you will need chocolate syrup, cornstarch, red food dye, white face paint, black (eyeliner/shadow) and some green if you have it. take off your shirt. don’t wash your face or hair. dirtier the better.

mix 2/3 chocolate syrup with corn starch and add a bunch of red dye drops. shake/mix. it will be kinda runny. let it sit while you pick out some clothes.
FYI, it will wash off your face really easy and off of any black clothes. remember you can be any kind of zombie ex. zombie version of yourself, zombie fireman, zombie schoolgirl.

put your zombie outfit on so you can wipe your hands on your clothes.
dip a chopstick into the blood and let it drip on your skin making beautiful blood drips. take a sip and let it run out of your mouth and down your face.
don’t be afraid to wipe your face with your sleeve and let the blood drip down again. it will layer as it dries and beginning to look more real. black out your eyes, smudge it all in good. mix some green. smudge. go eat brains.
see more zombie photos and my 30 second zombie movie.

happy halloween friends 🙂