Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood










phones & elbows

Today was Picard’s birthday and I came to his office (@PolarMobile) to do a Lunch & Learn about social media to the team. It was fun & informative (I was told) and we had pizza and cake.

Way to go Picard on forcing having a colleague bake this double rainbow deliciousness. It was good. We followed that off with a couple celebratory birthday shots at the bar downstairs. It was after 1pm so, totally acceptable and a recommended birthday activity.

I lead the team in singing ‘Happy Birthday’. Talk about a deal of a speaker, talks, teaches, sings and more. Winked as I typed that, yeah I did.

Nov 23, 2011 | Source:

Having iPhone is changing my life. I’m able to update all my fav sites. There are so many apps. I’m using Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Tumblr, Dailybooth, Keek, My City Lives, Netflix, WordPress, Instagram and a few others. Have any recos? All my devices are synced to iCloud and it’s SO convenient.

Speaking | SociaLIGHT

Social what? There’s a new buzz word created every :02 seconds but ‘socialight’ is one I wasn’t really familia with. Socialite, yes. I’ve been a social person my whole life and I also like working hard and doing nice things for others. When I was introduced to the SociaLIGHT conference, I smiled knowing there’s gonna be lots of like minded people in a room together.

I’m speaking on a panel this weekend at MTCC for the Socialight Conference. It’s a one day event for entrepreneurs & small business people from across Canada. Never heard of it? No problem! This vid will give you the low down in < :60 seconds.

Did you know that “Last November, more than 100 countries celebrated Global Entrepreneurship Week and now 2011 has been recognized as the Year of the Entrepreneur in Canada.”  Learned that and some other smart facts from the Canadian Guv’s Biz dept. I’ve had an entrepreneurial fire burnin’ for years. In 1996 I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge for a publishing company I co-founded. Being on a panel at MTCC is totally checking something of a list for me. I’ve been going there & seeing speakers since I was a kid. Check out the other great speakers here.

This past summer I hosted the Bench room during BHD Suites Gifting Lounge on MMVA weekend (herehere & here). The lovely peeps at Bench asked me if I have any upcoming events they could dress me for.  I mentioned the SociaLIGHT conference and today I had a shopping party for one at the Eaton Centre!

Say hello to the Bench store babes who assisted me in picking a bunch of gear. Thanks girls!

We were looking for two full outfits and I was leaning towards non-sporty or too branded. Thanks Bench Canada for a fun time and new digs. This is what I tried on:

I can bring two VIP guests to the conference Saturday and I’d like to invite you. General admin tickets are $149 but if you are buying please use code CASIE2011 for 50% off.

Want a free ticket? Watch this video, the guy thinks I’m crazy and says “I was wondering what happened?” Where do you think his accent is from?

Nov 23, 2011 | Source:

If you guess, (comment anything!) I’ll pick two peeps at random. The crew I took to The Art of Sales this week had a blast. Conferences are F-U-N. So are gifs.

you missed this yesterday

My City Lives LOVES!

Yesterday I downloaded the new iPhone app from my friends at My City Lives. It’s an awesome & forever growing collection of people, places, things & thoughts from around out great city of Toronto. If you check out my first THIS IS MY LIFE blog on blogspot you will learn that “people, places, things & thoughts” was how I defined my blog in ‘an attempt to keep more memories’.

Check out this awesome vid MCL published today followed by some screen shots from their new app. Download it free from app store here & get sharing 🙂

The best suitcase I have ever used.

A couple days before my  most recent trip I got an email from RIMOWA, Germany’s luxury luggage manufacturer. I’ve never had nice luggage let alone ‘luxury’! Actually, the little suitcase I have belonged to someone else, is old and has a ripped zipper. It’s crap.

The note was about Salsa Air Ultralight weighing only 4.2 lbs, making it the lightest carry-on luggage on the market and built for strength and durability. Now, if you know me AT ALL…you know strength & durability are HUGE in the things I use/wear.

They had a suitcase delivered for me to take to Costa Rica and honestly, IT WAS THE SH!T! I love it. Rolled and tossed that baby with elegance, easy and  style from Toronto to Miami to Costa Rica to Libia to New York and home. We travelled car, bus, ferry, flight and through jungle, resort, beach and rain. Made this little vid-yo on the main street in Montezuma outside El Sana Banano.

Thank you RIMOWA. Can I please keep it?! 😉