Nella Bella FW 2012 Collection @ Urbanspace Gallery

Last night went to Nella Bella’s FW 2012 media reception. I’ve been taking NellaBella bags on all my travels, bike rides, festivals & fun for the last two years. They’re got lots of different shapes & styles this year. One of the designers for this collection, Andreas Kyriakos who started working with them at 15, he’s 16 now, but still,  he designed a whole batch of beautiful things. I got to catch up with a few really lovely girls I hadn’t seen in a while.  Thanks Raymi, you babe, for photos and Tarek for the invite. Can’t wait to get something new and BRIGHT! Bring on, SPRING on! My current fav is the KIEV bag in black (in photo but hard to see). It fits my 11 Macbook Air, camera and a few other necessities. Comes in handy when’re always on the go/working!  Shirt: Joe Fresh Cardi: GAP Pants: Bench – shopping trip! Hair: Ken Murphy Color Bug, Goody Accessories Shoes: Ego & Greed One things I love about clothes is the stories they tell. Links to the above items go to past posts wearing. Archives rule. Crashed my bike the day I got the Joe Fresh shirt, ordered shoes from Got GAP  cardi over holidays cruising vintagey shops in Cambridge with Mum. Tarek, Val Photos via WE REPRESENT THE LOLLIPOP GUILD  on   Walked home home with the Septembre & Bella. Made .gif with Loopcam, from Berlin! Check out Jessica’s post & pic here. It was really fun. Good night. Nice to see beautiful bags and smiling faces. The food was excellent and catered by The Daily Bread Food Bank’s catering campany. They put all the proceeds from catering, right back in. Been busier than ever planning and preparing things for SXSW. We have a new blog coming. I’m super excited. Let’s do this.  😉 <3 CASIE    

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This one time I sent a really mean valentine.

When I was in primary school this boy Adam really liked me. I was in grade 5, Mrs. Rolt’s class and he was in grade 4. I did not like Adam. I wasn’t a romantic then like I am now. (Mum is going to have a giggle when she reads this.) I made a bunch of valentines on our old computer to give to friends in my class and around school. They were quite lovely, beautiful actually,  I hand coloured the hearts by hand with pencil crayon. (This was back when printer’s were black & white and  the paper had holes on the sides.) I wrote recipients name & class number on valentines and cupid would deliver them by end of day. Well, my valentine for Adam was REALLY special. I coloured his in with special care and signed my name. Before sending I wrote “I HATE YOU” in bold pencil. I hated him. He was really mean to me all the time and I was really upset. It’s not nice to be picked on. As a creative person & writer this is how I dealt with the bully. It was not really the right way to deal, but, hey, I was in grade five and I didn’t know any better. The valentine did NOT go over well. I had a pending application to the leadership council and my Mum got a ring form the school and  was told how “that type of behaviour would not be tolerated” and I should not be a leader on the council.  Mum explained how he had been bullying me and I was upset and I was just a kid and I was a creative person and I had hurt feelings. I got let off the hook and joined the leadership council the following year. Adam was so sad at the…

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Morning! I’ve been added as a speaker to a second panel during Social Media Week and this one is probably the most personal talk I’ve even agreed to take part in. It’s about to get deep, we’re talking ANXIETY. One of the things that gives me the most anxiety and possibly you too, is not having money. I’ve gone through lots of ups & downs in my life and I don’t come from money so all I have, is all I’ve earned. When I returned from Australia I was so skinny from living on next to nothing I looked like Nicole in her anorexic days, not by choice. It’s hard to carve out a way to get paid for what you love doing. Especially as a creative person. Last summer I wrote a post about how you can’t pay me in chips or chocolate bars. I got sick and tired of people asking me to do work for them in return for things I don’t need. What would I do with a bunch of chips & chocolate? I go to the gym for a reason! Helloooooo. If they (whoever is asking) are getting a paycheque and are asking me to do work, I should get paid too. You wouldn’t believe some of the extreme things I get asked to to in return for ‘publicity’. I turn down way more than I accept. (That’s not to say I don’t love getting a few freebie’s along the way!) Lauren posted this video that’s an excerpt from an upcoming documentary on Harlan Ellison, “DREAMS WITH SHARP TEETH“. He’s an excellent writer and inspiring man. I’m sure you will enjoy it. My startup disk is full so I’ll be spending the afternoon moving TO THE CLOUD. Have a spectacular day. It’s lovely & sunny in Toronto 🙂

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Carla said we’d be sore after yesterday’s workout and she was right. She pushed me harder than ever before this time. “I wanna see more resistance from you”, that means next day burning. My muscles feel good right now, as in, I can really feel them. I love Jukari because it comes from Cirque du Soleil and combines resistance training with a dance like acrobatics. King West Fitness is a beautiful gym and I wish I went more often. I need a new bike. Going to the gym is not (really) part of my routein but I’m attempting to make it one. This time last year I was going to The Motion Room once a week. I got so in shape. I turn 30 in May and I want to be the most fit of my life, ever. Hot tub soak post workout yesterday was lovely. I’m going to hot yoga later today w/ Barbie.. I’m up for trying out any workout right now. I’m quite keen to do a martial arts workout. Y’know, a few rounds on the heavy bag. I have my green belt in Olympic style (WTF) Tae Kwon Do, did you know that? Mum is second dan black belt! I wonder what other workouts would be fun? Aerial silks were pretty rad. Next month I start ballet on Wednesday’s at The National. I can’t wait to be back in ballet! I’m catching up on season two of United States of Tara right now. We got US Netflix on my XBOX by changing the IP. Came across this 101 Photography tips just now, check it out, 101 of them from Improve Photography. HAVE A WONDERFUL SUNDAY 🙂

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You can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls.

Title is advice from Mum. She said that to me a few years ago when I was trying to sort out where I wanted to go with my life. I always thought I wanted to work in fashion, then I did. After that, I thought wearing a suit, working long hours and being part of the downtown financial district was my dream. I stayed in that job as an IT recruiter having meetings at 8am (yeah omg, it was hell) and 2pm every single day. I hated it so much (job not the people!). One day my boss said “Casie, it doesn’t seem like you are having fun?” I replied “No, I’m not having fun at all. I badly want to quit but I need two weeks pay”. I left at the end of that very day, cheque on the way and started a job at Toronto’s most famous Kiwi restaurant shortly after. I knew the owner (HI MARTIN) and that because of my Kiwi citizenship I had a bloody good chance of getting hired. Working in the bar gave me the freedom (and same money TBH) to do what I wanted with my time. It was stress free and I loved chatting to the regulars and new customers. I worked at Hemingways for a few months and met some really rad people, it was like a family there. One of my recruiter friends sent me on an interview and moved into a job in IT. I worked for an online casino (it was cool, we had catered lunches) for two years and despite almost getting fired for doing it, worked on my blog A LOT. If my old boss reads this he will totally be shaking his head. Thanks Mike! When they caught on to all my blog activity, I decided…

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Entrepreneurs Don’t Call in Sick, They Work

When you work for yourself you can’t really call in sick. I felt a bit of a cold coming on when I woke up so I’m going to work from bed today with hope of kicking this by tomorrow. In Boston this weekend and a cold is not an accessory I’d like to pack. Y’know what I’m sayin’? I’m cookin’ up lots of fun stuff to share with you over the next coming weeks. Thinking that my new classes from Clearly Contacts will arrive today. I might whip up a nice home made soup this afternoon. If you are AT ALL feeling sick here’s two cures from my darling Mum that will kill those bad germs like the soldiers in Louie Pasteur kids book (it was my fav!).  Cure for throat here & cure for overall cold/sickness here. Thanks Mum 🙂 P.S. I entered to win this TRIP TO BAHAMAS. You can too right here. Mum just came back from a year there and wouldn’t we ALL love to be there right meow. <3 AND one more thing… MY SXSW PANEL IS SCHEDULED!

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