Sabrina was in NY for a couple days and she brought me back this little special robot guy. So perfect for me. There’s a heart in the other side of the diamonds. Expect to see it in regular rotation. Thanks Beans!
I told Sabrina I want to walk to the island when the lake freezes over. She told me that won’t happen and I’m not allowed to anyways. Thanks MOM.
I snapped this guy and I’m not even sure what to say about his style and hair. I found it intersting.
Fashion district has a pretty mesuring tape on the sidewalk.
Had lunch with a friend at Le Gourmand today. I don’t usually share my food but my sandwich was totally delish delish. Chicken curry, yum.
Thank goodness for FB, a package was delivered to my old work at CTV and a friend in shipping sent me a wee note.
I’m yet to go to the Tim Burton exhibit. Would anyone like to take me? I’m a good date.
what’s in the box you ask?
One of my darling friends Monika saw I was not feeling better and sent me a whole pack of vitamins from Swiss. A tiny gesture that really brightened my day. Thanks MONIKA!
Heading to Blake McGrath’s video shoot uptown right now with my sister. So running behind. Sorry sister. Listening to this to get me up and moving.
Tomorrow I am going to The Motion Room with Raymi. We’re gonna do challenges and see who’s stronger. She’s got a head start and bigger nuscles I reckon but imma try and make you proud.
Ok bye. My sister is gon’ kill me!!!!