an interview to inspire: Jesse & MS

I recently found out that my friend, Jesse Lee from high school was diagnosed with MS. I don’t know alot about MS and saw an opportunity to learn about the disease and share it with others. Jesse is a really cool guy (and funny) so when I found out about him and MS, I was really interested to learn more. Below is my interview with Jesse. Please read it. I assure you it will touch your heart and inspire you. You can donate too MS and help Jesse raise money for the cause here or by following the links below.

Did you have symptoms, how did you know?

The first two symptoms I encountered were numbness in my fingers and face and blurry vision in one eye. It was in the summer of 2007 while playing baseball. I have always been a good athlete and all of a sudden I was missing fly balls because of my blurry vision and the numbness caused my coordination to be off. I contacted my Doctor who originally gave me eye drops. Once the eye drops didn’t work I was sent for an MRI.

When did you find out you had MS?

After my first MRI came back and showed some lesions on the brain, a neurologist that I was referred to said there was a possibility that I had MS and sent me for more tests and a second MRI. The results of those tests confirmed I did in fact have MS and I was officially diagnosed in March of 2008. This was a very frustrating time because as you can see it took almost a year to diagnose and so much uncertainty was surrounding while other symptoms started to arrive and get worse. These other symptoms included; loss of balance, poor short term memory and other cognitive problems, depression, extreme fatigue, itchiness, nerve pain, bowel and bladder problem in which I was hospitalized a few times.

How has MS affected you physically?

In addition to the symptoms described above, my physical problems such as the loss of balance and blurry vision have forced me to quit playing baseball and hockey because it has become dangerous for me to participate in these sports. I have also always had physical jobs and am currently unable to work due to these reasons. I temporarily went back to school to work in an office setting, but my lack of short term memory and other cognitive problems made it extremely difficult to follow simple instructions. MS is also a very unpredictable disease in which symptoms come and go and therefore an individual living with MS may be able to work at some times and not at others. I also used to help my Grandmother with many physical tasks around her house and I am now very limited in the help I can give her.

How has MS affected you emotionally?

This disease has affected me emotionally in many ways. Initially, I became very angry and depressed. The fact that there is still no cure for MS made it difficult to have any hope for the future. I also felt cheated. I am still very young and was angry that so much had been taken away from me.

How has MS affected your relationship with others?

MS has affected my relationship with others in both positive and negative ways. The relationships with the people closest to me such as my family and my girlfriend have grown much stronger as we have learned to value the important things in life. On the other hand, MS has made me feel very isolated as I have lost contact with many friends who I no longer see as I don’t participate in the sports and other activities I once did. They also seem to be afraid to address the subject and therefore choose to avoid it and me.What do you want people to know about MS?
I want people to know that 1 in 2 Canadians knows someone with MS, which means that this is significant problem. I want them to read my story and be able to put a face with the disease. I also want them to know that so much research is currently going on that is dramatically improving the lives of individuals with MS. Much progress has occurred in even the last 10 years, so you really are making a difference when you donate.

How has your life changed since your diagnosis?

I can no longer work. I have lost some friends. I now have to take a disease modifying drug which consists of a daily injection along with a bunch of other medications and vitamins. I have had to move in with my grandparents as disability does not provide enough money to financially support myself any longer.

What do you want other people to know about your life?

I want people to know that this is a very tiring disease and every day is a struggle. I want people to know that this terrible disease can ambush you in the prime of your life and dramatically change your current life and your future plans in a very short period of time. Despite that, I have learned that this situation has made me a stronger person.

Who can get MS/what causes MS?

MS does not discriminate; pretty much anyone can get MS. MS is believed to be an autoimmune disease where the body’s own immune system attacks itself. There is still no definitive answer as to what causes MS but there are demographics that more commonly get MS. MS is more commonly diagnosed in individuals living in parts of the world where there are less hours of sunlight (Canada has one of the highest rates in the world), individuals between the age of 18 and 40 (although, children and teens are now being diagnosed in much higher rates), and individuals with a northern European background. But people outside these demographics still get MS. Some theories on what causes MS include a vitamin D deficiency (the vitamin in sunlight) and a virus contracted in childhood. Neither of these theories have been confirmed or rejected which is why donating to research is so important.

How can people support your cause?

You can support my cause by visiting my fundraising page and pledging me in the 2009 MS Walk, donating to the MS Society of Canada once the walk is over, or signing up for the MS Walk in your city and raising more money and awareness to find a cure.

How do you inspire others?

Instead of being angry and depressed I have decided to focus my energy on positive activities such as participating in the MS Walk. I actively pursue pledges so that I can make a difference for the future of those affected by MS. I also try to show those people who have stuck around how much I appreciate them and try not to take anything for granted.

a story of beauty featuring me by darren

I walked into the salon tucked away in a lovely loft in the heart of Queen West. I was greeted by charming eyes and warm beats that made me forget it was even winter. The shelves were stocked with the hottest Redken and he politely took my jacket. I felt as if I had already escaped the winter blues and I had only just arrived.
Alas, the night begins…I was ready to relax, add some new blonde over my old ugly and chop a few strands off.

I was totally having a lovely time being the focus of his attention as I patiently awaited the results.VOILA!! My hair is looking bangin’ with bright blonde and partial mahogany pieces to spice it up. The pix just don’t do it justice. It’s lovely. New camera comes next week.

Thank you Darren for making me feel so pretty. If you would like Darren to run his fingers through your locks call him, he’s a babe. Find him @

gettin’ ma hair did

Tonight I am heading over to the Darren Kwik Studio, Queen West to get my hair done. It has been ages and I’m quite excited about it. Darren has been doing hair for ages and I’m looking forward to seeing him again. It’s been years! I’ve read a bunch of reviews of his salon and it has an excellent reputation. Darren was a hairstylist for the 2008 Much Music Video Awards and also took part in Redken’s Annual ONE X ONE Cut-A-Thon which raised awareness and funds in support of child poverty in Canada and around the world. Stay tuned for how beautiful my hair looks tomorrow!!

so what i’m crazy, that gives me freedom

“People will laugh at you because you’re different.
You will laugh at them because they’re all the same.”

This quote came in Twitter post by an experienced blogger I follow on Twitter named John Chow. People have always said “You’re crazy” or as I dance by myself in the middle of the dance floor with my arms over my head “That’s Casie, she’s crazy“. For a while I thought, “Oh no, they think I’m crazy” but that was followed by thinking, “no, you are just different and they are all the same.” (Yes, I have had this conversation with myself more than once.) I would rather be seen as crazy, than ordinary any day.
As soon as someone says that you are crazy, they really give you the power and freedom of expression to do whatever you want. You can transcend all boundaries of what people consider normal, because they already know you’re ‘out there’. This motivates me and gives me encouragement.

Stay tuned there is always more here, it comes from somewhere in the universe..

i was at a party with obama smoking cigs

My friend had a wonderful dream and this is what happened…

You were in my dream this morning
We were at a party with Barrack Obama – but it was real casual

Him: It was at his house and we were sitting on a picnic table
omg really?
And the press rolled up and jumped out and started taking photos of us
how did I look?
It was nuts – and hyper realistic

was his wife there?
You looked great, you were wearing a strapless summer dress

No wonder I woke up feeling amazing!
And your hair was long
oh great
Michelle was not there
Just Obama – we were smoking cigarettes
Sounds like a lovely party
I’d love to smoke cigs with Obama
Ha-ha, it was so surreal
I love it
Thanks for Sharing it with me. I was glad to be there with you in my summer dress.
No problem – have a
nice day
You too

who’s fueling who now?

I got a lovely email from the folks at Fuel My Blog today that I am the blog of the day! Fuel My Blog is a cool community exclusive to bloggers, every new blog added is reviewed by a human before being accepted. I got reviewed and they like me, they really like me!!

Blogging is becoming cooler and cooler each day. In a world where anything can reach the media, go viral or change in an instant, I’ve really noticed an interest in blogging from those around me. As for myself, I love this blog and writing it! I started it for myself so I could remember stuff and let me tell you, it works. Except, I read old entries and forget that I wrote them, but that keeps it entertaining!
You can vote for my blog on Fuel My blog by visiting the site, or clicking the image below. My interview will be on their blog in the upcoming weeks. Thanks y’all!!

light snow with an in your face warning

The Twestival is coming soon (Mark Feb.12 on your calendar!) and I am happy to announce tickets are selling well! The night is sure to be a hit and will be enjoyed by over 175 cities around the world, together. Here is a mesage from the founder of charity:water thanking us all for being involved in Twestival.
I’m looking forward to doing getting started on video blogging. It’s been ages since I have had a new camera as I lost the old one last summer. I’ve had a few requests to do some impersonations. This I assure you will be quite hilarious. Today is it -4 in Toronto and the snow is coming down in a sideways motion. I’d happy I live in a condo and don’t have to deal with snow removal.

i won the camera, now comes the fun part

It was only January 9, 2009 that I wrote a post titled “hey universe, I need a new camera“. It is amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it. The power of positive thought baby! Special thanks to everyone that voted for me and joined Daily Challenge.

It was a close race and as I wanted, I came in second place, scoring me the jazzy new flippy video camera. “This camera is not only super sleek and sexy but was also named “one of the most significant electronic products of the year” by the New York Times and if that wasn’t enough the makers of The Flip are have committed to give away 1,000,000 Flip Video camcorders to qualified nonprofits by 2012. Talk about Do Gooding!” Thanks Daily Challenge!

we are moving particles of matter

vintage series: written by me on may 17, 2007

“Internet stalking? Who is really stalking who?

Me sitting here on my computer. You would know by looking online that I have been ‘Facebooking’ for about the last hour or so. Chatting, writing notes, tagging friends in photos, and checking my events and sh** like that. At work, when I log on in the morning, scripts run, and documents are recorded with times, dates, locations, ISP’s, with IBM’s all over the place. I recall 1984, the classic by George Orwell. I remember the book vaguely, which I may even recite by memory. I think I read only the ‘Coles Notes’ and still have the hardcover at Mums’ house from the local public library circa 1998.

In a recent discussion, I came to the conclusion that anyone…government, organizations, the Internet, anyone could be stalking me right now. In the world I live in, I am run by the Internet and my computer. I rely on them for knowledge, weather, news, fashion, gossip, history, travel, alerts and everything else that I don’t know yet but Google does, and, I’ll tell you in a minute. I start to think further about the potential of this awareness of what I am actually doing, all the time.

The boys start talking as I come up with an idea. Imagine the government infused our blood with a specific DNA that is able to be seen and or tracked due to its scientific makeup. What a scary thought.

You could see what we are moving particles of matter.”

Get inspired!! Do Something Good – RIGHT NOW ♥

OK. Contest closes today.

I’m ready to kick some ass in the Daily ChallengeDo Gooder’ Contest. I’m trying to win a camcorder so I can start video blogging. Daily Challenge is the worlds largest network of ‘ Do Gooders‘ and a media sponsor for the upcoming TwestivalTO.

Please take a couple minutes TODAY to vote for me and my story. It’s about how my mum, sister and self served an afternoon meal to those without, followed by opening our home anyone alone to share our Christmas dinner. I only have 25 damn votes right now. I know I can win the unit with your loving vote.

Your five minutes of internet time
today is much appreciated!!

See you at
Twestival on Feb. 12!!

inspiring change through design and creation

I’m watching this inspiring documentary JonJon sent me. It is all about how waste is food and reducing the amount of waste created. Really interesting, and kind of long, but worth it. As a globe, our natural resources are increasingly becoming less and less available. If we find more ways to reduce, reuse and recycle the products we consume, we will have a more sustainable way of life.
They mention how we consistently take and take and do not give back. This needs change. I’m a big advocate for giving and living green. This documentary is really interesting, the innovation and sustainable development blows my mind. Now, the real challenge, getting the masses and corporations to change their manufacturing and energy usage.

New challenges arise every day and this is why you should be active and keep on learning. Have an awesome day!

tageriffic from down under

Last night I was talking with one of my mates in Palmerston North, New Zealand. A bunch of my wonderful family members live in that small but awesome city commonly referred to as ‘Palmy’. This is James Wynne with a tag he did. So swift!

if you’re canadian, sing it, sing it,

I sang or listened to our national anthem everyday while growing up. I learned it in both official languages. I still remember it and can sing it the way we used to, like half English half French. My parents grew up singing God Defend New Zealand. They did not grow up in Canada like I did. I have dual citizenship’ but I live here and feel Canadian. New Zealand has two national anthems of equal standing – ‘God Defend New Zealand‘ and ‘God Save The Queen‘.
The reason:
‘National songs, ballads and hymns have a tendency to elevate the character of a people and keep alive the fire of patriotism in their breasts’. The Saturday Advertiser and New Zealand Literary Miscellany, 1 July 1876

Honestly, I think if you go to Canadian school and work in the Canadian economy and and choose to be Canadian, learn the fucking anthem as a kid in school. Some people in New Brunswick don’t think so. In summary of you havent seen the news “principal’s decision, eliminate tradition, singing O Canada, sparked outrage, parents, the country…heated debate…blah blah blah”.

obama rockin’ to single ladies

I saw this in ET last night and loved it. His name is Iman Crossman and he is known on YouTube as AlphaCat. He has a bunch of videos that are hilarious. His views are up in the millions and he is quite funny. You know I love darling Barry Obama and this guy is almost the next best thang yo!! It’s amazing the viral effect that something like this can have. He told ET that he has some ‘projects in the works’ and I say good for him.

Watch the vid on youtube.

I wonder who I could do a video of? Any suggestions? Maybe…lady Gaga or Paris?

"Casie, if you weren’t on the computer so much…"

In reference to the upcoming Twestival on Feb. 12 I posted the following message:

“1 in 6 peeps on earth don’t have access 2 clean water. On Feb 12, 100+ cities around the world set out to change that. This is @Twestival via Twitter

I received a personal message from an old friend that I have known for years who has quite an opinion on the subject. Here is what said:

Casie, if you weren’t on the computer so much, maybe that 1-6 in people who don’t have fresh water, could have fresh water. The majority of the worlds fresh water is used for the use of hydro electric dams around the world and with the global demand for energy much of that fresh water is diverted from the areas needed. This whole green fad pisses me off, cause half the people who preach about this shit, spend their entire lives in front of a computer….Just some food for thought, i’m probably coming off like a dick, but I’ve spent my entire life protecting the natural environment and I get pissed off when people don’t do there homework or talk about shit they have no business talking about. In my opinion this world is worse due to Facebook, internet and everything else that goes with it, people preech about bringing the world together in unity, if you do research throughout history, it will lead to great demise…Both biologically and socially….Just think about mono cultural of plant and trees species, when one gets infected by a virus or disease the whole field goes…the whole crop or plantation is destroyed…Same goes with the human geno…Just some thoughts for you to think about….Not trying to be a dick!!…Hope your well”

It’s nice to know I have friends who care more about the environment than the internet. No, I don’t think you are a dick. I think you are awesome and all the hard work you have done it fantastic. My job by day and by night involves the internet but I am making a conscious effort to save energy in other ways. Thanks for sharing caring!! ♥

why pay for school when you can educate for free

I have a confession to make and am doing it publicly for education’s sake. I went to university and college over 4.5 fun filled years. I am a big fan of education and educate myself every single day. While I was in post secondary school, I rarely bought any books. I learned most the stuff I needed to pass class online; yes from the Internet. This is the library I where I used to hang out.
By doing this I saved money for other important things which I am sure you can imagine. I also chose which classes I attended very carefully; the mandatory ones with attendance and quizzes. Be careful if you choose to take this route, it can be dangerous, it involves a lot of self-motivation and self-study that other people just don’t actually ‘see’ happening. In other words, I got into a few scraps with several students over how the hell I got the grade with no books while skipping class. It takes work. That’s how I did it.

My thirst for knowledge has always run strong and this carried me through school. Stay tuned into things you like, follow your passions. One of my dear friends sent me this great vid called Five Minute University. Law School sounds like an option for me I reckon. Enjoy!

Year of the Ox Brings Good Luck & Obama

On the Western calendar the start of the Chinese New Year falls today and marks the The Year of the Ox. I’m wishing all my Chinese friends and readers a Happy New Year!

In my office we are having a catered buffet of Chinese food for lunch. I am absolutely starving so I’m counting down the minutes. Just looking at this picture makes my tummy rumble!!
Famous studs who are born in Ox years: Johann Sebastian Bach, Napoleon Bonaparte, Charlie Chaplin, George Clooney, Walt Disney, Anton Dvorak, Clark Gable, George Frideric Handel, Oscar De La Hoya, Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, Aishwarya Rai, Wayne Rooney, Vincent Van Gogh

I’m Glamorous. Yes, I am.

Last week I received a package from my friends at Matchstick Marketing once again. This time it was…a L’Oreal Paris Glam Kit!! OOOH YEAH! I was totally surprised by the huge size of the actual mascara unit. It was bigger than any type I have ever tried, and resembled a sex toy a little bit! You know, like the kind of thing you might see on a sex toy site like Loveplugs? Well, that’s what my roommate, sister and I thought.
The kit came with the following jazz:
  • 2 x L’Oréal Paris Double Extension Beauty Tubes Mascara
  • 1 x L’Oréal Paris Cosmetic Bag
  • 1 x L’Oréal Paris Cosmetic Brush Set
  • 1 x L’Oréal Paris Eye Shadow Quad in Grey
  • 1 x L’Oréal Paris Carbon Black Liquid Liner
  • 1 x Guide to Smokey Eyes
I took the liberty of capturing all the steps in using the mascara. I expected it to make me look more like a Glam babe, I’m talking Oscar worthy. I’ve used it a few more times since this first application and don’t mind it, but is not my most favorite. My lashes are actually quite long so it makes them kinda butterfly-eyeish. I think I need more practice or a lesson.
I found it to be kinda chunky. Maybe I didn’t follow the instructions right? I do that sometimes. My friend Marie loves it. The mascara retails for $14.99 and I have coupons for $5 bones off the regular price for anyone who wants to try it out! Let me know before you buy your next mascara!!

what make? who says?

I’m watching a Beautiful Mind on Diva.

Every time I watch this movie I feel a special connection to it. I have many times throughout my life felt like an outsider because of the way I thought about things. It has always been different than anyone else since I was a wee little lady. Mum said I used to pick out all my own outfits and match them my own way, I used to make art that was beyond my years too. I remember Mum getting into a fight with my grade 8 art teacher because she hid my work in her office and when Mum went to buy it in the art sale, it wasn’t there. This is all interesting but my question is, what really defines a genius? A test? A way of thinking? Being really good at something?

A genius is a person who successfully applies a previously unknown technique in the production of a work of art, science or calculation, or who masters and personalizes a known technique. A genius typically possesses great intelligence or remarkable abilities in a specific subject, or shows an exceptional natural capacity of intellect and/or ability, especially in the production of creative and original work, something that has never been seen or evaluated previously. Traits often associated with genius include strong individuality, imagination, uniqueness, and innovative drive. [Source: Wikipedia.]

the lake looks icy cold

I can see Lake Ontario from my window and let me tell you, it looks damn cold ,nearly frozen. I was feeling quite chilly myself and went for a dip in my pool. The water was surprisingly warm and since it is enclosed in glass, the sun was shining brightly. Perfect for a lazy Sunday! Thanks to American Apparel for the suit. It’s evening and I’m watching Thomas Crown Affair on FOX. God, I love this movie. It just started!! Woo Hoo!

Tweeps – The Festival is Coming!

I’m excited to announce that Twestival Toronto is just around the corner. It will be hosted at Circa on February 12th. If you don’t know Twitter, seriously, get on it!! Join Toronto and 100 other cities around the world for a global party that will help save lives. All the proceeds from Tickets go to charity:water. “Over the last few years Twitter has gained popularity, function, and millions of fans around the world. More importantly its provided unprecedented accessibility and a sense of community between people who would otherwise remain strangers.” I am on the PR team to help out with the festival, if you would like to share ideas or get involved, let me know.

This is a fascinating video about charity:water. If you have tips on saving water you can Tweet with the hashtag #savewater to join the discussion.

Check out the PSA below and imagine
what you would do without clean water.

button eye face

For the past hour I’ve been in a fantasy world on There are some interesting things in that world. I travelled into ‘Other Mother’ territory and buttoned my eyes shut. I made a brand new flower design in the magical garden and called it Casie Stewart. You can watch the trailer here. On the surface, this parallel reality is eerily similar to Coraline’s real life, yet the people seem much better. It comes out Feb.6th.

remove ourselves from everyday life

Sometimes I want to escape. Sometimes I want to fly. Sometimes I want to hide away and not see anyone. Sometimes I want to see everyone. I am always different, yet always the same. My thoughts often change and move in different directions. My feelings go up and down and around the corner. My state of mind is a product of my thoughts and feelings.

I’ve been looking at a series of artistic photographs by Greg Stekleman. They all have a person removed and replaced with a drawing. Kinda like Tom Goes to the Mayor videos but cooler and more artistic. The guy in the one below is a stud. The couch is ugly but I barely even noticed.

where would you like to wake up tomorrow?

I just watched this video on Fifty People One Question. I like the site concept. They have asked two questions and received nine hundred and sixty-four responses from five hundred and thirty-one cities. It was quite lovely watching this video.

My answer: I’d like to wake up at Bondi Beach on Hall Street with my sister and a few of my best friends. It is beautiful there. It’s summer, it’s over 25 degrees Celsius and the forecast says sunny all week.

i used to have a cat

Hey name was Mooshu Manning. You may have her as a friend on Facebook, she was kinda popular for a while. We parted ways but every now and then I think about her. I came across this pic today and was reminded of how much personality she had going on when we used to hang out.
In unfortunate Cat News of the Week, my first cat, and longest standing pet was put down this week. Many people know C4, the cat with attitude. She was very old and not doing so well. So I send out a message to her – Rest In Peace kitty!! Now you can whine and dine all you like! MUAH!

and feeling healthy

May of us struggle with self image and how we see ourselves. We are constantly bombarded with images and advertisements about losing weight, shedding pounds and how to be healthier. I saw this card on PostSecret today and thought about how I am thankful. Over the years, despite always being pretty mini, I’ve struggled with self image and feeling like a fat ass.When I came home form Australia, I was barely 100 pounds. Any of my friends that saw me when I came home were like “what the fuck, where did you go? where are your boobs? you are too skinny!”. It was not good or healthy. I now maintain a comfortable weight combined with eating healthy and regular. It takes really learning to love yourself and to be able to overcome a challenge. We are all strong and if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. I’ve done a bunch of things in my life that when I look back at, I feel proud. There is nothing like the feeling of joy when you set your mind on a goal and achieve it!!

Sending you all love and light.
Go take on the world!! xo

it is surely time for change

I love living in Canada and being Canadian. When you look at our influence on the world and how we are perceived on a global scale, we really have alot to be thankful for. If you have travelled to any country other than here, you know how much people really love us Canadians. When I lived in Australia I used to often go through this conversation:

Aussie with attitude“G’day, you American?”
Me – “No, I’m from Canada!”
Aussie with no attitude “Great, wanna come for a beer?” (pronounced ‘bear’)

Me – “Great!” (thanking god I am from Canada not the US!)

I am really proud of Ontario and our stance on being part of the electric car movement. What’s next, portable solar power? Maybe, that would be really cool. If you haven’t seen the news or heard about Better Place. I suggest you educate yourself.

Here is an excerpt from the Better Place site regarding Ontario:

“Working with Better Place, the Province of Ontario has become the first in Canada to take a step toward sustainable transportation with electric cars powered by renewable energy, or Car 2.0. It’s a forward-looking move that reflects the provincial government’s commitment to create jobs, strengthen an economy where the car industry represents a quarter of all manufacturing output, and end the use of coal-fired electricity by 2014.”