You Light Up My Life, Sunshine

I’ve had this coat for what seems like a million years. I got it at Gap when I worked at the Fairview Park Mall store during highschool. I guess it was almost a million years. Took some photos with my GoPro this morning and didn’t realize there was water droplets on the camera. Got some good news about a project this morning and as I usually do, called up Mum with a big smile on my face. She can always tell that something good happened by sound of my voice. The funny thing about this tweet is that the stupid basic pants from Zara just got a broken zipper. SO BASIC. haha. Made me laugh. Shut up Zara. #basic — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) April 22, 2014 Tonight Lauren and I are going to a documentary about selfies, we are gonna take so many selfies. I’m pretty sure she’s in it. I remember meeting up one day and her saying ‘I was just in a movie about selfies’. Appropriate. I just ate this taco Tuesday magic for lunch. It was delicious. Here comes the sun 🙂  <3 CASIE

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The Joy of Gardening | Landscape Painting

Yesterday was so lovely and warm. Sean and I were at Home Depot before 9:30am. We sussed out our options and went for brekky. I picked out some nice seeds, organic soil, bamboo, planters, and a pots. I’m so glad we were there together because all this stuff is super heavy! The new patio was perfect for a bbq so I invited a few friends over to show off my work. It feels so relaxing up there. I cleaned the deck so I can do yoga out there once we get past tomorrow’s frost. Whilst I was in the cleaning mindset I did a few other jobs on my own for the patio but also on the exterior of the house itself. Some things obviously I couldn’t do like cleaning out the gutters, so I had to get in touch with Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning Oklahoma City to give me a helping hand. This was great because now they’re clean, it’s most likely there won’t be any soil erosion going on and my plants can grow wild! I’m excited to get everything planted and watch it grow now. I always loved gardening with Mum. Started a Gardening board on Pinterest here. If you have any tips or things I should check out. LET ME KNOW!     Now that it’s getting warmer don’t forget your sunscreen. Nothing will make you look old like sun damage (or boozing super hard). I’ve been loving this Cover from Dermalogica, there’s also a Sheer that’s perfect once you’re a little tanned. I never leave the house without sunscreen on my face!   Enjoy the day!

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Nella Bella LONDON Bag | Commercial for Web

A couple months ago I filmed this web commercial for Nella Bella’s LONDON Bag with 1188 Films. It’s a multifunctional bag and in the ivdeo I show you all the ways it works. I gave one of these to Mum a while back and it’s her absolute fav. Check out the video below!

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I’ll Be in Balconia or Muskoka Till September, Ok?

Had a great weekend, hope you did too. Skipped home to visit Mum Friday and did some Saturday shopping.  Was back home in the city before dinner that night. Sean and I had a great day on Sunday. Since we’ve been making an effort to eat healthier we’ve not been going out/drinking as much. It’s great! I did groceries on Sunday morning and were out of the house just after noon. Had a walk through Kensington market and ate at a delicious Mexican place on the south side of Roach-o-rama (sorry I don’t remember the name). Burrito was BURFECTION! I got a treat from the ice cream truck on the way out. This rainbow filter is called ‘Through Marino Wool Sweater’. Thanks Mum for that gift! I spent some time reading on the roof top patio ‘Balconia’ before zipping out to the new Target at the Stockyards to refurnish the place. I managed to give it a new look and feel with some pillows and accessories while Sean was napping. Target and I are becoming good friends. Sean is building a storage box to go under the table. Was my first time grilling cauliflower on the BBQ and WHOA it’s totally delicious. Used this recipe for grilled cauliflower skewers from Chatelaine and added some Diana sauce and garlic to the mix. Sean made burgers. I am so happy it’s SPRING FINALLY! I picked up these solar lanterns from Target and I’m  kinda shocked at how surprised I was that they worked. Why did I think they wouldn’t work? I got three sizes and the biggest one was $22. They charge during the day and they you turn them on at night. Looking forward to getting home and catching some rays while I read some more of this great book Simon…

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Inspiration via Jasmine: Do What You F****** Love

Here I am once again starting the day near the END OF MARCH in my winter jacket. It was a good buy from NastyGal BUT Urgh! PUT ON A HAPPY FACE! Loving these little J Shoes, I have red ones too but they haven’t come out to play yet. It’s too cold. They want a nice day. I’m not one to swear much (Mum hates reading bad words on the blog), but I absolutely love these type images from Jasmine Dowling. She’s a 21 year old graphic designer from Australia. I discovered her via Instagram and I’d like to get a print for our house. They are so positive and happy. The ‘do what you f****** love’ one is special to me because 9 years ago (in April) I started this blog because I love to write, share, take photos, and I wanted to keep a diary. I never knew where it would take me or really thought about it at the time. Since 2005, I’ve done things I only ever imagined! Let this post be a reminder to DO WHAT YOU LOVE. You’ll find a way to make money doing it if you believe in yourself and work hard. Check out Jasmine’s work + store at and see some of my favs below. In other news… RYAN GOSLING ARRIVED FOR ME TODAY! I need to find somewhere spcial to wear this baby out. Maybe I’ll wear it everyday? Wouldn’t you want Ryan Gosling all over you? Hopefully Sean doesn’t steal it because it really is that awesome. 🙂 Enjoy the day! <3 CASIE

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The Universe is Full of Magical Things

Oh hey Monday! Finally most of the ice has melted so I didn’t have to skate to work. Wearing pink jeans from Joe Fresh and totally forgot I had these old Jeffrey Campbell sneaker wedges. Oh man, this weather has me dreaming of Spring big time. Really wish I still had by bike. Hoping to pick up a new one in the next couple weeks. Also hoping to book a winter vacation w/ Sean somewhere warm and romantic. Hearts always make me think of Mum. You know where to find me, Twitter. This is me Tweeting 🙂 The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.    Eden Phillpotts Hope your week is off to a great start! <3 CASIE

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