Army of Sass – Pinup Girls Picnic

Earlier this summer, a bunch of ladies from my dance crew gathered in Trinity Bellwoods for a pinup picnic. it was so much fun, we drank, danced, and soaked up the sunshine in our vintage swimsuits, big glasses, and red lipstick. I’d been dying to wear this dress somewhere. Reminds me of the old flower print dresses mum and her BFF Pat Hope (my Fairy Godmother!) used to wear.

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The Estrella Damm Tapas Journey

Last week I had the opportunity to check out the Estralla Damm Tapas Journey at Kanpai in Toronto’s East End. Tapas and pintxos are staples of Spanish cuisine, small plate snacks meant to be enjoyed & shared with friends. It was my first visit to Kanpai and we were treated to amazing service that made a great date night. Estrella Damm launched Canada’s inaugural Tapas Journey in Toronto on August 14th and it goes until TOMORROW ONLY  it’s over now.. This was my first time trying Estrella Damm and it reminded me of Sapporo (my fav beer). It was lite, refreshing, and delicious. I would know because I sampled it MORE than a few times that night. Heh heh. ? Just sat down at @KanpaiSnackBar for our #TapasJourney! Holy ? @estrelladamm is… — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) August 15, 2015 Twenty of the city’s best restaurants were featuring three mouth-watering tapas served with a cold Estrella Damm for $20. Participating restaurants include: Barsa Taberna, Beast, Byblos, Carmen, Cava, East Thirty-Six, El Catrin, Kanpai Snack Bar, Los Colibrís, Mamakas Taverna, Marben, Mata Petisco Bar, Nota Bene, Patria, Raca Café & Bar, Salt Wine Bar, Taverna Mercatto, The Good Son, Valdez, Weslodge ALSO, pick up a passport at any of the 20 participating Tapas Journey restaurants and get it stamped. When you share a picture of your Tapas Journey stamp on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #TapasJourney you’ll be entered to win a trip for 2 to Miami to attend the Estrella Damm Gastronomy Congress and see Ferran Adrià, the world’s most awarded chef. If you check out somewhere great tonight/tomorrow or want to share your Tapas Journey, tweet me! [symple_button url=”” color=”pink” size=”small” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Tweet Me![/symple_button] Hope you’re having a great weekend. I’m still in my hometown hanging out with mum.  ? CASIE     Photography credit Jeffrey Chan courtesy of Estrella Damm.Except for my tweet of course!

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Hometown w/ Ma Homies

This weekend I’m heading home to hang out with my parents, sister, and go to an old friends wedding. I’m pretty excited to see everyone. There will be heaps of people I’ve not seen in a LOOOONG time. I know we’ll have lots of laughs and I can’t wait to cut up the dance floor like old times. Me: Seeing everyone and the whole wedding thing gives me a bit of anxiety. Knowing I’ll be there with my sister is comforting though! Sean is getting construction started on the cottage so I’m taking mum as my date. Next weekend we have another wedding! My blog babe BFF Carly is getting hitched! If you ever get that chest pain anxiety, I know how you feel! Found this the other day via Tanvi Swar and I’ve watched it about 1,000 times since. Make sure you’re following my SNAPCHAT – casiestewart. I’ll be amusing myself with Snaps all weekend and sharing my hometown! Sending you sunshine through the internet.☀️☀️☀️☀️ ? CASIE

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August, The Month of The Quiet Hustle

Well hello there. Feeling refreshed today after a HUGE sleep. I put my head down during Wheel of Fortune last night (7pm-ish) and woke up at 2am. Slept until 10 am this morning too, I was exhausted from the weekend. Had a meeting this morning about some exciting news coming your way for TIFF. We met at Old School on Dundas a cute little spot that used to be Hudson Kitchen. This afternoon and tomorrow I’m back at Sirius XM for The Todd Shapiro Show. I’m talking entertainment news, etc. I’m confirmed to be speaking at the next WeAreWearables event in Toronto on September 9th. I’ll be wearing a camera the whole time! More details about how you can attend coming later this week. In other news, this week I booked a speaking gig at a big conference next year and might be changing my hair colour for Spring 2016. Lots of stuff in the works over! August is the month of quiet hustle, building things for the next few months. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. – Steve Jobs      This weekend I’m heading to my hometown for a friends wedding. I can’t wait to see all my old friends and share heaps of laughs together. Nothing like that feeling! Will be spending some time with Mum, haven’t seen her all summer. Off to another meeting before hitting the radio airwaves. Tune in to Sirius XM Canada Laughs, channel 168 at 4pm. Don’t let the rain get you down today, BE YOUR OWN SUNSHINE! ? CASIE

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Planning for Life’s Unexpected Moments w/ TD Canada 

When I was growing up I didn’t really think about kids, marriage, wedding etc, but I knew I wanted to be in business. I like setting goals but after spending years what felt like forever paying off my school debt, I didn’t really have a nest egg. I mean, I never prepared for unexpected life events, buying a house, retirement. One of the things I’ve learned from working with TD Canada the last year is that it’s never too early to build a financial plan and set goals for your future. If you work for a business and you already have retirement on the mind, then make sure your employer has Employee Benefits so this process can be made easier for when the time comes and that you get what you deserve. Y’Know What I Mean? For many Canadians (especially us millennials) things don’t always go planned the way they did for our parents ex. finish school, get married, buy a house, have kids, get a boat, retire early, move to the Bahamas for a year. (OK the last part is actually what my mum did, except ‘retire early’) So if you’re soon to be retired, make sure you look around and make sure you’re planning enough to ensure you’re retirement ready. A recent TD Canada Trust survey found: – Nearly 6/10 Canadians have completed or are on track to complete their life’s milestones in a different order than they originally expected – Gen X Canadians are more likely to complete or be on track to complete them in a different order 64% than Millennials 52% – Only 4/10 Canadians say they’ve properly budgeted or are properly budgeting for having their first child (39%) and for retirement (41%) – Only 24% of Millennials and 33% of Gen X Canadians say…

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Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood! ☀️

Last couple days have been really relaxing. I have to remind myself what day it is. Yesterday I slept heaps. Feeling fresh today! Didn’t get anywhere on my glamping goals (it rained) but maybe today. On our way to rent a jet ski rn. Woot! Don’t worry mum, will be careful! With love from the cottage. ❤️✌?️? CASIE

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