Something made is just the best. When someone makes you a card and you get it, it’s like, totally amazing. Jenie painted me a watercolor card at Christmas. It was beautiful. This is very exciting to me…meet @hillzy, my first penpal since I was a kid.

She sent a survey: The Casie Stewart-vey ♥ V.1.0 CS 2009
Here’s just a few of my answers:
Q1) Favorite colour: green
Q4) I firmly believe:
1) you can achieve if you believe
2) in love
3) it doesn’t hurt to be easy on the eyes

Q5) If I could pack up and leave Toronto, I would go: back to Bondi Beach, Australia
Q9) Things I must have in my handbag:
1) smartphone
2) pen/pencil/sharpie
3) sunnies

Q10) My favorite part of the day is: when the sun shines through the clouds
I got out the art box and there’s lots of goodies in there and I’m gonna send something back now. Something that nobody, nobody ON OR OFF the internet has…something I made. Art.
* Side note: Hey Mum, who was my last penpal, was her name Darlene?