Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn…

The sweetest sight ever seen.








Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08

The Weekend: Sprinkler City, Summertime Pretty

Vintage dress from Community 54 (Toronto/NY), vintage head scarf, polarized cat eye glasses by Derek Cardigan, leopard shoes Michael Khors, shellac nails by 1Body Bar

Step Right Up and Get Your Tickets!

Last year about 100 people saved $5 on Toronto Festival of Beer tickets. I would love it  to be 200+ this year! It was a total blast. Super hot day, lots of sun,  got rained on, splashed in mud, drank 200 beers, and saw a bunch of bands. The Sheepdogs!


Beerfest 2011 Blog Post

Get a ticket at

Use CASIE as your discount code to save $5 on each ticket. 

It’s one of those summer weekends you don’t wanna miss.  Happy drinking my friends!


There’s No Room For You Here


Made a paste w/ground chalk pastels from the art store, added some of the usual things I put in my hair to make it oh so soft. Rubbed it into some conditioner and rinsed it out. Viola! A lovely light blue/blonde. Should wash out tomorrow.


Hopefully it does wash out because I have a shoot in the afternoon and we’re all hoping for a blonde girl to show up! hehe This song came into my head as soon as I saw the blue.

New camera is fun, fun. Thanks again Olympus! LOVE YOU 🙂

You Might Need to Open Your Eyes, Left Right, Uptight

This is an awesome hipstery playlist. Fav from the cottage. I’m LOVING Rdio. Yes, they gave me an account but they sure don’t MAKE me listen to it. I started playing tunes on the mobile app last night and my life has a new soundtrack. I’m into music but I’ve not got the time to be up on all the latest bands and tunes. I like how easy it is to discover new songs.

Bunch of good ones here:

O’Nizz posted this on FB. haha. Way cooler!

Check out this new vid by good friend Morgan Cameron Ross for Hey There Darlin’ featuring supermodel Tara Gill. Last night he played  the Little Lake Music Fest with fellow Vancouverite Carly Rae Jepsen. Way to go Mogan. Love ya!

Watched it a zillion times before I posted it. So dumb but funny.

Walkin’ on a Dream, How Can I Explain?


It’s beautiful out. Drink water. Wear sunscreen. Believe in yourself.







Went to the public pool last night. I didn’t go in. Drove around location scouting in a car that’s for a Puma commercial shooting today. Convertible cruising, ILU.



Had my first ever shellac mani/pedi at 1BodyBar. It felt like vacation.




Went for a massive walk this morning. Ate McDonalds. (Massive walk ok! Haha) Feeling alive and ready for an awesome day.

Life is short, seize the day my friends! Have fun 🙂


From Canada w/ <3 CASIE

Join me for dinner tomorrow night? @Summerworks Soireé!

Next month from August 9-19th is SummerWorks Festival which features Canadian music including Buck 65 & Hawksley Workman and an array of performances picked by a jury.  I’ll be blogging a bunch of festival things, doing some interviews, and attending all kinds of stuff.

Did you know what I love theatre. I was in the Sears Festival, played a hot box girl in Guys & Dolls, and did a few plays in high school. I love the stage, what can I say?

Tomorrow night is the Summer Soireé and I would love to see you there. 

Dinner is hosted by award-winning playwright and actor, Michael Healey and takes place at the Great Hall. Purchase a ticket here.

It’s an elegant three-course meal prepared by chefs Mark Cutrara + Alexandra Feswick (who are on the cusp of opening their new Samuel J Moore Restaurant on the main floor of the Great Hall). Apps and cocktails will be served at 6:00pm and the meal at 7:00. Semi-formal attire.

Let me know if you’ll be there. Love to see some familiar faces & meet some new ones 🙂 


* Photos shot with my brand new Olympus PEN Mini E-PM1 that arrived Monday! Weeeeee!

Go Further with Ford 2012 – Part 1


I’d never been to Ford Field. Lots of history here. Home to the Detroit Lions and with it’s 1920’s architecture, has a real street that runs right through it. I’m more of a cheerleader than a football player. Clearly.


Bellbottom blue jeans & stripe top from 3F, neon belt is vintage


Darling from South Africa, Alix Rose Cowie. She sang us a lullaby in Afrikaans the next night. She also interviewed Die Antwoord for 10and5 magazine in ZA. 


Bill Ford is a really rad dude. He went against the grain for Ford Motor Company really pushing for innovation & eco-sustainability.


250 journalists attended this conference representing media from around the world.


All meals together. Breakfast the next day was fun because I met my new boyfriend right after…


Now my most popular Instagram. He’s charming.




Later in the day we went to this really rad place called TechShop and we made stuff. I made a pewter star and frosted beer mug with a huge ‘C’ on it.



This clock was one of my fav parts.


Next up in Part 2 I’ll share my driving videos and photos from the track! So fun!

A Special Reminder for You…

in case you forgot…


Country By Day, Downtown by Night


Walked two hours today running into people in the streets between work meetings. I love this city. Amazing how rejuvenated a quick getaway makes you feel.


Arroved home to a brand spankin’ new Olympus PEN camera. It’s E-PM1, a mini DSLR style camera. The lenses from my other camera’s fit it and i can’t wait to snap some new shots this week. Sadly it’s time to return my Hamilton watch I had on ong term loan. Glasses are those cat eye ones by Derek Cardigan for Clearly Contacts. Blue bracelet was made by Katiya.


Hope your week is off to a great start!

I’m your National Anthem, God, you’re so handsome, Take me to the Hamptons















Incredible time at the cottage. So Canadian, beers, beards, lake, loons, concert at sunset, Tragically Hip. Sunshine, sun love. Best friends. Thank you Sean’s family for having us up. Thanks to my friends at Durex & Canadian Club for the tickets. Romanced by nature. Incredibly relaxed.

And Trevor got attacked by a beaver. On Canada Day! Hahahahahaha.


Bon weekend!

EXPLORE LIKE A HERO. #thefutureisours #innovateordie

I’m passionate about innovation. It’s what is driving us forward and building the future. Last week at Ford’s Go Further conference, innovation came up in every talk about technology, design, sustainability. At Banff World Media two weeks before, I introduced you to the concept INNOVATE OR DIE on my show. If you are not constantly innovating your business, yourself, your thoughts, you will be left behind. The title of my recent interview in TechVibes was ‘Survival of the Fittest’, you gotta focus on making yourself better.

Watch this video. You will be inspired:

We are living in an extraordinary time, ’embrace your inner trouble maker’. Let’s build a better future. NEVER STOP DREAMING.

The Future is Ours from Michael Marantz

My favorite line is ‘intellectually seductive’. That’s what I wanna be. I wanna stimulate your brain and make you think. I want to get your mind all riled up and excited. Cause movement in your corpus. Get your central nervous system going.

Thank you kindly to Julian Shenoy for tweeting me this. It was the first message I saw this morning and an AWESOME way to start the day.

I’m heading up to Sean’s cottage in Muskoka then to the park to see the Tragically Hip with some of my best friends. I’m so CANADIAN! I can’t WAIT!



‘Survival of the Fittest’: My TechVibes Interview on Blogging

This week TechVibes, Canada’s leading online tech publication posted an interview I did during NXNE. Some quotes below, read the whole interview on TechVibes.

Thanks to Herbert Lui for a well written piece. His previous articles are with the Creative Director of TAXI, Harley from Epic Meal Time, and renowned speaker Stephen Shapiro. So, I’m in good company!


“I think the toughest things are when you have no money; essentially, I am an entrepreneur, and I’ve built up my business around my life,” she admits, briefly alluding to her time on TV show Maxed Out.

“I’m really super online, so people always think that I always have all these people around me, and we’re all like best friends. But when you’re a blogger, or you’re starting your own business by yourself, you spend a lot of time alone and at the computer,” she explains. “My life – yeah, a lot of times it is pretty glamorous and really fun, but – you spend a lot of time by yourself.”


“You need to do something every day that brings you closer to your goals,” Stewart advises. “When it comes to the internet, it is survival of the fittest. You gotta be the best, most consistent, you gotta stick at it…When I got home from the airport in Banff this morning, it was 4:30 and I published something on my blog about my panel today so I knew I could just get up and come here.”

I mentally calculate that she’d gotten probably four hours of sleep, and marvel at the fact she just did a panel. On four hours, I would have been passed out by this hour in the afternoon.

Instead of just attending an event or conference, Stewart advises volunteering. “That’s the easiest way to get connected to the people,” she adds. Stewart had even managed to sneak into fashion week parties and stuff like NXNE a few years ago, just to continue to network and introduce herself to people. “Just to even sit front row at a show was a dream,” she reminisces. “This year, I walked the closing show with all the celebrities.”

Remember Summers Like This… Stay Foolish @ Andrew Richard Designs

This annual party is one of the most fun ones of the summer. Thanks ARD for hosting a great event with all the movers and shakers in the city. The food was excellent. Good music. Here’s a little recap!





We ended up walking home in the moonlight. Ahhhhh those summer niiiiiiiights! Magical 🙂


Hipster Romance at Sunset in Michigan w/ Blind Pilot


Blind Pilot played the closing party of Ford’s Go Further conference in Michigan this week. The show was awesome. It was romantic as the sun was setting during the show. They have a show coming up July 25th in Toronto at The Opera House. I’ll be there. Here’s a little message from Blind Pilot’s lead singer Israel.



What a beard! Swoon.




Sometimes You Just Need A Vacation For Your Mind







Did you watch #THIS yet?

OCD Packing Travel Style

OCD packed a suitcase. Suitcase broke. Do you do this too? Five pairs of shoes 2.5 days, about right! Two pairs of Jeffrey Campbells, Sperry’s, Converse & MK thongs.


New NellaBella bag, the ‘Avalon’ is perfect for my Macbook. All my outfits have been from 3F. Long black maxi dress on the plane, blue bell bottoms & yellow stripes last night, today khakis & navy ruffle tank.

It fits both Dell Ultrabook & Macbook Air, not that I often take them both but one day last weekend I did.



I went a little crazy on the NellaBella when I stopped by last week.  This the Moscow was my carryon. It expands so you can fit a heap of stuff in it. Or, if you are like me and gather all kinds or pack in a rush, super handy.



It’s PRIDE week in Toronto. I’m missing the parade this year for the first time in the last 7 years so head up north and see the Tragically Hip, Death Cab For Cutie, New Pornographer’s & Rural Alberta Advantage on Canada Day. I reckon a break from the city hustle will be good!


In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

One of the things I love most about having a blog is having a diary of my life to remind me where I have been and what I have learned.


I get a an email each day from Time Hop reminding me what I posted that day the year before. My post had the same title on June 28, 2011. I wanted to remind you to be yourself. You are the best you there will ever be. Own it!


Sitting in Detroit airport en route to Toronto. Charging phone, sitting floor. Heading to Hoxton tonight for MSTRKRFT w/ ABSOLUT. They are sending a limo to pick us up. Will be a fun night. Looking forward to seeing friends.

Have heaps to soak up from an incredibly awesome last three days here with Ford. I have so much to tell you. Time to board our plane…

You will never be younger than you are today, do something awesome.

< ;3 CASIE


Design, Technology, Innovation










Blogging from bus en route to mornings event w/ Ford. Follow me if Twitter for the real time goods @casiestewart. These photos were yesterday. So fun!

Started the day w/ coffee & sausages 😉


I Hear The Mermaids Come Out in The Moonlight

I love when the sun shines and makes rainbows like this.


Up early and off to Dearborn, Michigan!   I usually wear heels when I travel but at this temperature and 7am for a 1 hour flight, I couldn’t be bothered. Plus, my five pairs of shoes fit nicely in my now broken suitcase. I need new luggage ASAP.

Thank you Barbie for these great MK shoes. I need a pedicure.  There’s a wicked deal for shellac mani/pedi on Buytopia right now for $25. Ends tomorrow! 875 people have already got it. I have one, gonna try and go this weekend.


This app is called TripIt. It pulls flight & travel info from your email and puts it all here for you. SUPER convenient if you travel heaps. It’s also free 😉


I flew on the smallest little peanut ever. 18 people!


Asked the security lady to take my photo. What a diva!


Later Toronto! Nice being in ya.


Hellooooooo Michigan! Sat in the car with someone from Spain Newswire and Karl Lohnes who is on CTV Metro News & HGTV. Both from TO & super nice.


I’m here at the Hyatt in Dearborn, Michigan for Go Further With Ford a conference about Innovation & Design. INNOVATE OR DIE!  Told you that was a trend last week. I think it’s mostly traditional media which is exciting for me. Digital kids paving the way for new media huzzahhhhh!


Ford is super savvy about this whole conference from the invite, to registration, logistics and delivery. I was here w/ Ford in January for the International Auto Show and was quite impressed. I posted about it here and here. They sent 150 of the worlds top bloggers for a three day press tour. I met  Stuart Flatt from Average Joe’s Blog in England and stalked Dylan Culhane from  South Africa. There were heaps of cool kids & journos. Looking forward to what the next few days will bring. I’ll keep you in the loop!

Room service is here. I’m starving. Hope you’re having an AWESOME day!


$2 Short To Take Over The World

That would be he name of a song in my band if I had a band and wrote songs. I can write but I don’t write many songs. I used to write prose and poetry before I had a blog and that made me very happy. A blog is like a long poetic story, this one about my life. I hope it goes on forever and I will go back and read it, living it over and over again. Each day as if it happened yesterday. A romance.



There was something disarming about his smile. I gave him my last cigarette in trade for this photo. I shouldn’t smoke anyways. It’s gross.


Tomorrow night I am seeing a band. A band I did not know, but a band I know now. They are called Blind Pilot and they are from Portland. Thank you to my friend Jonathan for being a legit hipster who knows bands ,for opening my ears to this lovely sound. They are playing the dinner at the Ford Design conference. You might like them too. I do. 

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FW 2012 Levi’s Preview & Your Personal Brand


Last week I attended the FW 2012 preview from Levi’s at The Burroughs Building, one of my favourite venues in the city. I’ve been a lover of the Levi’s brand since I had my first pair as a kid. I remember how excited  was to rock my first 501s.

I was happy to see the brand taking a stept outside the denim box into lifestyle clothing. I’d really in love with the little dress. There’s a bunch of denim dresses in the SS collection I would love to be wearing right now.

It was nice to see some creativity in the fashion show. You’ll see how the models each came out and walked the stage playing ‘characters’ who wear Levi’s.

There was a few couples dressed in similar styles, the preppy kids, hipster boy with a fixie to show lock holder on jeans, pretty girl in the dress, and suave babe in blazer. It was nice.

Not to mention the whole performance starting with shirtless hunk.

Watch The Video:

I’m pretty sure every fashion editor in the city was there.


We watched all the models get dressed in different styles right before our eyes.



This guy was the babe of all babes.



Last year I wrote a piece for The Levi’s Girl blog about building your personal brand.

“Casie Stewart knows a thing or two about leaving an online footprint. Recognized by Klout as one of Toronto’s top tweeters and bloggers, she has plenty of tips on how you can leverage social media channels as an invaluable element to your personal brand.”

                Mum used to tell me I was “someone special,” and I guess you could say I believed her. I’ve had lots of different jobs growing up, but my current job is one I only ever dreamed of.  When I started a blog, I didn’t think I was starting a brand. In 2009, I was on a TV show and the host asked, “What do you want to be?” I responded without hesitation and said, “I want to be a world brand.” Yes, that was reaching pretty far, but I knew one thing was certain: I was building a personal brand and nothing could stop me.

Not too long after that, social media really started picking up. I was right in the middle of it, spinning a web of content around me via my blog, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. I fell in love with the Internet and social media because it gave me an outlet to let my creativity run wild. That’s the beauty of building a personal brand: creating a representation of who YOU are and sharing it online.

A personal brand is you in an art form; it’s a mix of business and creativity. My mum used to say, “Casie, just because you don’t have money doesn’t mean you can’t compete. You just have to be more creative.” We’re lucky to live in a day and age where you can set a profile, create a voice and build a brand with an idea and the Internet.

Here are some tips on building your personal brand:

  1. Set a goal: Make a plan for your brand. What are you passionate about? What do you want to be known for?
  2. Start a blog: Use WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger or Posterous to create a free home for your online activity.
  3. Find a mentor: Find someone who is doing what you want to do and introduce yourself, learn from them and get inspired.
  4. TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook: Create profiles for yourself online and update them regularly with things that align with your brand.
  5. Get Involved: Seek out events related to your passion and get involved by volunteering. This is a great way to grow your brand, meet others and learn from experts.

I’ve been building my personal brand online for over five years. At first, no one read my blog, and I had no followers on Twitter. We all have to start somewhere but have the potential to go anywhere. In the words of Napoleon Hill, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Read the original article on The Levi’s Girl blog.

When did you get your first Levi’s? Do you have any now? LMK!

Maybe I can ask then to do a giveaway? Hint. Hint.


Casual Sunday, Content Conductor

Limitless, the movie, the you seen it? Bradley Cooper takes a drug that allows him to use ALL of his human brain. He goes crazy. I’d go crazy. I don’t really go to the gym but I work out my brain. Imagine you could use your whole brain. I love science news.

“to that mystery is the contention that humans “only” employ 10 percent of their brain. If only regular folk could tap that other 90 percent, they too could become savants who remember π to the twenty-thousandth decimal place or perhaps even have telekinetic powers.” Scientific American, 2008

I’m working brain triple time today. Backing up my entire Macbook, making it new again. Keri would be proud! Dell Ultrabook is good. iPhone is a such an incredible device for making things.


I’m watching Edie Segdwick in Ciao! Manhattan on Netflix. Welcome to THE FUTURE. I wonder what her blog would be like if she was here? Maybe like this, talking to herself.

Then I replaced it Rum Diary. Johnny Depp as Hunter S. Thompson.Last night a friend and I made mojitos with mint from my OWN garden. Oh yeah. Thanks Mum for bringing back my green thumb.


I read a great article about the making of the movie and Johnny Depp’s Rum Diary promise. It talks about them being at Hotel Nacional in Cuba. I stayed there. Been to Puerto Rico where it’s filmed too.  Somebody get me a mojito.

Good quotes. The babe girl in the video has a turtle covered in Swarovski. Are big turtles good pets?  I wanna live at the beach, again.

Oh God, why did she have to happen? HA! The fashion in this movie is amazing. Happy Sunday!


The Weekend: Beer Bacon Balcony Breakfast

This lettuce is from my garden!



Relaxing day, catching up on sleep. Feels good!


