?? Apples to Apples: Visiting an Orchard w/ Subway Canada

On Friday afternoon I went to an orchard north of the city with bloggers from across Canada thanks to Subway Canada. We picked apples and sampled some of their new menu items coming in October. We were greeted with a cute welcome sign and chilled Izze fruit drinks as arrived. Lucky for us the morning rain cleared by the time we arrived and it was a lovely day. I hadn’t been to an orchard since I was a kid.

Our first part of the adventure was a hayride and if you were following my posts in real time, I was really into it. I even made a song about it.

[vine id=”5vO6Vxg5FYE”]

After our tour of the orchard we sat down for lunch. It’s just started getting a wee bit cold and thankfully our hosts were prepared with blanks to keep warm.

creepin’ Instagram

The new fall menu at SUBWAY features a new Carved Turkey sandwich that will launch October 11th in Canada.  Just after thanksgiving ?

Executive Chef, Chris Martone made us a delicious salad to start our seated meal with walnut encrusted goat cheese, it was so good. Both Will and I ordered a second plate! 

The new sandwich.

My favourite part of the day was picking apples. I also went into a corn maze, got lost for a minute, and went on the swings.

thank you Will Wong for this cute snap!

Later that day I went to the cottage for the weekend with Sean and Emily. On Saturday I made 3 pies with the apples I picked. Two of the pies were a combo apple pie/apple crisp. I highly recommend this recipe I found on Pinterest. They were honestly SO GOOD. I’ll be bringing 2 to the office today so we don’t eat them all!

After a long relaxing summer I’m thankful for the change in seasons, great time to start something new. ditch old habits, and bring back layered outfits.

Here’s to a great week! 


Learn From Yesterday, Live For Today, Hope For Tomorrow

Yesterday was full on. By 4pm I was back at the 1188 office and would have killed for a nap. I had 3 things earlier in the day, a call about a new project, then had to pick up Em form daycare, help her w/ homework, and make sure all was cool w/ sitter, and head back to work. I really love what I do but some days it’s super exhausting. Working for yourself has perks but being the face of the brand, writer, editor, admin, finance, marketing,  agent, and accounts receivable can take a lot out out of you. I’m only one woman! Add on step-mama to an 8 year old and partner to an entrepreneur, tbh I get damn tired.

looked cute today tho

Although yesterday was tiring, it was really great.

Arrived at the 1188 office w/ Sean early to help out. Then went to the ReThink Breast Cancer breakfast. I’d done a bunch of things on my phone before then including Nike (NTC) workout on the roof and didn’t realize my phone was almost dead. URGH! So, off I went to the breakfast sans phone.

Ready to show off @rethinkbreastcancer’s latest partnerships and brand new #giveacare collection tomorrow!

A photo posted by Alison Lawler-Dean (@allield) on

The new collection is so nice. I truly love the work they’re doing. Once I get photos I’m going to share here. ReThink is a breast cancer organization that aims to help raise awareness for young women dealing with breast cancer. One of the things I reallllly love is their BARBIE brand partnership. If you know me well, I FREAKING LOVE BARBIE. I still have all mine at mum’s house. Also a few collectors ones still in the box.

Next I went to 1 King West to check out ‘The 48’, on the 48th floor their new office suites and meet with their team. I’ve been thinking about getting a desk space and they’re interested in working with me, it was a good meeting. The space is beautiful. I couldn’t help but think of all the things I could do there, events, shoots, meetings.

Before heading to my next meeting I had a call about a cool project w/ young entrepreneurs & Capital One. I worked w/ them on a campaign last year and was a young entrepreneur myself so I’m jazzed about it.

Kelly sounds like fun! haha TBH I have one of these and I love it

Took the TTC to Fleishman Hillard to learn about the new FitBit. I like my Fitbit and the stats that come with it. The intersection of fashion X tech is something I really love and they had some cool stuff. These were my fav. The new leather band, bangle, fashion collabs w/ Public School (braided one), and the new Alta watch.

JUST before I went to this presentation, I was making a Snapchat ?????? at the TELUS store and WALKED INTO THE WALL. Fml. First time doing that and thank god I didn’t bang up my face/teeth. I bruised my hand and it’s kinda tender. I don’t think anyone saw. Lol derp.

Picked Emily up at 5:30 and took her for a Happy Meal. They have great toys rn. WONDER WOMAN! Something you might not know about me is I have TONS of McDonalds toys in mum’s basement. Heaps still in packages. We don’t know wtf to do with them!

I really like helping Em with her homework. My mum was at home with us until I was 16 so I really understand the importance of focussed attention to help her learn.

After making sure all was cool w/ her and sitter, I went back to work for a bit.

Safe to say I wrote most of this on mobile while pacing in the kitchen.

I document days like this so I can look back and remember. That’s really why I started blogging 11 years ago, to keep more memories. It worked. I love looking back in my archives to see how far I’ve come, much I’ve changed, and remind myself to keep at it.

In other news, next week I’m meeting with Twitter Canada, shooting w/ TELUS, and going to Florida for a week.

Never a dull moment, THE HUSTLE IS REAL!

casiestewart, twitter, casie

Title is a quote from Einstein from BrainyQuote.com

It’s Always Summer In My Heart

It’s Always Summer In My Heart

Last Week of Summer? Doesn’tFeel Like It! Today is SO HOT OMG. I’m wearing shorts and t-shirt and feeling so happy.

We had a great weekend at the cottage. It was just Sean and I for a few days. Lots of relaxing, naps, great food, laughs. I love the VIEWS but something else I really love about the cottage is the drive up together and driving long, winding country roads. There’s something so magical about it, laughing together, singing old songs. 

The leaves are just starting to change and I said ‘I LOVE IT THIS TIME OF YEAR’, his reply? YOU LOVE IT ALL TIMES OF THE YEAR! It’s true, I really do. Each season and type of weather has it’s beauty.

Today I’ve got an afternoon with TELUS to meet with 2016/2017 Team TELUS Advocates. I wrote about that here. They sent a welcome package last week with the INSTAX printer! I love this thing so much. I’ve been carrying it around in my purse ever since. THANK YOU GUYS!

On our way to the cottage we stopped at Rocket Fireworks, Sean loves fireworks so much.

I got up each morning and went out on my stand up paddle board. I love this outfit, denim bathing suit, flannel. Perfect fall cottage attire.

Finished reading ‘in a dark, dark wood’ this weekend. Good book. crazy story about old friends and one of them getting married, a hen party gone wrong. Received it at the Essentials Lounge by EGPR during TIFF. I have to admit, it was kinda weird picking up a book-book spending the summer w/ my Kobo. [See my list of summer favs here!]

While out for a Sunday drive we discovered Wahta Reserve, aka the BEST PLACE TO BUY FIREWORKS. Look how happy this guys is!

Spent the last night out for a long SUP session then lit a smoke grenade to close out summer! We’re back up this weekend and I am totally crossing my finger for more warm weather.



Meet The 2016/2017 Team TELUS Advocates (waves hi!)

I first met with Telus PR in 2009, since we’ve done some amazing things together. Back then, ‘influencer marketing’ was something for celebrities (Paris, Britney, Beyonce) and I was still working at Much/MTV.

Since then, Telus and I have done some really fun things together like mobile updates from around the world, scaling a building, building a garden, and donating to charities. Last year, TELUS created #TeamTelus Advocates, an official group of influencers across Canada to help them spread Telus vibes across the country through community involvement, sharing experiences, and talking about tech.

I’m happy to share I’m on the 2016/17 team w/ a bunch of great Canadians!

I’ve got a few stories planned over the next couple months including getting my dad set up his first android, travel packages (I’m away most of October!!) AND MY NEW iPHONE 7+! OMG, I can’t wait to get my new phone and take that camera on adventures.

Check out some of the #TeamTELUS Advocates below, see full list here.

In case you missed the videos we did this year, check out the Mother’s Day one below and scroll a little bit more to see my excited face after scaling down Toronto City Hall at the Rope for Hope for Make-A-Wish Foundation the year before.

[youtube id=”7fShXKG4Udw”]

Make-A-Wish Rope for Hope w/ Telus
Make-A-Wish Rope for Hope w/ Telus

Recently, I wrote about my love for the Telus mobile network when we’re up at the cottage,screen-shot-2016-09-19-at-8-39-38-pm I seriously have the best service up there. Next week I’m joining the Toronto team for The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. October 1st 1pm, Beaches, Toronto. Details here if you want to join me!

Thanks for following my adventures, and since a lot of updates come from my phone or via mobile wifi, we really Telus to thank for keeping us connected.

I’m excited to share adventures and stories with you this year. Next trip announcement coming soooooooon, there will be ?????!




Guilty Pleasures! ? Bachelorette Canada & Wine! ?

Tuesday this week was the premiere of Bachelorette Canada and I watched and tweeted along with the rest of the country (it was trending!). Yes, I know these ‘looking for love‘ shows are a bit silly but I GOD DAMNIT just love them for the commentary and chatting away on Twitter. I started show tweeting when I worked at MUCH & MTV 6 years ago, it really takes the TV watching experience to the next level.

In case you didn’t notice during the commercial breaks, Two Oceans Wine is one of the sponsors and they graciously sent me a couple bottles & goodies to enhance my viewing experience. I’ve partnered with them to share my thoughts on Twitter and the blog throughout the season. The things is, wine goes really well with show tweeting. It’s like hanging out at a party, making new friends, laughing, all the while sitting on your couch with a blanket and snacks. I would say I probably posted 20+ tweets during the 1.5 hour premiere! 

#BacheloretteCA Premiere Fav Moments

This is Canada’s first season of The Bachelorette, where Janine Poplak (from Vancouver) met 20 dudes, and gave out 15 roses. Some of my fav moments from the premiere below.

Bachelor Kevin P. played a little tune on his ukulele and I quite enjoyed it. Side note, I have a uke and my goal is to learn to play by Christmas.

Her dress was gorgeous. Look at that long train! ????

Kevin W gave her a high five when he got out of the limo, haha.

This was a cute moment when Seth snapped a selfie when he arrived.

This was a bold buff move by JP. he was NOT wearing anything under this ‘Butler in the Buff’ uniform.

Sangria anyone?

If you’re looking to whip up a nice cocktail, try this Two Oceans recipe for sangria using their Cabernet Sauvignon.


 Join me each Tuesday night for the next few weeks to tweet along w/#BacheloretteCA about the drama! If you’re planning to have a few of the gals (or guys?) over to watch, W Network has put together a cute party planning kit w/ decor ideas and games here.  Bingo included!

Find a list of the bachelors on the show on wnetwork.com my favs are Benoit, Mikhel, and Kevin P. Although that could all change next episode! Tweet you Tuesday! 

  • Post sponsored by Two Oceans Wine, TY! Witty Twitter commentary and jokes, oh they’re mine, allllll mine!

? Coming Soon! Catching Up on the Blog Today ?

The last few days have been really exciting. After gifting lounges last week, daily hair & makeup, nails, tan, karaoke, dance parties, and film, I’m pretty wiped. Feels a bit like I am getting sick, tired/sore throat. ?? This happens almost every year tho! Taking it pretty chill today and hibernating in the house w/ my computer. 

Wednesday I’m back on Sirius XM w/ Todd Shapiro before attending the premiere of All I See Is You, a thriller w/ Blake Lively. 

Have some exciting things coming up after this week, going away for a couple weeks, a big trip next year, and speaking. 

Here’s to a great week, hopefully this beautiful weather hold ups up! ☀️