Events | New Creations Festival at the Toronto Symphony

Events | New Creations Festival at the Toronto Symphony

If you’re looking for something cool to do tonight, check out the New Creations Festival at the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. I’m heading back from Edmonton to meet Sean there for a date!

The festival wraps up tonight w/ Water by Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead.. It adds the beautiful sound of tambura, vocals from Brett Dean, and DJ Skratch Bastid wraps it up with a remix from the festival. Check out KNOCKING AT THE HELLGATE.

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I’m partnering with the TSO to share some of the great stuff they’ve got this season and remind you how much fun it is to go. Last time I went for was a couple years ago. I love live music and the TSO offers a whole bunch of great shows at a beautiful venue.

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LMK if you’ve already got a ticket! 


Mill Street Brew, Segway Tour, HTC Vive, Photoshoot

Mill Street Brew, Segway Tour, HTC Vive, Photoshoot

Hello spring, is that you? How nice was it waking up to warmer temps today?! So lovely! ☀️ Spring is just around the corner. Daylight savings is this weekend too! Weeeee.  I’m at the 1188 office today and the sun is making the office nice & bright.

On Saturday afternoon I hung out with Mill Street Brewery and a bunch of bloggers & media for a brewery tour and to learn about the brand. It was super fun. The team at Mill Street is v chill and I loved getting to know them. If you follow me on Snapchat you’ll have seen the tour happen in real time. [Add me here!] Learned that 30% of the hops they use comes from […wait for it] NEW ZEALAND!  Love when there’s a Kiwi connection ???.

The other cool thing we did together was ride SEGWAYS. This is my segway gang. It was super fun and we had lots of laughs. Felt like total nerds but tbh I don’t really CARE what other people think!


On Saturday night we were in the 1188 studio shooting for an upcoming project. It is v handy to have a BF with a studio! The guys set up all the lighting and we were rollin’.

I quite like being behind the camera too!

vcasie stewart, 1188, photographer

I got to try out HTC Vive and IT WAS ONCE OF THE COOLEST THINGS I’VE EVER DONE. It’s not out for another 6 months and it is truly a next level experience. I was drawing in 3D in a galaxy of stars where I wrote my name and made a pink glittery fire ball. I also tried fruit ninja and it was AWESOME.

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Here’s to a great week, it’s beautiful out! 


Events | Towards Tomorrow w/ Toyota

toyota, towards tomorrow, casie stewart, square one, wheels, vr, scion

This week I ventured out to Square One is Mississauga. I hadn’t been there in YEARS, man that place has really changed! Toyota invited me to check out their pop-up inside the old Target store that’s directed at millennials like me with a love for tech & digital. Yesterday the story was featured in Marketing Magazine and Strategy online with me in VR as the lead photo. Huzzah! The event is spearheaded by Desperado and Saatchi & Saatchi Canada.

Scroll for my experience & see some stuff I made ?. Toyota’s ‘Towards Tomorrow’ opens this weekend during mall hours and is around till the end of May.

Being an artistic individual, I was feelin’ the digital paint/graffiti wall. My creation features pink wheels and rooftop gardens, because why not? I’d love to see customizable car colours and more gardens in the future.

towards tomorrow, toyota, casie stewart, VR, samsung, square one

Toyota is looking attract next gen of car buyers by giving us tech-focused experiences and a place to interact with cars outside the dealership. “ Inside the space you’ll find the iM (read my review), Rav4 Hybrid, Prius C, the 4th-gen Prius, and a slew few tech showcases like VR driving with Samsung Gear VR, digital painting (love this), a selfie station (see top photo??) all with sharing capabilities for social & email. If you’re keen to get behind the wheel, you can test drive the vehicles on display and a couple other models outside. Test driving is always fun because you can really get a feel for the car and whether it is the right car for you, trying out different models and testing them to see whether they are worth purchasing is important, you may also want to check out different deals such as PCP deals to accompany your potential new car! Test driving is extremely fun….

“Clearly, our customers today are well-educated, using the web and have a greater idea of what they want. They certainly still want to see the vehicle, drive the vehicle and touch the vehicle to make sure it fits. But they want to do that in a pressure-free, non-traditional retail environment,” says Cyril Dimitris, VPof Sales, in a recent Canadian Auto World article.

If you’re heading to the mall with the whole fam or you’ve got a couple kiddos in tow, there’s a colouring station with toys. I sat dowm to test it out and give it ???. As for my drawing? I dunno, I got creative and added wings, grass, a sprinkler, and free toys to this thing that kinda looks like a car. ? Never know that the future holds guys!

towards tomorrow, toyota, casie stewart, VR, samsung, square one

If you’ve got any questions about the experience feel free to tweet me or @toyotacanada.

casiestewart, toronto, blogger, towards tomorrow,

Post sponsored by Toyota, story all mine. Next time I’m working harder at the paint station!

towards tomorrow

All Smiles – I Finally Went to the Dentist!

All Smiles – I Finally Went to the Dentist!

I can’t remember how long it’s been since I went to the dentist similar to Tandartspraktijk Antwerpen Euro Dent, even though they provide a great service so I hear (shame, I know). It’s something I’ve been thinking about but I’ve kinda just put of each time it comes up. One of my friends, who moved over to the UK, had a terrible accident a week or so ago. She slipped and banged her face on the edge of the bath, breaking her tooth in half in the process. I felt so bad for her! Luckily for her, she was a regular visitor of this Emergency Dentist Glasgow, so she went straight in for an emergency appointment to get it fixed. That’s what really got me thinking that I should find myself a dentist. Well, a friend messaged me on Facebook a couple days ago about a dental practice run by her brother, thinking we’d get along well. Michael invited me to pop into NOWSmile and write about my experience if I enjoyed it.

Well, it was great! Dentist. A person I would never have described as cool, but I have to say my dentist is probably one of the coolest people I know. If I was nervous at the start, before the end, I was so calm and relaxed, which is what everyone wants visiting the dentist. NOWSmile is more like a dental spa than your traditional dental office.

I was kinda nervous that he was going to tell me my teeth were rotten, had cavities, and I had gum disease or something. You always think the worst! Turns out, my teeth are a-ok. I should floss more, which I’ve been doing since my appointment. Dentists recommended a check up every six months, so I think I need to take this into consideration, especially if I want to improve my oral hygiene.

I had a stain in the middle of my front teeth that had been bugging me for a while and now, with one cleaning it’s gone!

Look at those pearly whites!

casie stewart, NOWsmile, dental, dentist, toronto

Clayton DeCorte opened NOWSmile Dental about a year ago at Bloor & Bathurst. The office feels a bit like like you’re at someone’s house when you walk in, or like you’re in for a beauty treatment. Was happy to see a stack of fashion & design books, nice furniture, and a couple TVs playing daytime shows. Traditionally, every time I went to the dentist is was like ‘oh god, here we go’, it was never this stress free.

casie stewart, NOWsmile, dental, dentist, toronto

Clayton is a Registered Dental Hygienist with the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario (CDHO) and a member of the Canadian Dental Hygienist’s Association (CDHA). We talked about tattoos and had a bunch of laughs and he cleaned my teeth while I watched The View. Haha.

They’re making a keen effort had to be eco-conscious and socially responsible, read this after my appointment and felt even better about my experience. I’d like to see a digital x-ray. The future is here!

  • – LED lighting where applicable
  • – biodegradable dental packaging of our sterilization solutions
  • – paper-light/paperless office
  • Micrylium products for disinfection control which provide a safer and kinder alternative to harsh chemicals
  • – NOWsmile utilizes digital x-rays for less radiation
  • – composite resin fillings that are mercury free no latex products in the office
  • – None of the chairs in our seating lounge area or in our dental operatories contain leather
  • – animal friendly cleaning products

casie stewart, NOWsmile, dental, dentist, toronto

I smile heaps but since visiting I’ve been so pleased. I lived with an ugly little on my tooth for way too long. ?

If you’re due or overdue for a cleaning on those teeth or need a dentist give NOWSmile a call 647-749-0456 or visit, IG @nowsmiletoronto, or Facebook/nowsmiletoronto.

Thank you Clayton for having me in! ?



Speaking | International Women’s Day Panel at United Nations Toronto

united nations toronto, casie stewart

Excited to announce I’m speaking at the annual United Nations Association in Canada event for International Women’s Day. I’ve invited my mum, my favourite teacher from grade 8, and my sister will be there too. I’d love to see some more familiar faces! Bring your mum, your bff, your BF, or come solo and hang out with us.

The event is at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel on Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 12- 4:30 pm. 

My panel is about Women and Entrepreneurialism. The discussion will be led by other female entrepreneurs including Jacquila Rose, Melissa Macher, Morgan Toombs, and singer/songwriter Domanique Grant (who will also be performing).

About The Event: Step Up for Parity: The Global Pledge towards planet 50-50

The United Nations Association of Canada, Toronto region invites you to the annual International Women’s Day event. The event will feature a series of panel discussions that will focus on the significant contributions that women have made in the economic, political, cultural and social sectors.

The first panel will highlight non-profit organizations with key note speakers from North York Women’s Shelter, Plan Canada and White Ribbon, who will explain what they are doing to promote women’s rights.  The second panel will have a discussion on female leaders in the workforce, and the third panel will cover women and entrepreneurialism with a discussion led by entrepreneurs such as, Jacquila Rose, Melissa Macher and Casie Stewart.

Oscars, Awkwards, My Fav Dresses, & Behind the Scenes

Oscars, Awkwards, My Fav Dresses, & Behind the Scenes

Watch the awards last night? They seemed to go on forever! I’m glad, along with the entire internet that Leo finally won. There were some totally WTF moments, Stacey Dash, those three Asian kids? I know people are upset about the lack of black nominees but I wasn’t expecting the ENTIRE show and all the commentary to be about it. I don’t find Chris Rock to be that funny. Everything that came out of his mouth was about race, everything! Jokes about Will & Jada were mean, the ‘black bloke from Star Wars — Darth Vader’, using those kids as a  joke was rude.

The show used to be so much fun and last night, everything was SO political. Then, you have these crusty people who didn’t even clap for a winner.

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In other news, my friend Joey Salmingo was on the red carpet for E!. It was so neat to follow along his behind the scenes, oh y’know, hanging out with Ryan Seacrest and all.

My friend Kelsey was a producer on ‘Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah’ that was nominated for Best Documentary Short along with Adam Benzine. She was so excited and looked absolutely beautiful on that red carpet. It was neat to see photos of the stage from her seats while watching at home on my own couch. 

Red carpet press line selfie #oscar2016

A photo posted by Kelsey Lynn (@kelserspix) on

Following adventures of people I know was more exciting to me that watching the show. I felt it dragged on and made me feel uncomfortable several times. Following along on Twitter was once again, the best commentary. Shoutouts to Toronto and New Zealand who both got mentions as well. 🙂

These are my fav looks from the red carpet. I absolutely love Alicia Vikander, she can do no wrong that woman!

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