Not Quite Open Season | Cottage

Cottage baby

Cottage sweater from Community 54

I could tell from my Timehop app that the lake had no ice on this day last year, I was doing yoga on the dock and relaxing in the sun. We went up for a few hours on Sunday and it was still winter up there, frozen lake, snow covered driveway. The cottage was warmer inside than the air outside and it was warm enough in the sun for a spring jacket.




Thanks to Sean, my lovely beau-tographer for snapping my photo. It’s great to have a TV/filmmaker boyfriend who knows how to work my camera better than me. I’m in love with this sweater from Community 54, it’s super comfy and I wore it almost the entire weekend (don’t judge!). I’d like to start making my own versions. My plan is to do some sewing at the cottage this summer. I know how to make things and use patters but I’m constantly letting TEH INTERNET distract me. Sewing and reading. Less internetting.


Funny that I mention less internetting right now, today marks 9 years since this blog has existed. I better start planning my 10 year bloganza.


Long Weekend Plan – Fun, Family, Cottage, Love

long weekend ftw!

long weekend ftw!

This is my long weekend smile yay face. I’m so happy it’s a long weekend. It’s also sunny and hopefully going to be a little bit warm. Having Dad and his wife over for lunch tomorrow, Easter things with the kids on Saturday, cottage Sunday w/ Seam. Woot, can’t wait.

long weekend ftw!

“Sorry, that’s gonna have to wait till Monday”

Relax, refresh, recharge.

I’m out (to lunch!).

long weekend ftw!

Fresh Faced + Feeling Good | Dermalogica + Frank Love

Dermalogica Little Grey Pass

Dermalogica's Little Grey Pass, Fresh Faced and Feeling Good = Products I Love

Since I went for that Dermalogica facial at the start of April I’ve been using a new toner and moisturizer. It had been ages since I’d exfoliated and the this past winter made my skin extra dry. I purchased a new medium weight moisturizer after the facial and the cover tint (light foundation) I’ve been wearing lately has SPF 20. Thought I’d take a second to say my face feels SO GREAT. It’s never been so soft and I’ve been wearing less makeup. The facial I had a was a good scrub and polish designed just for my skin type. I want to stay looking young and fresh faced forever!

I was invited to test run the Little Grey Pass program from Dermalogica and I can’t wait to see how my skin feels once I go through all six treatments. You can order your very own Little Grey Pass right here and learn about how you can score a bunch of free products by taking great care of your skin.

Another product I’ve been LOVING is Frank Coffee Scrub from Australia. This stuff is amazing for your bod. I discovered the company via Instagram and ordered the product right away based on their social media. I actually just ordered packet of the coconut/grapeseed so I have one for the cottage this summer.

While I’m on this train of things I love, I wasn’t sure how much I’d be into an electric toothbrush but I got sent the Phillips DiamondClean electric toothbrush a few months ago and IT’S AWESOME. I went back to a regular toothbrush for a weekend getaway recently and I was so happy to come home to it lol.

Looking after your teeth is so important as maintaining good oral hygience can have a positive impact on your wider health. There is nothing quite like that squeaky clean feeling after you have just brushed your teeth is there? My dentist would be proud!

Speaking of dentists, my friend who lives in California finally got her Invisalign fitted by a Dentist in Citrus Heights the other day. She has always been insecure about her teeth so hopefully, this straightening treatment will help her to get the smile of her dreams.

Have you ever thought about getting Invisalign? I am tempted to give it a try myself but to be completely honest, I need to do some more research first. As with anything health-related, it is so important to know all about the different treatment options out there, especially when it comes down to something as important as your teeth!

I reckon I’ll try to share more things I really love soon. This is all for now,


April Snow = Thumbs Down | I Can’t Even Deal

April Snow = Thumbs Down | I Can’t Even Deal






The Joy of Gardening | Landscape Painting

The Joy of Gardening| Landscape Painting

Yesterday was so lovely and warm. Sean and I were at Home Depot before 9:30am. We sussed out our options and went for brekky. I picked out some nice seeds, organic soil, bamboo, planters, and a pots. I’m so glad we were there together because all this stuff is super heavy!


The Joy of Gardening| Landscape Painting

The new patio was perfect for a bbq so I invited a few friends over to show off my work. It feels so relaxing up there. I cleaned the deck so I can do yoga out there once we get past tomorrow’s frost. Whilst I was in the cleaning mindset I did a few other jobs on my own for the patio but also on the exterior of the house itself. Some things obviously I couldn’t do like cleaning out the gutters, so I had to get in touch with Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning Oklahoma City to give me a helping hand. This was great because now they’re clean, it’s most likely there won’t be any soil erosion going on and my plants can grow wild! I’m excited to get everything planted and watch it grow now. I always loved gardening with Mum.

New patio styles!

The Joy of Gardening| Landscape Painting

Started a Gardening board on Pinterest here. If you have any tips or things I should check out. LET ME KNOW!

Companion Planting; The Joy of Gardening| Landscape Painting



Now that it’s getting warmer don’t forget your sunscreen. Nothing will make you look old like sun damage (or boozing super hard). I’ve been loving this Cover from Dermalogica, there’s also a Sheer that’s perfect once you’re a little tanned. I never leave the house without sunscreen on my face!

Dermalogica - Cover Tint


Enjoy the day! <3 CASIE

Market Fresh| Give Me All the Vegatables, Alllllllll!

Market Fresh| Give Me All the Vegatables, Alllllllll!


This weekend was super relaxing. We took EmBot to Kensington market for tacos and burritos on Saturday. So delish. I’m craving a burrito right about now. Loaded up on heaps of fresh fruit & veggies from the market too. I’ve been going through so much since I started juicing. I’m feeling great tho!


Showed Em how to make a juice and she thought it was pretty funny. Kinda like how I had my first experience with this handy little machine here (VIDEO).


Mixed mango, strawberry, raspberry, apple, and it was so delicious. Almost like a smoothie. Next time I’ll use the excess fruit to make some muffins or something.


The sun was also really nice. What a goof this little one! 🙂
