Picking the Right Glasses, for Your Face!

I’m a huge fan of wearing glasses. They’re a statement piece for your face and can change a somewhat boring outfit into something with a lot more style. I’ve had glasses since my first eye checkup in high school. They were my first ever high end designer item too. I saw a pair of Gucci frames before I went in to get my eyes checked, as we were wrapping up my appointment the doctor told my my eyes were near perfect. You think a girl would be happy about that, no, I wanted those GUCCI GLASSES! Fortunate for fashion, I was able to get them in the weakest possible prescription and Mum & I went home happy after placing the order.

Now that I’m grown up (sounds so weird to say that, but anyways) I have to get my own glasses. A good price and easy shopping experience are important. Yesterday I chatted with Derek Derek Desierto’s about his top picks top picks for the spring and summer. Derek is a Canadian celebrity eyeglass stylist and the in-house designer for Clearlycontacts.ca. Listen here:

Derek styled my face with the handy Virtual Mirror I told you about in January.  In our short talk I learned that you should pick glasses that are the opposite shape of your face ex. square face, round glasses etc. These are a few of his latest designs w/ Clearly Contacts. Any guesses which ones I picked before looking two inches down the page? (Worst guessing game ever, I know)


I went for the fashionable & feminine Birch:

They should arrive next week and I will do an unboxing & try them on for you style like I did last time. Follow Derek & I on Twitter at @mrdesierto & @casiestewart

Check out this TOTALLY rad commercial for HTC that is shot on a new android while skydiving & posted before landing (technically cause nothing you see on TV is REAl but still, it’s cool). The song is from the Drive soundtrack. LOVED that movie. Oh, and Senör Gosling. I was in a national HTC campaign last year w/ SAY Media (see here).



In the light of the sun, you shine so bright. You do.

Welcome to my grass patch, glass castle in the sky.


Shopped the Peacock Parade sale yesterday. Got the vest. You like? I love.


There were so many nice things. I realized I have a clothes problem when I looked through the Line Knitwear leathers and found one of my own, the shoes that matched ones I have. I must clean my room. I attempted last weekend but failed. They had a bunch of stuff by Nicole Miller. Remember when her and I were hanging out with Derek in New Zealand? SO fun.


The cafe at the hipster Queen Street Loblaws is great for people watching. It’s also sunny.


Had a second of sadness as the Fashion Television truck drove by. No more FT. I hear the Dare to Wear Love fashion show was on it. A couple people said they saw me. LIFE GOAL, check that one off the Bucket List. Loved that show for over 20 years.


That’s my Tattoo shop beside Shoppers, FY Ink. I’ve got an appointment there tomorrow to get some work on my sleeve done. I’m so incredibly excited. A hot blonde girl is doing it. This is my Sharpie rendition. I always draw them on first, hence why right arm is being done. I’m left handed!


Today & tomorrow is a HUGE Billabong sample sale. It used to be held in the Carpet Factory building in Liberty Village when i worked there and I got heaps of stuff over the years. Good prices, lots of merch. I’ve been wearing Billabong for ages, see all kinds of past outfits here.


If I had a billion dollars…

Ok, I know the Facebook + Instagram thing is ‘so yesterday’ like Mandy Moore but it has totally sparked my interest a VC funding and who’s gonna buy what next. I have a feeling that Google is going to make a move, talk about Google+ is all over the place but who is really using it? I do, kinda, when I upload photos to Picasa but I’m not accessing it directly. Did you hear that Microsoft bought Netscape? NETSCAPE? Some millennial monsters won’t even know what that IS!

I have a feeling Blackberry is working on something, possible a merger or acquisition of or by another company. Maybe Google? I’m just thinking out loud, and by out loud I mean here. My thinking place. I wanna get them in writing just in case I’m correct, Gary Vaynerchuck predicted the Instagram/Facebook thing months ago. Feel free to pipe in any moment with your own thoughts. Maybe Google will buy Pinterest and integrate it into their newly added larger profile photos a la Facebook timeline. Who knows? Who cares really. The internet is our playground 🙂

BTW, add me on Instragram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Google+


Made a cameo in a friend’s vid about the Facestagram thing:


Now this will make your day.

It’s been going around the internet and I have to show you. It really touched my heart.

I had such a WILD imagination when I was a kid. Always starting businesses, telling stories and putting on shows. Don’t ever lose that passion for life. Don’t ever lose that love. Don’t ever stop being a kid 🙂

Have a magical day 🙂


If it makes you feel any better, I bawlllled my eyes out. K. bye.


Hallo & guten morgen! I woke up earlier than my alarm, reckon that’s a true sign of a happy life. Lots to do this week! OK, LEGGGGGGGO!

Thursday is MASS EXODUS the annual fashion show put on by Ryerson University’s School of Fashion. I attended the show in 2010 wich featured a rad performance by Fritz Helder. This year I’m working with one of the sponsors, 3F and I’ll be attending Thursday for media night.

Promo video for Ryerson’s MASS EXODUS 2012:

okjust kidding it's kinda like this

Today I get to see all those photos from the super professional shoot I had last week w/ Adrian Fiebig. I’m pretty stoked.

Planned a new tattoo I’m getting Friday, y’know, Friday the 13th. I used to hate the day until I took charge and got a tattoo I loved one fine Friday the 13th many moons ago (story here). It was way back when I had no tattoos on my arms at all. Well, that’s never gonna happen again! New tattoo goes with Sailor Jerry sleeve theme and there’s a heart and a girl involved. SWORN TO SECRECY!

Ok, jk, it’s kinda like this.

This afternoon I’m heading to the fashionable Burroughes Building at 639 Queen St. The Peacock Parade and their event partners, Foxy OriginalsLuved Clothing and This Is J. Have you checked out Peacock Parade before? I’m just about to make my very first purchase! The company is a Toronto based startup that offers different sales each day on really, really nice designer items. Looking good is feeling good baby!

Deets on the Peacock Parade Pop-up Shop:

Remember how excited the world was when this game out? I’m feeling Gaga inspired today so I just watched it again. Have fun with it stuck on your head ALL DAY! BTW my Hunger Games obsession has been taken to a new level, I ordered a Mockingjay pendant from Etsy. OBSESSED.

Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger,



Meet one of my most fav gifs ever.

Found it yesterday and it’s done by friend & photog Nate Kogan. NATE! How fun is this, the moves the glitter. I’m in love.  SO CUTE!

Have you checked out Keri Blog recently? She’s still been a nomad since January 1, 2012 & just kicked off her security show, Smarten Up Internet. Keri’s got the beat on how to keep your computer and gadgets safe and she could hack your computer from a wifi right in front of you.

She hacked me once, September 14, 2011 exactly at 4:20. I just realized the time. We were at a coffee shop in Toronto. I didn’t even notice until she Tweeted, from MY account.

Thank you for tweeting:

Watched this hipster vid on Lauren O’Nizzle’s blog. Her blog is full of haha humor. That reminds me, I haven’t gone for Ethiopian food in a while.

I’m a little bit obsessing over the HG. I can’t help it.

I don’t know how to explain this. Sorry/you’re welcome.

I just about died laughing my all off. First one I saw was Hunger Games Effie then Hawaii & Kate.  The band is a Swedish group of cool kids and they made this to promote the song. Thanks Kate for the low down. They released their song on Spotify. I don’t have Spotify anymore because of this, then we talked about it at Canadian Music Week.

Den officiella musikvideon till Fulkultur’s låt Fuldans! New fav song.

Now, go carpe that diem and have a wicked day.