Today I woke up sniffly with sinus congestion feeling lethargic. Sadly, mama’s got a cold/flu.
Tonight, before bed I’m gonna do a Thyme bath. It’s one of Mum’s herbal remedies. In my history, the one that has worked to cure a cold the very best.
When you get sick, go buy some Thyme from the store like in the photo (I’m using two of these small dried bags). Get your biggest pot, fill it with water and boil the water/thyme. Now go run a bath, as hot as.
The thyme will settle to the bottom of the big pot eventually. It will also smell nice in your house (Dad hated it, but I love!)
Pour the water from the pot into the hot bath straining the little green thyme bits out. Get in the hot hot bath, sit there as long as you can before dying of heat. Then, get out dry off, dress warm, put on socks, hat, scarf and go to BED. Sleep. Wake up feeling better.
Rinse and repeat again the next night if you’re not better (you can even use the same thyme/pot). Take Oil of oregano too.
Thanks Mum for teaching me this trick. Works every time!