TGIF – all i hear is click click keyboards

I’ve got some exciting news… I’m heading to NEW YORK and CUBA with my favorite for Christmakkuh. So excited. OMG. Leaving in two weeks…

I didn’t update my blog yesterday but let me tell you, tweets are flying with what I  am doing 24/7/365. If you’re ever bored and have already trolled this blog, go read my tweets. You just might pee your pants.  I laugh and love it. For example, today I had toasted coconut after a Boston creme #FML.

My friend posted these old pics on Facebook yesterday and I had a chuckle. I’ve changed so much over the years. These were all in about 1998-199. I looked TOTALLY different in 2001 here.

New show at work, Jersey Shore. haha so funny;  beers +bitches +beach +protein +tanning +hair gel +cologne = guidos.  I’ve been talking with an accent all day and I can’t get enough.  I’m watching the repeat right now.

Tonight is heart for the Holidays at Marben. Come out. Have drinks fun & party with me and a zillion of TO’s coolest., smartest & best looking GenY peeps. See ya there!

Happy Friday! TGIF

you really gotta work hard for what you want

“That’s a strange combination” was the response I got from Darius this morning on Twitter after I posted “tired.inspired.”  That’s how I feel. I told him I’d explain in a blog post and I’m quite happy to.

I’m tired. I’m exhausted but I can’t seem to slow down, take a break, rest, sleep, or simply ‘do nothing’ because I am inspired. I’m excited. I want to work more and harder and pick up speed.

The hardest part has now become focusing my time making the most out of each moment. It’s either working towards goals or doing things that inspire me to set new ones.

It’s how entrepreneurs & inventors feel, driven.  When you bust your ass  working hard and you wanna sleep but you stay up all night to put in a few more hours because you love it.

That’s how I feel. I love it.

Today I am listening to Selah Sue and I did my hair like this girl with dark purple nail polish, red bandana.

i think she's pretty and i've got the same glasses in black

I checked Twitter just before posting this and Darius had just posted one of my favorite quotes…

Words to live by.

Have a nice humpitty hump day…

* Did you see Marilyn Monroe smoking pot?

It’s Britney’s birthday too, Happy Birthday once former idol. I hope this year is less train-wercky than the past few xo Casie

tonight we get together and gab about the goss

I’m having a bunch of babes over to watch The Hills/City finale tonight: @kericdn @kaponetwo @biancaswane @elsacohen @rochlatinsky @destiniya @carolzara & maybe @jhoo04

Cast Confessions: From The Hills And The City (9-10 p.m. ET), The Hills Season Finale (10-10:30 p.m. ET), The City Season Finale (10:30 – 11 p.m. ET) and finally Dan & Jessi host The Finale: Live In New York (11 – 11:30 p.m. ET).

MTV’s got Audrina, Whitney, Roxy, Kristin, Holly, Stacie, Lo, Brody, Olivia, Erin and Justin Bobby all packed into one amazing night.

OMG. It all starts at 9 ET!

rogers, bell, telus? iphone, blackberry?

this is like the hardest decision I’ve faced in ages…

Sorry you're faced with the unspeakable trauma of having to choose between a BlackBerry and an iPhone

It would be MUCH easier if one of the companies would just CALL/TWEET/EMAIL/SMS/COMMENT/FB me and say:

“Hi Casie, I’m “awesome person” from “company that loves social media, buzz & cool people talking about us online/offline all the time” and we’d like to give you a phone! I will say “ok, love you forever”.

Easy pleasey. Mama needs a new phone. Gonna get one real soon anyways but I though I’d throw it out there. You don’t ask you don’t get as Mum says! I’m using a non-smart dumb phone at the moment cause I had to give my old BB back.  It makes me sad. Saddy, sad, sad.

I wont even get into the Blackberry Intervention I had from 5 friends the other night.

My fingaz are CROSSED. [closes eyes and makes a wish]

That is all for now.

holy effing elf shit, it’s december already!

Doesn’t it seem like January was just the other day? Urgh. Well, anyhooters…

Feeling positive and ready for the new month. I just got this new stuff in the mail from Givenchy…

I can’t wait to test out all these goddies…The mascara is blue/purple. The shadow is black/metallic. The gloss is pink/sparkley.  Yes, I love. (love blogging!)

It felt like Christmas at the office yesterday, two bags were delivered and one big one with goodies for Heart for the Holidays on Friday. Remember to get a ticket, if you can’t come then make a donation, and lets all have a good time. I’ll be one of Santa’s little helpers doing good deeds and drinking holiday eggnog juice.

I keep all the fragrances out so the girls can try them when they come over. This one was an instant hit. At first spray is citrussy and refreshing then once you let it sit on your skin for a few, it’s gorgeous. It’s right up there with Givenchy Play that I also wear (even though it’s for men).

Good holiday gift idea: Available at shoppers until March only and it $60 for the 50ml.

I have a fragrance gift set to give to one of you guys this month too. Stay tuned for that!

Opened my advent calendar today! Thanks Mum. Love you xo

Have a great day!

p.s. Hills/City finale is tonight on MTV 9-11:30pm from NYC. I’ll be on @mtvcanada & my Twitter if you wanna follow the gossip/drama 😉

the world is a crazy place

and i can’t sleep.

i want to work twenty-four-seven and not get tired.

i want to. i do.

then i want to turn it all off and not work for days.

social shift work; few days on few days off.

plug in, tune out.

lean my head back on your couch and not worry about it.

have a smoke and a glass of wine.

………………………………………………………..then sleep.

i always love her, no matter what she wears

I need a new sketchbook. Yes, need. I’m feeling that scatter brain a little,  little bit a rattle brain a little.

Agyness Deyn in New York City.

I had my photo taken yesterday for an upcoming feature in Toronto Life. I like having my photo taken and my house makes a great studio. Daniel had shot a couple others before me and said I was the most fun.

I visited Aggy last night, I missed her face. She’s got a nice one and the hair, well, you know, style. I’d like to take more photos with photographers, some creative fun over the winter.

agyness-deyn style

We invited over an American friend and a bunch of others last night an made a turkey with all the trimmings. It was tasty. I’ll be having turkey sandwiches and turkey soup all week. Yum. More about that later…

Happy Monday 🙂

you wouldn’t even believe me if i told you

The fashion show I went to on Friday turned out to be an interesting night. It was actually not in Yorkville, it was in Sauga. I know.  It’s been years since I went that West for anything do to with an event or party.

I didn’t take any photos  either. I didn’t see any lookers quite like the night before…

I’d love to do something else for Puma… downtown or online please! I’m thinking something that involves me and clothes/shoes/accessories. Thank you, love Casie.

sale closed open fire sale

The lineup at the sale, I’m sure you’ve heard, was insane. Big and long and everlasting with people.  Met up with AA hottie Joey Ng, aka Sass on team American Apparel who made sure me and my guestlist had a great time. THANK YOU! Wasn’t there long too long but snagged a few jems for sure. Woot!

By the way…McDonald’s at Spadina/Queen is closed for reno’s and LCBO at Spadina/King opens Friday!

Also saw this Saturday, crazy!

how to having a mo-fucking-tastic time

…just go to the Movember Gala.

So many photos from the night. Michelle has more on her camera that I will post later. I met a bunch of great people and had lots of fun being a judge. My category was best Mo Bro and Mo Sista so I got to mingle and look for a hot looking boy & girl that came with each other. Swim suits won for sure, they were awesome.  Michelle and I were the babes that put the winning sashes on the winners. We stood on stage the whole time, it reminded me of my old beauty pageant days.  Sigh.

I’m modelling in a show for Puma at the flagship store in Yorkville tonight then it’s home to bed.  [yes, i get to keep the clothes! woot] I’m getting up early tomorrow to hit the AA rummage sale. Luckily, I have VIP line by-pass. [haha suckers!!] The lineup today is like 500 blocks so you gots to get there early.

This is my favorite photo from last night, just try not to smile.

Ok, don’t stop yourself, let out a laugh. Go, do it.

Have a great day & happy Friday 🙂

Can you imagine this was your last holiday with your mom or dad? I can’t.

Heart for the Holidays from Heart for the Holidays on Vimeo.

Can you imagine this was your last holiday with sister or brother? Girlfriend or boyfriend?

Some people have to and that is a heart wrenching thought to me. Just stop and think about it for a moment…seriously.

You know I’m a positive girl and I can’t imagine the effect it would have on me knowing it was the last Christmas with one of my family members. I’d be a complete wreck. This is Mum and Dad with my awesome sister Jenie. I love you guys!!

The Heart House Hospice is a volunteer driven organization which reaches out to these families in their time of greatest need. With your help we can give them the best holiday ever while they still have the chance to live it!

To make a donation from yourself or your company visit

Come out next Friday, December 4th to celebrate the season with us for a wonderful cause. Get your tickets right here.

Looking forward to seeing some new faces out this time 🙂

you make me happy when skies are grey

Woke up to a beautiful sunshine this morning. It doesn’t matter what happens in the day if I wake up and see a beautiful sunrise, I’m happy. It’s just so pretty.

Remember when I posted about Movember? How are your faces growing? Good? Nasty? I hope you’ve got those babies groomed cause this Mo Sista is a JUDGE at the Toronto Movember Gala at the Kool Haus. Starts at 8pm, be there and find me if you want to win a prizey-prize.

One of my Tweeps Gregory Alan Elliott told me he left a poem for me somewhere downtown and if I found it I win a  prize. Is this it? Did i find it? Ooooh me loves prizes!

I’ve written lots of poems. Did you know that when I was 16 I wrote and published an Anthology of Poetry and prose called JEANS [sorry it’s not online anywhere yet, I was still a book/pen/pencil girl]. A friend and I started a publishing company and then won young entrepreneur of my city. Fancy that! This is one of my most favorites, I wrote it at 7am walking along Bondi Beach in 2004. Enjoy & have a wonderful day!

As the waves crashed on the shore
the wind washed them away
And was I walked along the sand
I felt I could not stray
For I was walking towards the sun
And it was a brand new day

this is for the stylsh ones with a passion for fashion

So, this is quite exciting and big…the FIRST EVER American Apparel rummage sale in Toronto. Get ready to throw some elbows! Prices are up to 85% off! Absolutely everything is under $50 and prices start at $2. Honestly. Can you believe it?

It’s free admission and located at 590 King St. West [King & Portland]. It’s on all weekend and for exact times check the Facebook event page.

When you get back from the rummage sale with hands full of new gear, empty out your closet and throw your clothes up on They promote the recycling and reuse of clothes and accessories. I’m all for it.

This Toronto based company was started by a friend of mine and told me that 85% of used clothes go unrecycled! That means style is going in the garbage! AH! NO! Most of my really awesome clothes are second hand and I love clothing swaps. I’ve got a stack of photos and stuff to upload to the site this weekend. You’ll start seeing ads around the city and on the subway soon but we know you saw it here first.

I love this awesomely-cool-stylish-art-attack by blog friend Gloria writer of

Keep up with other cool Toronto Blog Girls by visiting the site here.

get a heart on this holiday season

You can’t rain on my parade! It’s gonna rain all week and if you need some sunshine you can find it here.

I was happy to see a Christmas Tree standing in the window of the bank on my way to work this morning. I’m not really a big Christmas-loving-person but I really love giving. This season, I’m planning to some some serious giving of my time, energy,  PRESENTS to you my readers.

For the holidays, a bunch of us behind #GenyTO have launched a campaign called Heart for Holidays. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for Hospice of Canada. Our donation does directly to families affected by terminal illness and give them food and gifts to be able to enjoy what might be the last holiday season they share together.

We’re having a party on December 4th and we’d all love you to come. If you can’t make it, it would be really nice of you to purchase a ticket so you can still be involved in the giving. Trust me, giving feels so good inside.

If you would like to donate a prize, gift basket or some moolah to our event for Hospice of Canada. Email, Tweet, or holler at me and we’ll sort out the details.

Have an awesome day! Happy Monday Tuesday!

detroit rock city

I’ve spent the last couple days at Caesars Casino. It’s quite a sight. The carpets in casino’s are a real piece of work.

You may not have really thought about it or noticed before, but you should.  He who designs casino carpets must be out of this world or on some really good drugs.

Windsor is a bit of a crummy looking place. It’s not nearly as shiny and bright as Toronto, however, they’ve got a nice bar of you like strippers. Babe alert, saw a few hotties. No photos, I wish. Sorry.

Got hassled at the border as I’m using my new Zealand passport. Not fun. US Border Patrol now has my finger prints and nice smiley photo of me.

I was shocked and kind of appalled of the huge fist in Detroit. What is the significance of it? PLEASE tell me.

Oh thanks Internet…It’s a 24-foot bronze fist, which is poised as if to strike, honors legendary boxer (and Detroit native son) Joe Louis. [Dear God, please, please let me have a better statue that a big fist to remember me by if I ever have have one. Thank you.] The artist is really a comedian I think.

I enjoy going  through tunnels. I always think about movies where people get trapped in them and it gets all dramatic and stuff. I said “oh, I’d hate to get trapped in here” and then the next day, coming back to Canada, we hit traffic in the tunnel. It wasn’t scary though. The nav system showed us as in the middle of the water, that was a little scary. haha.

That’s all for now.

TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook

Last Friday I posted TGIF and you know what? I’m gonna do it again! I’ve had a great week at work. Feeling better as each day goes by, I’m kinda getting the hang of things. If you wanna see you can follow @MTVcanada on Twitter and check in to the MuchMusic & MTV FB’s.

Here’s some stuff I checked out this week around the interwebs…

1. Gaga gorgeous Barbie from my Tumblr blog:

2. Things that make us happy…[read more]

Having a Good Laugh – Laughter is the greatest cure of all. Life is extraordinary in the moments when you are laughing so hard you can barely breathe. These moments of deep laughter are divine in the sense that they cleanse your mood and set your mind on a positive track.

Making the Yellow Light – It’s one of the most common simple pleasures, the act of beating the pack. As you blaze through the yellow light you glance in your rearview to see all the cars behind you stopping at the red light. Yes! You made it!

3. This laughing girl…love laughing and photos of girls laughing always put a smile on my face. I like to Tweet them via Tumblr when I see a real beaut.

That’s it for the Friday wrap up. I’m back to the Impact Conference & stoked to be at the HEAD TABLE with Jeff and Justin Trudeau. I’m out of town all weekend and back at the office Tuesday! BON WEEKEND!

Impact National Conference – Nov.20, 2009

I came in to catch the tail end of a seminar about personal branding & brand leadership. Something I get asked about from time to time and one of my favorite things. Think…

Whats the impact of your personal brand – what does your brand say about you? Does it change? Is it different from work to play, drinking vs sober? It matters.

For my brand, I chose to use stickers, poster Queen Street downtown Toronto, show up at parties with buttons. Offline stuff to drive peoples attention to what was happening  online, here. I like different types of marketing to define my personal brand, I’m a ‘different’ kinda girl.

Jeff  Adams just took the stage as the lunch keynote…I’ve been looking forward to this. You can see my Tweets here.

ambition, aspiration, inspiration, dream, live

This is my notebook blowing in the wind on a beautiful summer day at Trinity Bellwoods park in Toronto.

This forest photo is from Suicide Blonde, love the photos there. So glamorous, smart and sexy. Just what I like.

I also learned about Ogze Samanel’s from Suicide Girl. He did these drawings for fun. Today I went to winners. I picked up some great Betsy Johnson tights. One pair is bright gold with a lightening rod down the side. You’ll see, when they’re ready to come out.  I finally got some earphones too, bright pink ones.

Today i’m a guest at the 2009 the Impact National Conference at the Westin. It’s part of Global Entrepreneurship Week and it brings together 500 of Canada’s top young leaders. I’m really looking forward to the lunch speaker, I heard he’s handsome and a tear-jerker. [bring a kleenex in your pocket]

The conference is encouraging young people to achieve their dreams. That fits to my beat I reckon. Good friends Saul, Sarah & Darius are doing workshops. If you’re young and smart and want to learn from amazing people, go see them.

There is a Gala at night. I have a hot date but don’t know the dress code. I always do better that way, just dress fabulous.

Happy Friday

love on sale from now till monday

I used to live live in a psychic city,
I never knew what would happen in a day.
I might be looking out the window
and a friend might say,
“Come on over over, come on over over,
come on over we’re having a party for you.

I used to live in a voodoo city,
where every little thing had its own secret life.
I might be washing up the dishes
and the kitchen might say,
“Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby,
hang around baby we’ll be baking a cake for you.

I used to live in a heartbeat city,
I swear I’d fall in love every minute on the street.
You might be walking around the corner
and our eyes might meet.
Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling?
Where you been darling darling we’ve been holding this moment for you.

I told you your dreams would come true
I told you your dreams would come true
I told you your dreams would come true
I told you your dreams would come true

This song is by YACHT and it’s called Psychic City. I love the whole album. I listen to it on repeat and I though I should probably share it with you instead of keeping all the joy for myself. Join Team Yacht or follow @teamyacht and feel happy.

a day in the life of me by: casie

Americano & apple fritter. Sit down at desk. Turn on TV. Login to computer. Open Firefox. Brizzly and four Twitter accounts. Facebook; work and personal. Check email. Check  site stats. Watch Lady Gaga. I love you.

Message Twitter. Update the Facebook. Check messages. Friday & Saturday conference. Sunday family. Not tired today. Had a good sleep with you. Thanks. Apple fritter could be fresher but coffee is divine. It’s raining but no wellies.

Circa for lunch to hang with Richard Branson. Tomorrow night’s dinner with Jeff and Justin Trudeau.

I’m happy to be alive and excited about my life. Sounds like something Dr. Phil would say, haha.

Have a great day.

hills review one an two (part one)

Omg bad date. Whitney is cool but this guy is snotty cool and not cool to hang out with. Better with his mouth shut. She thinks, “Blind dates suck, I wanna kill myself.” Then, the other girls date, “I left my mark on LA” she says, “She’s tall and blonde” about her friend. Urgh, disaster date. Me thinks, “Get me outta here”, bathroom break [take purse and jacket, leave].

OMG. I say it out loud, like and annoying young girl that like, totes love The Hills dude.

pixel dust and parts per million

Smoking is gross I know. But I love her. I like it. Not always but sometimes…in the evening, after dinner and wine. Not nice in the day time. They’re talking about snow on the news. Doesn’t bother me much. I dress for it.

Holiday decorations are going up around. Lead in toys is a big deal, more than ever and mostly from Asia. Twilight is taking over, I’ve never seen it but I’d kiss a Vampire. I loved Kate Moss & Jonny Depp. I still do.

hills review part one and two (part two)

Jesse and Dan are in workout wear. He’s going topless tonight. I’m topless with excitement. I wanna go the Hills/City Finale in NYC. Nobody paid me to say this, I actually freaking like it ok. I used to watch it before  but stopped and now it’s so funny.  Canon with Avril from Brainstorm Group is a jem commercial, love it. Cigarette break. Smoking is stipid but I like it.

Busy ratauraunt, work lunch with the blondes Erin and Olivia. That woman from Elle Magazine’s hair is fluffy alright. Erin, in the red shirt girl is angry, looks jealous. She should really sit up straight too. Them talking in the office is so loud. Annoying. Inappropriate to day the least.

Drama-mama. Dan is gonna take his shirt off. Omg. Here we go. He’s nervous, haha. Looks good.

i love you in the morning and in the afternoon

I came home for lunch today. Stripped down and ate lunch in my bed watching TV. What could be better? I can think of a few things, but not that many. I had leftover salmon, fried pineapple & brown rice with the sun on my face.

I’m feeling exhausted and excited at the same time. I want to rest but can’t. I want to shut it all off but the light keeps shining bright on me. Big meeting tonight and Keri‘s blog party, then home to bed. I’m looking forward to the weekend so I can snuggle up and sleep in.

Have a great day.

wake me up before you…AGO

It’s been a while. I’ve been thinking about you.

Tall walls tower over me and windows  touch the sky. Old looks from familiar faces in many rooms in many places. You stare, I stare.

We stare at each other and we stare at the walls.

I heard you’ve got some new guys, living there, renting spaces. Putting on shows in the stairwells.

Do you miss me? Do you miss me and my sneaky flash, trying to capture your beauty.

Lost in the walls of my mind. New thoughts dance in my memories.

I’m a member at The Art Gallerty of Ontario (AGO) and I’d like to GO-GO. Soon, really soon. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe at lunch.

I stumbled across these babies and I likey their stylio. I like the pretty pictures.

1)  My name is Niki, I get to pretend I am 23 everyday. I am from the wrong side of the tracks.

2)  I”m Cindy. I’m young and I live in a town that always rains. I can be really sarcastic sometimes.

3) Carly cut it off and it’s cotton candy tasty pink.

4)  Gaga go-g0’s on Gossip Girl

“The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.”

— Dennis S. Brown

where every little thing had its own secret life

I’m sitting here eating a big fatty poutine and my mind is racing with all the things I have to get done. Spent the weekend doing fun stuff with friends.  It was Jeff’s birthday and Karrera came over and tested me for allergies too. More on that stuff later.

I’ve got heaps of emails that need my attention, not to mention all the work I have to get done at the office. I’m not complaining, I truly love it, I just wish there were more hours in a day or I could function without sleeping. 

I had an awesome week last week. I got asked to attend a Young Entrepreneurs Conference this weekend as a Social Media Star & MTV girl.  I’m working on a part for a pilot with YTV. Paid writing gigs are becoming more frequent.  I’ve got some holiday giveaways planned for December with some Givenchy and Burts Bees for you. AND people keep asking me for advice on social media. Finally, my hard work is paying off!!

On a naughtier note, I watched Sex Rehab last night. I saw a promo for it at the office and though it would be interesting…it is.  I’ll be tuning in every Sunday for therapy. haha I also wanna be Lady Gaga in Bad Romace. zomg.

One more thing, Keri’s blog party is tomorrow night at 6:30. Get the info here and hope to see you there!

Have a great day!

TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook

hello fall

That’s my day in a nutshell, everyday. I read about TGIF in an article from Ad Age this week.  It’s lovely outside and my day is busy, busy, busy.

Some Tweetness in my day:

Thanks for comments BTW, don’t stop. It’s nice to get feedback. You come and look and read and laugh and when you comment it’s like giving back. Ok bye for now. #TGIF