a kwik shave

Spring is in the air and I was feeling like an update. I get my hair done by Darren at his lofty salon in the heart of Queen Street West.

I love it! Darren you did an awesome job! It’s super blonde and I got a new shave. I’m really happy. So glad I had camera with me this time. You can get Darren to do your hair too if you want it to look beautiful.

subway loud talkers #002

I posted my first Subway Loud Talker video last month. I spotted another. This guy went on for SO long it was awkward and embarrassing. I didn’t show all of it because is was just too much.

subway loud talkers #002 from me on Vimeo.
I hope none of you know him. I’m sure he would be kinda pissed, but whatever, I was kinda pissed that he found it appropriate to yell on the street car and into my ear. So there.

the wheels are becoming more necessary

I did some work on my ‘Unnecessary Wheels“collection last night. You can see them all here. I’m beginning to think that some of my things would actually be great with wheels.No wheels on these guys. They’re for eating. Super tasty and full of life. Neon fruit, it’s hydroponic.

#twabes in full force

Look what I got…

K.Hinto a Toronto artist & designer has made me something I really wanted. #twabe shirts.Each one is handmade and unique. Some have front, some back, some neon, and all different. All #twabes are unique, so I could not imagine it any other way! I will post some pix once I have them. If you want a #twabe shirt email me and I will place order. Each one is $20 and they are all limited edition Spring 2009 by K.Hinto.

great people doing great things

I’m really looking forward to Saturday for #pibTO. There has been lots of attention around the event and coverage from a number of sources including The Globe, Punch PR and Sweetspot.ca. It was mentioned on BT this morning, if you were watching!! There are over 600 confirmed attendees! We are going to knock Starbucks right outta the park!!
These pix are some of the #pibTO team. We were having such a great time at the meeting and I thought it would be nice to share. We’re got bibs with numbers on them and an official counter so we will know as soon as the record has been beat! Second Cup will be serving fair trade coffee and 50% of the proceeds go to SickKids Hospital. Every hundredth person wins a $50 itunes gift card. Hmm, I wish I had an iphone.

it’s my very first time…

breaking a world record.

On Saturday Toronto’s Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live on location at Second Cup at Queen & John. The Street Team will be there as you exit Second Cup to a crowd of ‘Do Gooders‘, photographers and notable Toronto celebrities. We will be be giving out $50 iTunes gift cards to every hundredth person as they make their way through the line.

Canada’s professional basketball trickster, Q-Mack and North American Freestyle Soccer Champion, Eli Freeze and his Canadian Freestyle Soccer team will be sharing tricks and techniques. These athletes will be a great attraction for people of all ages!

Helping out behind the Second Cup counter serving drinks will be Michael Landsberg, the host of TSN’s Off The Record, and Erica Ehm one of Canada’s most recognized television personalities & host of the Yummy Mummy Club.

If you can’t make it out you can follow live, in real time, on UStream.TV, Twitter or Facebook. Looking forward to seeing you there and breaking a world record together! Yahoooooooooo!

something sweet in the air

Tonight I am meeting with the team of organizers for Pay it Backward day, which is on Saturday at 1pm. It’s going to be a fun Saturday afternoon!
I hope to see lots of peeps out for a good cause and great fun. There are lots of sponsors and entertainment planned. Sign up on FB. I’ll be there, being myself and having fun of course. I wonder who’s bringing the Bailey‘s for my coffee? Or just anything sweet really. Saying that I would really love someone to bring a baileys anyway. I’d definitely love it if someone brought a Baileys Red Velvet drink for me to try. That would be very sweet. Although I guess I just have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully someone will see my hint about the baileys though! I am joking before anyone asks, it would just be a rather lovely thing for someone to bring! More importantly though, you should all make sure that you can come to the Pay it Backword day, it would mean so much so many people, so it’s really worthwhile doing. I can guarantee that it will be a fun Saturday afternoon! So bring your kids, bring you whole family and just be prepared to have fun! I know that I will certainly enjoy myself… particuarly if someone brings me some Baileys…
Today is the birthday of my favorite Toronto Blogger, Raymi the Minx. If you don’t know her, you should. She is the best diarist and has the awards to prove it. I saw these cupcakes while I was getting groceries at lunch and captured them all to send through the Internet to Raymi and wish her a Happy 26th Birthday!

can i get a book please?

Today is a sunny day. I like that.
Mum sends us clothes here and there and she has great style. I pulled this guy out of the closet today and rushed out the door. One of the boys in the office said would “come by my desk to check out a book“. haha. I get it. I like this dress, it has pockets. I had to cut head off here, face was wrinkled up.

I’m loving the new neon units. They are SO VIBRANT. I feel like if I was a pastel, I would be neon, electric yellow or pink or purple…or one of those multicolored swirl ones. Yes, for sure.

raincoat & wellies and clouds in the sky

Today is cloudy and I’ve got lots to do. I took these yesterday, they’re for you. I’ve got some things to post later too. Drinking a coffee and feeling neat, I wonder what catering will bring today to eat?
Thank you Daily Challenge for giving me this camera. If you don’t know, I won it in their Holiday Do Gooder contest. I love it. It make me very happy to share all kinds of random snipits of my life with the world. Like this little guy:

sunday boshketball game

Today was rainy but it cleared up after about 1pm. Mum and I walked over to the ACC to see the ball game. Jenie was dancing and we were excited to see her. I don’t really watch any sports as a hobby. I brought my neon pastels to the Raptors game with my Moloeskine and drew some bright stuff. It was fun. So much energy there, it was electric.

Game was exciting, I enjoyed it. Hanging with the fams is really fun. Mum and Jenie & James.

rainy sunday windy raindrops

Last night was really, really windy. I was woken by the fierce raindrops on my window. Yesterday went to the art shop and then I can home and made art with these guys.
Mum is in the city today as we are going to see sister dance at the Raptors game. I took her for a tour of my office this morning and to the Old York. I never go to the office on weekends and I accidentally set off the alarm and all the sirens were going off and I just looked at mum & laughed. I saved the day by calling a lifeline and getting him on the phone before the alarm company did. Phew. Was a close one. No cops showed up. #thankyouverymuch

"…and your little blog too"

Today I got a message that was a link to the following images. At first, I thought oh cool postering, but then I looked a little closer. I noticed the borderline and then the neon and the face and the name, it’s me.
“ll get you my pretty, and your little blog too.” I love it. He suprised me with this today. Toronto Posterboy is a Toronto artist. You can find him on Twitter and if you want to know more about postering his company is called WellHung. He is a smart cookie that Posterboy, I have a site called borderline artistic where I have a collection of artistic things like drawings and poems. It’s an online art gallery. He put my face in neon near the Borderline on Queen Street. Awesomism.

a song for casie by improv song on demand

This deserves it’s own post. This song is lovely. It may be because it’s about me, however, it’s improv and it could be about you next time. This guy performs his puppet show all summer on Queen Street at Spadina. He rules. I love it. I hope I meet him. If you know him, please send him this post. This is Improv Song on Demand singing “A Song for Casie”. Enjoy! I sure did!

a song for casie: improv on Vimeo.

the kiwi girl was in the kitchen again

Last night I made a nice dinner. I really love cooking. I don’t talk about it much because I’m not a food blogger. I hate talking about what I eat. Not fun to me so I don’t do it often. However, last night…
It was lovely. Today I went to the AGO again. I was alone and I took a very introspective view. I only looked at things I like the most and for only as long as I felt like. It is a very free feeling. I had my Moleskine and pencil, camera, the important stuff. I got a picture of one of my favorite guys, but I’m nervous to post it.

today at lunch: a story in pictures

Today at lunch I…

i hope we reach the doubles today

Today is a beautiful day. Might even go over 10 degrees! Whoa, nice but not quite open toe time yet.
I love driving into work and feeling the bright sun. We rocked out to some tunage and put the windows down. It was so much fun.
There horses are near the office all the time. The Police keep then just around the corner and bring them out more when the weather warms up for a little Liberty Village strut.

Today I’m wearing Liquid Shot from Threadless and my old Chuck Taylor’s. It’s a good day. Thinking about getting a pedicure for lunch…

something big is coming….

I helped out with TwestivalTO in February, an event that took place at CiRCA and was part of a world wide effort to raise money for Charity Water. Toronto raised over $10,000 and we had hundreds of people out. There’s some really huge Toronto party events happening this year, I’m stoked.  Our friends at Daily Challenge are doing something awesome and when they asked for me to join their team for the event, I was all in!
The event is called Pay It Backward Day and the idea came from one of the earliest challenges for DC. It involves doing something nice and purchasing a drink for the person behind you in line (see image->). The goal is to beat Starbucks who have the current world record and get 500 people in a row to take part.

It is on Saturday, April 4th at Queen & John, Second Cup. It’s right across the street from Much Music. The New Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live, there will be all kinds of interesting stuff going on.
I’ve never broken a world record, that I know of, and I would really like your help to do it. So come. Join in on FB. I took this pix-mix of our city on the way to work today – Toronto the GOOD!

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah! i am nude no more!

Dear Threadless, I’m Casie & I love you.

Today after a meeting I came back my desk to find a lovely little t-shirt shaped package from Threadless. They are having a huge sale and I ordered a few goodies. I love getting mail. Their packaging is adorable, it arrived fast and prices can not be beat. Also, you are more likely to have unique clothes than the other kids who pick up their stuff at wanna-be hipster retail chains. Here’s my new goodies. I got two shirts that glow in the dark too. Yahoooooooooooots!

there’s gold in the air of summer

I went to grab a coffee this afternoon and it was so cold and windy. I hate that. However, I did meet someone cool while I was at the coffee shop. His name is Jeff Adams. You may know of him? He is a two-time Olympian, four-time Paralympian, six-time World Champion, and former World Record Holder in the 1500 m men’s wheelchair event. His 800 m gold in Sydney was a record-breaker. He is co-founder of Marvel Wheelchairs and his workshop is right near my office. He invited my to check out the shop and I would really love that!

one of my favorite ones

This is a photo of one of my pieces I did with pastels. It is called ‘Strike Out in a Different Direction‘. It is full of light, energy, attraction, fire & passion. This is one of my most expensive ones because I like it the most. I think I will keep forever, unless an offer comes along I can not resist!! I’m planning on doing some painting this weekend. Looks like rain is on its way and thatinspires me to make art.

dear memory, please pick up your socks and get to work!

I don’t remember where it came from. I think I was watching a movie or something? If you know please inform me, I have a bad memory, as you already know. I drew this sketch as I was watching [insert movie here]. There is a chance it was not in a movie and it was my real life or something that really happened. This, I may never know.

I over heard “anyone deemed rich enough to plant their own orange trees“. I think it means if you can plant your own orange trees, you aren’t doing too bad. I’ve never had an orange tree. Granddad had passion fruit trees in NZ, now that’s my favorite. I guess a passion fruit tree would mean you’re living a passionate & sweet life!

some more unnecessary things made in to necessary art

I first posted my collection ‘Unnecessary Wheels” late last year. I have added more to the ever growing group of ‘things with unnecessary wheels‘. I took photos of a few today to share. I’m really looking forward to displaying them all together some time. Each image is made up & drawn with pastel, paint, marker etc on 60lb, 30% post-consumer acid free fiber. I use a Strathmore sketchbook from the first and only U.S. paper manufacturer to use wind generated electricity to run their paper mills. I share with you from my Unnecessary Wheels Collection – dumbbells, matchbox & motor canoe.

going back to school…cool school.

This morning I stopped into School Bakery & Cafe in Liberty Village before work. I was pleased with my coffee and toast. The prices are a little more than most other morning spots but, I liked the way it looked. I checked out their site and it seems they have Friday Night School dance party that looks like fun by the hot babe in the the ad. They way all their stuff written online and offline has gotten my attention for sure. I love the typography of the big ‘schoolish’ letters and the chalk boards. I think I’ll be going back to School.

you make ME wanna shout and dance

I’m a big fan if any type of dance party and especially improv dance parties. Might you recall the subway dance party? I’ve seen this video along with various others from improv groups around the world. This one, a T-Mobile commercial was filmed at Liverpool Station. It’s my favorite. I’d love to take part in something like this in our wonderful city! Mum sent it to me and I thought other peeps might like to check it out also. Enjoy!

The Brightest Light in My Life – Mum

On the weekend I spent a lovely day with Mum. She has just returned from New Zealand and brought back some treats. I feel quite lucky because she managed to find and bring back some of her old clothes for us. I got a great dress she made (yes, made) when she was about 15 as well as a gorgeous leather belt. She brought my sister back a pair of her old boots that are totally rad. Mum found some old photos of herself, she is so cool and has always been a stylish young lady!One of the things I really miss about NZ are the treats. There are so many wonderful things to enjoy! Mum packed up a goodie bag for us each! Yum yum!We stopped into Lahore Tikka House for lunch. The food was fantastic as usual. However, they are using Styrofoam plates and cups which I find to be wasteful and horrible for the environment. Maybe they will change this behavior? I did see the following things that I found to be amusing:Note the handwritten sign stating that you can have a “piece of history” by purchasing an Obama t-shirt. Nice.
This needs no explanation except for “ha ha”. Have a great day!

cut copy and paste my love

On Friday night I went to CiRCA for Cut Copy. It was packed. There were heaps of hipsters and cool kids crowding the stage & stairs. I ran into some cool friends and made some new ones also. There was lots of neon, sequins, and anything that might have rocked the eighties. This, I loved. I wore the shiny late night mini skirt from American Apparel in electric purple with a reversible clutch from BettyKiss. I first posted about Cut Copy last summer. They are from Australia and totally rad. I connected the boys later in the evening and snapped a few pix. The band is made up of Dan Whitford , vocals/keyboard/guitar, Tim Hoey on bass/sampler, & Mitchell Scott on drums. They were really nice guys. I’d really like to catch them at a small venue or a house party. Next time!

things in my room

When I was last home visiting Mum I came across an old journal of mine from when I was eleven. To read it is simply divine. I am happy to relive my own life through it. My writing style is similar and my attitude is the same. I will post some excerpts from it one of these days!
Also in my room is this lovely photo of Audrey and a quote I admire. It from a book by Genevive Antoine Dariaux called A Guide to Elegance: For Every Woman Who Wants to Be Well and Properly Dressed on All Occasions. It’s a great read and contains everything from accessories to zippers in a classic & elegant style. I discovered it reading Elegance by Kathleen Tessaro, also a great chic lit book.