (@ Marble Slab Creamery) [pic]: # Thinking of you @crystalgibson. #cupcake # “Dad, bluetooth has nothing to do with teeth” # Great start to a new week today! Excited 🙂 # BBQ #2 of the day @ Dad’s. Salad is fresh lettuce from garden. Woo hoo. # I would love to drive to the cottage this weekend. # So many mosquito bites omg. # Dinner w/ Dad tonight! #

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