Mark vs Kevin: A game of thrones negotiation for Instagram

My friend Stephen Henrik made this last night on the Instagram deal you’ll get a laugh out of especially if you read or watch Game of Thrones. There’s a play on the classic “iPhone4 vs HTC Evo” video and “Shit Girls Say” Enjoy….

What if Mark Zuckerberg and Kevin Systrom negotiated the Instagram deal like a Game of Thrones?

In other news, check this out!

Randeep Katari is an awesome Canadian export living in NYC and his Tumblr is now internet famous! He drew a sketch of me a couple years ago one night. I must find that sketchbook page! Good work Randeep, we miss ya.


So, @whoinspiresu? You could win $10K!

In 2009 I heard/blogged about this great contest where you make a video about something or someone who inspires you and you’re given the opportunity to win $10,000. Well, the Who Inspires U?’ Video Contest for 2012 has begun and Tri-Cyclen Lo is on a mission to help empower young women across Canada achieve their dreams! They’re are giving $10,000 in cold, hard cash to support your quest for GREATNESS!!

Inspiration is a HUGE part of how I got here and turned my dream into a reality. I’m living it out every single day.

One of the most inspiring people in my life is my Mum, she’s always encouraged me to be myself, be creative and follow what I was really passionate about. This weekend I asked her about inspiration, what it means to her and what inspires her. Here’s a mini interview with my lovely Mum on inspiration, creativity and living a great life. Enjoy! You’ll like her accent I reckon!

The Who Inspires U? contest is open to young Canadian females  ages 18-34 (no Quebec, sorry!). There is also a monthly contest with an AWESOME prize pack of an iPad 3, coach bag and Dior fragrance. I just entered. To enter yourself click HERE.

Here some useful links for more information about the overall $10k contest, monthly contest, prizing &  video requirements:

Your video must be 5 minutes or less and submitted between March 1st 2012 and May 18th, 2012. All videos will be judged on creativity and entertainment value of the video and your inspirational story and how you are striving to achieve your inspirational dreams, so get creative!! You will have a chance at winning $500 in Round 1 if you are in the Top 3 and a chance at winning our $10,000 Grand Prize in Round 2! Check out the website Toolkit for cool graphics that you can include in your video entry!


Photos by Kelly Krushel. Dress was Mum’s. When you enter PLEASE link your video in the comments and on my FB Page so we can all vote.

I wanna know who inspires YOU!


Speaking | The Audio from my SXSW Talk is Now Online

LISTEN TO IT HERE: Psychology of Narcissism & How It Affects Brands

I listened to it last night, I think you will like it. I make a couple jokes half way through and the discussion really gets going there. I mention a few brands and we all get some info from Dr. Jacob Small and clinical psychotherapist from New York. It’s about an hour with the final Q&A. Let me know what you think.

I’m doing a similar talk about psychology, narcissism and brands in July at NXNE. To attend it get a NXNE pass HERE before they go up in price on April 13th.

Not exactly sure the day I’m be speaking at NXNE. I’m on more than one panel and there is a TON of great speakers & panels in both music & interactive. I’ll be giving some tickets away closer to the date.

This is of the questions we discuss in the panel and I’d love to know your thoughts on the subject.

  • Do you think the internet breeds narcissism?


Going Home

Older people always tell you ‘time goes fast then’ you get older and you become that person. It’s true. Both things.

When I get really drained from life & the city I like going back to my home town. I grew up in Cambridge, Ontario, I went there this weekend. Have you been? It’s quite lovely, and quiet and you can see way more stars.

I have a group of friends there that I always see. One even lives across the street in Toronto but I pretty much only get together him when we’re all home for a holiday. It’s awesome. No matter how tired I get from travel, events, work life, nothing reenergizes me like some home cooking and chatting at a familiar place with the crew.  Other great re-energizers are yoga and cottages.

This weekend has for once (in a longish while) been really relaxing. Saturday night I had a hot tub and went to bed early. Friday night I had poutine and some serious Draw Something. Add me: casiestewart. 

We all get so busy and technology is such a part of our lives that it’s really hard to shut off. Ok not for everyoneeeee but lots of us. Especially me. I’m sitting in my old room at Mum’s as I wrote this and it’s quite magical how inspiring it is for creativity.

Tonight her and I went on a date to see Hunger Games and I loved it; girls night AND the actual movie. Have you seen it? The fashion made me really excited for Halloween. Or whenever! Look at those lashes and hair. I love this, I do. Hat gloves, earings, eyebrows, lipstick. I know I’m late to the boat but sheesh, why didn’t anyone inform me of this. There was even love story!

The movie used 35 full-time makeup artists. And there were more than 450 wigs on set to create the Hunger Games look, according to Linda Flowers, the movie’s hair director. For her freaky look as Effie Trinket, above, Elizabeth Banks was airbrushed with pale pink foundation and had a different eye makeup design for each outfit. * Glamour shared secrets from the movie

This news makes me really happy because I HAVE an Airbrush Set. I was sent one last summer from Dinair in Hollywood but I’ve not really used it. I’m going to now! Have been airbrushed a few times, once nude on Bay Street for a TV pilot.

Saw that nail polish I mentioned last week has a whole Hunger Games collection. You can get the lashes too. I want them.

I wanna go to the opening ceremonies. I’d totally be one of those babes all dolled up with coloured hair, fasteners, flowers, and bright fabrics.

And for the boys, can you please try this? I will love you forever. For real. Also, don’t even get me started on Lenny Kravitz in there as Cinna, stylist. I melted a little.

I hope you had a wonderful & energizing weekend and may the odds be EVER in your favor. 

Mum gave me a chocolate bunny for Easter and I ate the entire head off.

I have my designs on you.

Had a couple photoshoots last week. Kate & I were shot by Matt Shore down by the lake.

I was shot by Adrian Fiebig. Can we say professional?!

I also went to Wrongbar, chalked my hair blue and put my nose ring back in. It was a busy week!


Penny Drive!

This is Will. Will is amazing. Watch his story. He’s having an impromptu Penny Drive for his 75km Ride for Heart June 3rd in Toronto. I would love you to help me ‘show your roll’ and donate to Will’s Ride for Heart. I dare you to watch this any not cry.

I’m off to High Park to support a friend in the Harry Rosed run for prostate cancer. It’s beautiful & sunny out. Enjoy the day. Bon weekend!