But right now, we are alive and in this moment I swear we are infinite.

“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.”

Excited for the Perks of Being a Walflower movie. Trailer came out last night during the MTV Awards.  If you are in Canada you can not see this trailer but you can watch at mtv.ca. I have never understood why MTV Canada does not let you embed their videos. Lame guys!

Song frm the trailer. So good. “I’m never changing who I am“. Lead singer is potential boyfriend Dan Reynolds, dreamboat.

And I love her.

And you.

Lifestyle Trends This Week – June 2, 2012

I publish a lot of things on the Internet. I’ve been told is it’s hard to keep up with’.

To me it is art. I have an obsessive compulsive obsession to make/build art/things/memories. Documentation is addicting. I’ve had days without Internet, I start scratching, yelling, freaking out, no just kidding, I do get antsy around 4pm. It happens more in weekends, sometimes I don’t feel like it then I miss it.

My favorite social media sites right now are Instagram, Pinterest, Viddy and I use Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare to share them.

This is what happened this week.

Yellow and red were hot colours on my Instagram and Pinterest



A Viddy I posted of a wizard guy with a fushingi ball was on the ‘whats’s hot page’. I used to go CRAZY using 12seconds.tv years ago, similar thing but not as awesome. Viddy is like Instagram for videos! It has filters, music, and a 15 second time clock. My profile is viddy/casiestewart. It’s intrgrated with Facebook timeline if you have’t noticed.


I really love the DIY projects from Honestly WTF. I pinned this gorgeous Louis Vuitton studded collar from the 2012 Cruise Collection and a couple weeks ago I (started) one just like it. Mine’s not ready to come out yet.

Weather is gloomy. About to do some work around the house and vaguely movies, currently on something about British school girls in boarding school on Cosmo. The sun came out for a few seconds, captured its soul. If you are still in the dark ages with an old phone you can browse any user’s Instaphotos in Statigram.


Barbie made brekky. Beauty!


Get off the couch or become the couch, do what you want!

Bon weekend! 🙂

Circadian Rythm, Reflective Clothing

Cleaning up my office today was so good. I’m BACK! Made sewing corner and set up my sewing machine. I call her Zoey and its really about time we spent some time together. I have some patterns I’vebeen dying to make and this is the perfect time. There are so many simple things in style I could make and heaps of DIYs on the web.


Note on paper says this probably was written a year ago, fitting for today. Title of post was scribbled on the paper too. I don’t know the significance. I have a bad memory.

It’s cold outside,
Wanna stay warm,
Wind whipping my windows,
Winding my thoughts,
Whirl wind, words spin

I always wrap things around my head. I like my head covered. I like the way it feels. Thinking about wearing a gorgeous vintage silk turban tonight.


This is one of my old favourite quotes by the best Dr. around.This almost blank notepad was uncovered when I excavated office junk mountain. It’s amazing the treasures you find cleaning!


Must get ready & find something to wear tonight. Lauren and I are going to the Future of Art & Music warehouse party, ‘FOAM. It’s at Brickworks and there are all kinds of art, music, food & beverage things going on. Lozzie Pops did her first segment on the news for CBC today. I woke up early to catch her. So cute. Fav person on Canadian TV.

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.



I love when it rains. Joe Fresh denim shirt dress, Hunter wellies, Gap kids rubber jacket, Toronto Star cartoon brolly. Sadly, my brolly caught a bad case of wind on the way to the conference and he is no longer with us.


Made it to Women in Business conference, found power supply. The guy on stage just used a word I don’t know, can someone explain ‘rolodex?’


See what I did here? We start filming Monday. I’m really excited. Been waiting for THIS for my whole life.


You know how I always tell you to be positive and make the most of each day? Well, I really freaking mean it. The only way to attract good and wonderful things into your life is to put it out there. Like attracts like, the power of attraction is about particles of matter.

Had a great sister date yesterday, look at these babes. LOVE YOU GIRLS.


Thank you Bobby for this kind Tweet one day we will meet. Brands, listen up!

“One of the best “brands” on social media is @casiestewart … she has leveraged numerous outlets to build a tremendous business & brand! #ff

— BobbyRettew (@BobbyRettew) June 1, 2012

Title is a quote by James Matthew Barrie quotesScottish Dramatist and Novelist who is best known as the creator of Peter Pan. Cheers to Tink, the original pixie fairy girl.

Have an awesome day 🙂


Seize that damn day.

If not now, when?

Good Things Are Coming Your Way

Have a busy day today starting with the 2012 Women in Biz conference. I’m an invited guest of General Motors Canada. Thank you! In the afternoon I’m heading to the 3F store for a PR appointment to do some styling.


Every time I go into 3F I’m so glad to be part of the team. There was a heap of new items in bright colours. I picked up these BRIGHT yellow high waisted skinny jeans along with a black vest. Jeans fit great, actually went down a size!

I love the fabrics and the softness of everything. Since the parent company specializes in textiles for high end brands, they’re all good quality. Bell bottom blue jean, baby.


Picking a contest winner to receive a $100 store gift card. Deets here.

Hoping to talk cars with GM at the conference today and see about taking one of these camaros for a couple days. I love the old ones and I bet Dad would be wrapped if I showed up in one of these!


Walked down Yonge Street like a tourist yesterday. It was lovely. Everything changes so much it’s nice to walk around and stare at everything with new eyes.


Yonge Dundas Square is always full of things happening. This guy had some pretty magical skills with a crystal ball. Watch. It’s only 15 seconds. I’m convinced he plays a Wizard on the weekends.


The power for good given to us in this world will be continued beyond it.

Mum still has my copy packed away at home. I loved this book. I still do.

Skinny Girl Drinks, Nails Done, Brownie Pops, No Voice

All in a days work! Thank you to the wonderful team at Praxis PR for hosting a heap of the city’s hottest ladies for the launch of new drinks by Bethenny Frankel’s brand ‘Skinny Girl’. I love the chance to chitty chat with all my ladies. The food was excellent and all the drinks were all low cal. I had way too many of the cake pops that were actually brownie. I’ll be at the gym kthxbai.


It was hosted by Dina from Breakfast TV & she loves my style NBD.



Lozzie Pop’s on her bike, so cute. I need a new bike!


Front window at The Drake Hotel always has neat art, these blanket people threw me for a loop!


Stopped by Bloke & 4th on my way home for Taylor’s birthday & ran into my good friend, wait for it, you know him… PJ PHIL! The flash totally blinked out my tan but whatever.



Here is your mantra for the day…


Oh and I still have no voice 🙁

Have an awesome day! Gonna try and catch some rays in the park later. 


I got sun this weekend. Feels good.

I dream of this happening one day. Song & dance. Oh la tee da!

Hope my happiness jumps right out of your computer and kisses your face.

Friends & Family Weekend at @3FFashions – $100 for you!

Holla! Are you loving this weather? I am. It makes me so happy.  You know what else I love? Clothes. This weekend at 3F in YD Square Toronto is Friends & Family Day. As my friends & fams you can get 25% off with code 3FFAMILY. Stop by the Toronto flagship location at 10 Dundas Street East (Outside AMC Theatre).

There are heaps of cute items in store right now including these shorts Raymi has on.

The max dress I’ve been living in and that cute whote ruffle top I wore on my birthday.

There’s a few rompers too. Prices are really good so you can get lots of items for $100.

I have a $100 gift card and an exclusive 3F tee for you as an incentive to stop by June 1,2 or 3rd.


Like 3F on Facebook, follow on Twitter then Tweet to me by clicking below and fill in YOUR fav friend or family member.

Contest is open to anyone in Ontario. Can only be redeemed only in store. Does not include travel, cannot be redeemed for cash, and winner to be chosen at random. Go!

Heat Wave


Heading home. Sitting in airport waiting to board. Had an awesome weekend with friends in Florida. Vacation feels really good. Looking forward to landing in Toronto. Heard it’s super hot there today!

Summer FTW. Enjoy the day!

Sweet Dreams Are Made of This






Memorial Day Weekend, Florida, 2012




Sunshine Girl, Sunshine State








Speaking | NXNEi 2012 TiCKET GiVEAWAY

In about two weeks Toronto will be filled with all kinds of internationals in music, film and interactive for NXNE June 11-17th.

I’m speaking on two panels this year for NXNE Interactive. If you didn’t get to hear my panel from SXSW on “The Psychology of Narcissism and How it Affects Brands“, now is your chance!

Psychology of Narcissism & How it Affects Brands with Hal Niedzviecki, Jason Howlett and Casie Stewart, Moderated by Lucia Mancuso from The Blog Studio.

Making Social Giveaways Win-Win for Brands and Fans with Casie Stewart, Matt Juniper and Shannon Hunter Moderated by Lindsay Munro from FITC.


NXNE, in partnership with FITC, brings you the freshest in interactive social content, as well as the tools and creators behind it to keep you and your campaigns top notch. With over 80 presentations, NXNEi bridges the gap between creators of all kinds and interactivity.


I’m giving two lucky people the chance to win a pass to see me and 150+ other digital aficionados speak. NXNE Interactive 2012 pass is valued at $349. Contest is open to anyone but does not include travel to Toronto. That one is all you!
Send one tweet with a link to the session you’re most excited for with hashtag #pickmecasie and the twitter handle @NXNEi for your chance to win. I’ll put your entry Tweets into a Storify and post them so you can see what the popular ones are.
If you really, actually, like, seriously would like to hear me speak, or you don’t want to read schedule, click Tweet button for surprise text written by someone who is not typing this right now.


“I can’t wait to see @casiestewart‘s panel @NXNEi *link to panel here* #pickmecasie””
Check out my posts from past NXNE:

My TV Episode of Start Something Big is now Online

Lunchtime or afternoon material for you. Don’t laugh please. This is the shortened version condensed into a commercial free 15 minutes of fun. Huge love to Sean at 1188 for video help. This aired on Rogers TV in March 2012.

Host Gwen Elliot profiles the people in our community who have made their dreams happen; whether it’s starting a business, a volunteer initiative or something that’s never been done before.

If you watch, comment and/or Tweet me! 

Go West! #Banff2012, here I come!

Thank you to everyone who voted, it was ALL worth it.

View Post

Charlie, how your Angels get down like that?



My Style: jacket vintage, pants Element, shirt Element (2012 organic) from West49 (SXSW haul!), glasses Derek Cardigan for Clearly Contacts, smile natural






This was a nice start to the day 🙂 Much love to my girls Lauren O’Nizzle & Raymi the Minx. We were shooting for upcoming video project.

Super nice out today. Make the most of it. Go for a walk, ride yo bike!






Back to life. Back to reality.

My most popular Instagram photo in the last few days. I love it. I took stereographic of the lake in Muskoka, other from my balcony using 360 for iPhone, taped together with Diptic app, and sent to Instagram.

I’ve been mostly active on Instagram, Pinterest & Tumblr for fun lately. I update them with all different stuff so follow along! My Pin boards are all neatly organized, Instagram is life photos, Tumblr is a mix of things I find pretty/funny/weird on the internet.

I love Internet. I love iPhone. I love life.



This also happened today! Crazy! Window cleaning dude scared the crap out of me.
Oh, yikes, a big bottle of Collingwood Whisky just arrived as a late birthday present. GOTTA GO!


SUMMER: @PepsiCanada taste challenge, #freebeer, patios!


This is the big rig that will be travelling across the country seeing millions of people go through the Ultimate Pepsi Taste Challenge. It converts from a truck to a full on Pepsi station to hang out in. They call it “Poptimus Prime“.

This time last year I was hosting my own little Pepsi party for Pepsi Throwback. I’m sure you remember THIS:

The team has a whole bunch of stuff planned and there’s a good chance you’ll run into their young energetic group assembled with people from across Canada. This is a full 360 of what I saw at the media preview taken from iPhone.


You’ll notice they’re really using technology to make the ol’ taste test we knew as kid, super modern. Check out their Facebook/PepsiCanada for when & when to catch ‘Poptimus Prime’ and the @PepsiCanada team.





Hey look, Shannon was on the board as I was AT the challenge! TALK ABOUT SOCIAL!


In the afternoon I caught the Bud Light Mojito truck giving out free beers. Rumour has it they will be around MuchMusic all month and near King Spadina. Two drinks, perfect for afternoon stop in the park.


When you are on the go 25/8/366 you are likely to run out of iPhone battery. Bobcat from Boston sent me this rad charger for my birthday. Charge at home, keep in purse for on the go. It gives you about two hours talk time. Essential for beach party, park chilling and boat rides. Made by Brookstone.


Next stop was William’s Landing in Liberty Village for the launch of Somersby Cider by Carlsberg. This is the Carlsberg man John Porter. Cute accent!


Sat in the sun with the lovely Carla Catherwood and Cory Lee. I’m not much of a cider girl but surprisingly, it tastes like carbonated apple juice and I drank my samples that very night.




Next up I’ve got a contest for some tickets to NXNE. You’ll be able to come hear me speak! 😛

Thanks for tuning in, love & light to you,


Close your eyes, take it all in.

Boat. Sun. Lake.
Coffee, canoe, kayak.
Water sounds. Bacon smells.
Birds chirping. Blue skies.
Trees, talking in the distance.
Refreshing. Relaxed. Warm.

Happy Monday! Back to the city tonight, concrete jungle, castle in the sky. Make the most of the day, it’s beautiful out!


Muskoka: Sunday Sun






The Weekend: Boating, Floating, & Banff Blogging


I’m absolutely in paradise. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you already know. Last night we roasted marshmallows on the dock and I fell asleep in my chair mesmerized by the lakeside fire.


Please take one second to vote for me in the Banff 2012 Blogger comp, voting closes Tuesday.

Please help me win, VOTE FROM EVERYWHERE! Go to Apple or BestBuy, Futureshop, Nana’s cottage, your Dad’s phone!


Glasses broke.


Boating & floating are two of my fav pastimes.



We’re about to make the Great Canadian Outdoor Breakfast with fire cooking and BBQ.  After Imma take this kayak out for a spin!


Happy long weekend, summer is finally here! Wear sunscreen 🙂


Hello beautiful.










“You kids waste so much time on that there Facebook.” Yeah GenY, THE INTERNET & entrepreneurs FTW!

German news gives FB thumbs up!

someecards.com - Happy 24 Hours of Constant Facebook Notifications Day

I’ll update this if something mind blowing happens like Facebook breaks the internet or the stock market crashes.

Personality is Everything in Art and Poetry.

Exciting week just passed and I am SO ready for a getaway! Tomorrow I’m scooting up north to the countryside with Barbie to a friends cottage. Give me nature, lake, silence and sunshine. YES PLEASE.

Ate pretty healthy this week and went running a few times. Feels good to hit the pavement.

Got a haircut at Darren’s Studio and had my first spring picnic in the park.

This Week in Venn via SAY Media: The Secret to a Successful Modern Media Brand – I love reading this blog post each Friday. Always an interesting & fresh perspective about marketing, internet and brands. 


Coral TVEdgy Veg Launches and I’m Coming Soon!

This week Candice’s show on CoralTV, The Edgy Veg launched! She’s adorable. If you missed the news earlier this week, I’m the latest addition to the Women’s Lifestyle Channel, my show will be launching in about a month!

I made it to the final round in the BLOG FOR BANFF competition. THANK YOU. Final voting closes Tuesday, no signup and takes one second. Please cast one click for me. You can vote from web, mobile, tablet so get ’em all in there!

Discovered the spot where my next Dear Photograph submission will be taken from. Turns out Mum used to hang out exactly where I like to hang out now. Her photo is from the ’70’s I think. Mum, can you confirm? Check out the skyline, or lack there of!

Please be careful this weekend, wear sunscreen, don’t drink & drive, and play safe. May24 is the kick-off to summer, make it a good one! Next weekend is Memorial Day in the USA and I’ll be in the sunshine state soaking up Florida rays. Can’t wait!

Have an awesome day!


* title is a quote  by  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, it’s the ART Quote of the Day on BrainyQuote.com!


Weekend Warrior, What’s up?!

FINALS! Almost there guys. Thank you in advance!

One more vote and I’m off to Banff Media in Alberta! One click voting that will take you one second! Click the image to get to the vote page.