Take Sunshine Wherever You Go! ☀️

Hi hi, yesterday was a great day. Today is jam packed one but it’s doing things I love so it doesn’t really feel like work.  This is a short update for now b/c I am heading to a shoot I’m directing for a client campaign! See Twitter for updates and Snapchat for the BTS! (Behind the Scenes, mum!) Check out this fine group of 1188 + Occupied VR + CFC crew from HotDocs last week. Partied with deadmau5 last night. Thanks Tim Hortons! Got to watch/take part in a magic show.    The food was really good. That’s deadmau5 getting some steak before me. I saw opted for the no-bread option so I did that too.      Here’s wishing you a wonderful day. It’s already SOOOOOO NICE OUT.  Take the sunshine wherever you go! ☀️ 💖 CASIE

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New Shades, Patio Season, Parking, Sunshine, Wine!

Hello, hello, what a beautiful day! Put these flowers in the 1188 office yesterday to brighten up the kitchen area. It’s so nice to be working back downtown, vs last summer when I was up in the Junction. Wore these little adorable Lacoste oxfords and really hoped they didn’t hurt my feet come end of the day. You know how that happens every spring! The old summer shoes come out and your feet get all nasty lol. Picked up these glasses at a garage sale last weekend. I love garage sale season! Mum and I went to one when I was home a couple weeks ago.     Time to so something different with my hair soon. Not cutting it but colour. Have had blonde for months now, I’m ready to spice it up! *Note to future self, don’t get eyelash extensions again, your real lashes are beautiful. This was nice to see on our way to work in the morning finally, mobile payments! Thanks John Tory!  American and International friends, you will be happy to know we no longer have a crazy crack smoking mayor and our new mayor is quite swell. Was walking down Queen Street West and caught these two guys reading the paper in perfect form. Yesterday was SO NICE, the streets were packed. Went to a tasting at the iYellow wine cave w/ Vinho Verde wines from Portugal.      Nice to see Ken Samuel and meet the Wine Ladies. We had a great chat!    Thanks Re:Source Media, Angela Aiello (Executive Producer of CNBC’s “Wine Portfolio”), and the crew at iYellow for a nice evening. The wine was great too! In other news… Can’t wait. Planning to go to the cottage for my birthday weekend (May8th). I’m ready for a getaway! Hope you’re having a great week and enjoying…

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Weekend Reads + Things to Watch: Marketing Mag, NextIssue, News, Film

   Woke up feeling ok, battling a sore throat but dragged myself out for some sunshine and a coffee. Still rocking that winter fur but looks like next week will bring those spring temps we’ve all been waiting for. Listened to CBC Radio q w/ Shad this morning wearing this face mask from The Face Shop (thanks Faulhaber!). Working away in the home office looking like Hannibal Lecter hoping Sean didn’t walk in and get a fright. Update: He didn’t. Did you watch the Bruce Jenner interview last night with the rest of the world? I thought it was a good interview and it was interesting to hear Bruce’s story and struggles he’s been facing. I’m not a regular watcher of Kardashians so I’ve not seen much about him besides the tabloid stuff. This week I upgraded my NextIssue Canada subscription so I can get ALL the magazines including Hello Canada and US Weekly. If you wanna test it out try code ’60free’ for 2 months. Follow this link -> NextIssue 60free. They just added some more French and English titles (see here) along with new search options.  I’m anxiously watching for the Royal Baby. I’ve always had a love for the Royal Family, it stems from my mum. She named me Casie Diana Stewart after Diana, Princess of Wales.  Rest in Peace Dear Diana, ILU. Read MORE magazine via NextIssue today as well, always one of mum’s favs. Loving these jumpsuits, looking good Jessica Alba. I could wear in these things all summer.      In other news: I was featured in a story about The Future of Social Media in Marketing Magazine this week. Read it here. New photo by Kayla Rocca.     Our film, Behind the Red Carpet is NOW ON iTunes IN CANADA. You can rent/buy it and watch me on your TV/tablet/phone screen in the comfort of your…

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Internet, TV, Fried Chicken, Fur Coat – Just a Regular Day!

Left the house today all like WHAAAAAAAAAAT IS THIS COLDDDDD? Grabbed a fur from the closet and shut the door. Can’t even believe it snowed yesterday. One of the only good things about winter is you can throw on a huge jacket like this (from LeChateau) with a pair of sunnies (YSL/Smart Buy Glasses) and you look like a cool old granny. The rings help! They’re part of that haul from the Shop for Jayu SS15 look book shoot. Today I was interviewed for tonight’s Global National news about YouTube’s 10th birthday. I didn’t really know that YouTube and my blog are the same age.  THREE CHEERS FOR INTERNET OGs. Mike Drolet and I chatted about how YouTube has changed the world, jobs, trolls, and more. Tune in tonight at 6:30pm for the full interview. I’ll post a link to it here tomorrow once it’s live. I rung mum to tell her I was gonna be on TV and said, “that’s why I always have my nails done, never know when tv will be calling!”. Ha. I kill me.  I would like to do more tv. I love the lights and being on camera. When I was done I came downstairs and Sean and the 1188 boys had picked up lunch from The Chickery (David Adjey’s place).  IT WAS SO GOOD. I didn’t fill up in the mac n’ cheese but it was good too. That’s all for now. From the Internet to the TV tonight! Hopefully I look ok now that I’ve told y’all I’ll be on there. Ha! If I have lipstick on my teeth I will just die. <3 CASIE

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Wanna Earn Free Leafs tickets? Follow @TheFordFanatic :)

I usually get to one NHL hockey game per year. This season I’m taking Sean thanks to MLSE & The Ford Fanatic. I love going to the see the Leafs play and I hardly ever remember who wins. My friends and I often go to Leafs as I said, I try to go to at least on NHL hockey game per year, and sometimes we find it exciting to make up our own fantasy hockey teams to see who would win, so being able to see this game was an amazing opportunity to share this with him. This year, Ford Canada has partnered with the Leafs to help #fansgofurther. To date, between MLSE and Ford through the FordFANatic, approximately 4,800 tickets have been awarded to fans for 24 home games. I love it! How you can earn free Leafs Games tickets The purpose of the program is to engage, surprise and delight fans in a season-long program awarding positivity and passion both online and off . Fans have the opportunity to earn tickets and watch a game in the Ford Fan Deck. Follow @TheFordFanatic and take part in their weekly challenge. There’s still a few weeks left in the season. Official R&R of the contest can be found here. Behind the Twitter handle is Sarah D. and she’s been a Leafs fan as long as she remembers. Being Canadian, it’s in her blood. Growing up in rural Nova Scotia, Sarah and her peers cheered for any of the original 6 teams but, Sarah’s cheers have always been for the Leafs. Sarah was 18 when she first saw the Leafs play, when she came to Toronto to see a pre-season game. She remembers it as one of the most surreal experiences of her life, being able to see Darcy Tucker fight…

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There’s No Need For Cable, LONG LIVE INTERNET TV!

OK, so yesterday we got cable and I’m pretty excited that I can PVR Young and The Restless. (Yes I still watch it. If you follow me on Twitter you’ll know I have conversations about the show with a particular group every now and then! I’m homesick, watching yesterday’s show right now actually.) Getting cable seemed SO exciting but it turned out to be disappointing. The 200 channels we were given were 200 of the crappiest most basic channels! Yes, HD is nice but we already had a few good channels with a $30 HD antenna. We could watch Jeopardy, news, and the other shows I like including NCIS, CSI, Y&R. However, the most important thing here is, ALL THE SHOWS I LOVE ARE ON THE INTERNET. Internet TV is where it’s at! The only reason we took the package deal was that it made Internet cheaper and faster. Clearly the most important thing to us. Can’t wait to binge House of Cards on the 27th. Last night my bf said “Let’s watch something on Netflix, and pretend we never had cable. It was better that way.” If only we had a hdmi converter back then, as there would have been a lot more shows we could have watched. Now that we consume a lot of TV shows and films online, using something like an HDMI converter does come in handy. The cable guy also switched the HDMI cable for the Apple TV so we had to reconnect it. THANKS! Oh, and they also gave us a landline (look it up) with a new (gasp) 647 number. We don’t even own phones to plugin to it. Who needs a landline? It was 10+ years when I had one and I lived with my Mum back them. So, I profess and…

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