Vroom Vroom!

I love summer and sad it’s almost over but quite looking forward to Fall fashion and the return of tights and boots. Next weekend my friends at Notable TV invited me to the Distillery District for a weekend long event featuring cars and bands called Lexus Live at the Distillery. (Cars & bands to means there will probably be some babes.) Chum FM & Virgin 99.9 will also be hanging out along with some pretty rad Canadian talent. I love visiting this part of town. I need to take Team Boston there when they visit. Kinda reminds me of the oldness of Newbury Street.

The event is Aug 27-29 and is the Canadian Debut of a new Lexus baby called the CT 200h & Worldwide debut of the CT 200h Tour.  This is the only Canadian stop and the only chance you’ll have to check out the new ride before it comes out next year. Hope Dad reads this cause there’s also the Lexus Targa GS 450h race car. Now that’s the fast one, vroom vroom!. I’ll take one of those please!

There’s refreshments & you can catch the free shows at these times:

The Stills (Friday 7:00-8:00pm)
Lily Frost (Sat 12:00-1:00pm)
The Midway State (Sat 5:00pm-6:00pm)
Paper Lions (Sun 3:00-4:00pm)

I’ll be there for the Friday night show for sure. If you’re going, tell me. Also for a little more info check out the post on Notable TV.  This is Lexus’ second dedicated hybrid, i.e. only hybrid model and it is no gas. No gas! Bring on more hybrid!

I hope I get to sit in test drive the race car!!

the most beautiful girl, in the room

Sabrina = best.

Livin’ life in 3D baby.

#WarpedTour: guest post by @jordanrachael feat @lights @taylormomsen @OfficialAAR

Earlier this summer I sent two people as Casie Stewart Brand Ambassadors to Vans Warped Tour – Mike Albertini & Jordan Rachel. I gave them all access media & back stage. I asked Jordan to write about her experience & here it is.

I’m Jordan, reporting for casiestewart.com … Van’s Warped Tour 2010.

The Van’s Warped Tour is known to have one of the biggest set lists for any concert, with 70+ bands appearing at our hometown Toronto date, there was no shortage of genres represented.

From the smooth poppy vocals of newly acclaimed Mike Posner, to the grungy rock sound of Taylor Momsen’s band The Pretty Reckless, fans of all kind gathered to see their favourite bands.I had the opportunity to get all access, backstage, media access with my partner in crime Michael Albertini.

One of the first things Mike and I saw was a pretty tough looking dude sporting a “F**K JUSTIN BEIBER” tshirt.. (yes, spelt like that). From then on, we knew that this day would be one for the history books. The first artist we knew we had to see was Mike Posner, and as I suspected, with him came along a following of loyal fangirls. Although fairly new to the scene, or at least to my knowledge of him, he’s had a pretty steady crowd goin’ on. I guess that hit “Cooler Than Me” has really caught on!

Soon after, we hit a few other bands such as The Cab, and The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band (They were insane!!!)

Then it was time for The Pretty Reckless, and most importantly for us: T.MOM!

Not gonna lie, I have been a big fan of Gossip Girl for a while now, but let me tell you I have now seen Lil’ J in a whole new light… and I loved it! She had passion, and surprisingly, she’s got pipes!! Afterward we had to meet her.. duh.

Throughout the day, we spent a little time back in the crew’s area to scope the scene..
We had encounters such as chatting with T.Mom in her pajamas, talking to Lights about her “Lights Army” and running into Tyson Ritter of the All American Rejects while he was cruisin’ on his skateboard.

Then it was back to the bands, from Mayday Parade (a personal fave) to the All American Rejects, to a childhood flashback Sum 41. Deryck Whibley hasn’t changed one bit since the old days! Apart from his split from Avril Lavinge. Our last band of the night was quite a nice change of pace, metal/hardcore band from Queens, New York, Emmure. They had one of the most insane crowds of the night, but I guess that’s what comes with the genre. The fans really do go all out.

Overall, my experience at the 2010 Van’s Warped Tour was pretty awesome, I saw some bands I’ve been dying to see for years, had the opportunity to photograph them, and even speak to a few personally.

Warped Tour ’10, you were sweet.
– Jordan Rachael (@jordanrachael)

today in the news

today in the news
  • being nice will get you places. #
  • create it, design it, now let me see you work it. #
  • Bullshit = Twifficiency. There I said it. #
  • I need some photo’s taken of me STAT. Anyone? #
  • dang. My Twifficiency score is 53%. does that mean i’m really efficient or a big tweeting-time waster! http://bit.ly/alHTPL #
  • My Twifficiency score is 53%. Whats yours? http://twifficiency.com/ #
  • now tell us a dirty joke. — your mom. that’s a dirty joke. http://4ms.me/bbZbPt #
  • what is your favorite type of dessert? — Pavlova. http://4ms.me/cbKfPm #
  • Did you vote for mama kiddies? http://bit.ly/9V8x8S #
  • I want your horrorI want your design #
  • found it. #
  • can’t find passport. need #hakastrength @kristenannehill. #
  • Looks like I’m going to New Zealand in September. #

be my guest

It’s all about me over here all the time, after all casie stewart : this is my life started as a journal about 5 years ago to keep more memories.  It’s certainly worked to keep memories and has brought me lots of wonderful things like friends and opportunities. It’s been a place where I can share and appreciate all the small things and get through tough times and celebrate the good ones. I’ve got lots of exciting things on the go and I’ll be sharing them with you, in due time & all right here.

Until then, I’d like to make it a little less about me and a little more about you – I’d like to include a guest post here and there.

What about you ask?

You know me, I like positive, inspiring, fun. I like photos and pretty things. I’d like to know your thoughts on what I do, real talk and stories about us. Maybe something you’ve always wanted to share, something I said that made you think or laugh, something you think people would like to see. No pitching or selling yourself, come out to genYTO Aug 26th if you wanna talk business with the team. I’m looking for your thoughts on things similar to what I write about. Maybe it’s your TTC tale or the way stage lights hit your face and make you feel like you can do anything.

I’m up to your challenge.

If you’ve got something you’d like to share title your email GUEST BLOG: [name + twitter] and send it to [email protected]. I would prefer you send a txt file no more than 300 words and 1 or 2 photos. If you have another idea, you can ask me about that too.

Peace out. Peach.

yesterday in the news exciting things happened that i can not yet share with you but when i do you will be happy like me

  • if you’re happy and you know it #
  • i need to write a short bio. wanna help? #
  • omg love you Mum! Skype is the best. They are on a boat and I am clearly excited. http://post.ly/sBIj #
  • On skype with Mum from her boat somewhere Taddoussac River outside Quebec. So neat. They saw Beluga whales today. Mum said it’s is like NZ. #
  • proudly not watching #bachelorpad #
  • drum circle babe. calling. #
  • Check out our #SXSWi panel feat @unmarketing @thatericalper @Kathy_Valentine & me! Yahooots http://bit.ly/dxhCzL #
  • okok there are a bunchof brunettes #
  • Most the bloggers I know are blonde. Who are the brunettes? #
  • Where do you get your sunglasses? They’re cool. — Kensington Market & vintage shops all over the place. http://4ms.me/94Vomg #
  • how soon could you travel on a moment’s notice? — Soon as I get a ticket via email. http://4ms.me/9K5kqm #
  • what is your favorite store to shop at lately? — Apt. 909 Vintage or CTS. http://4ms.me/aPwf0f #
  • Photo: these guys are gonna get older and i’m looking forward to meeting them later. http://tumblr.com/xmjfyeb8z #
  • RE: @rlangdon The music was really good too.Rock the dance floor baby! http://disq.us/kjgwx #
  • I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kabobs. #MitchHedberg #
  • I haven’t slept for ten days, because that would be too long. #MitchHedberg #
  • A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer. Mitch Hedberg #
  • View Post

the worlds best selling book

It really does not matter what you have, what you had, want, or what you own. You are whoever you want to be. How you perceive yourself has the biggest impact on how others perceive you, this is my belief and something I live. It was my mum that ingrained in me, “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, you just have to be more creative”. Luckily for myself, I’ve always been rich in that department. The book in this post is one that I really, truly love and admire. It is written by Paul Arden one of the world’s top advertising guys who comes from a great career with Saatchi & Saatchi.

This is not merely a ‘book‘, this is a bible for the creative, those driven to succeed who couldn’t even ever imagine what it’s like to ‘think inside the box‘. It has taught me tools to succeed in the world, to dream the unimaginable, to break the rules, and make my own path, leaving trails for others to follow. This book is about stretching the mind and thinking about where you want to be in the world.

Do you want to be well known? The best in your field? Your country? Best in the world? Or best in the universe?

You decide. I know where I want to be.

Posted on September 26, 2008

Can’t Fly with the Eagles if You’re with the Seaguls – Mum

Hipster Hop: @vicecanada & @INQmobile Pheromone Party

Now this was a fun time. INQ Mobile & Vice teamed up to throw this donut party complete with bottled pheromones to turn up the temperature even hotter.

Gimme pheromone pumps girl.

The party was for a new phone. I didn’t really get to try it out.

Open bar, good tunes and more babes with beards than I could handle.

Fritz Helder & crew. (Note beards/babes ratio – told ya!)

Party was at Air­ship 37, a ware­house just south of the Dis­tillery. Team Stewart happening here. Good Looks obvs run in the family.

Hottest photog ever w/ Violca from Masion.

I brought my business cards as you can see.

Hi cuties.

This babe was the art director of the party.

He just flew in from France. He was very cute. He had a strong French accent.

I got him with my URL too.

Danced a bit to DJ’s Ryne­col­o­gist and Your Boy Brian. This is my friend Stephen. Saw a couple of the actual cool kids from MuchMTV too.

Fistpump w/ Renee.

It was def a lovely time.

Happy Monday suckas. Make it a good one 🙂

that’s what friends are for

You know when you’re being all emo and it rains like it did today? Yeah. Meh, ok now and then. Didn’t last too long. I saw a rainbow and was tweeting friends about waaaahmbulance and Randeep drew & tweeted this. Totally RAD-deep.

I love drawings.  I drew the advice below. If it rains again I am totally going for a walk.

Lazy watching In her Shoes movie and doing stuff. At the end Cameron Diaz reads this beauty at her sister’s wedding. It’s one of my favourites. I also love Retro Camera, new app I downloaded from the Android Market. Photo is Queen Street near Bathurst this afternoon. No matter where I go I will always have a little bit of Queen St West in my heart.

Show me ya teeth 🙂

i carry your heart with me

by E. E. Cummings

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

When I was in grade school…

When I was in grade school I was part of a skipping team for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. We went around to schools like yours and did crazy tricks like doing a cartweheel in to a double dutch with chinese ropes. We practiced often and had heaps of tricks. We were called the Preston Pump-Ups. We had one routien called 12th Street Rag and the melody got faster and faster and you had to speed up your steps. If you lasted till the end, you were good. I could do it pretty well. I really loved skipping.

(photo via laurencephilomene)

“We’re from up North.” She says…

On the subway. I knew they were from somewhere, not here. They were making heaps of noise, big backpacks, maps. I wanted to say something nice but I just kept staring.


I puked in my mouth a litte when I saw the one kid put his hand in his mouth after crawling around on the platform floor. Yes floor, and of all TTC stations, it was Union. Gross.  They were two little blonde haired boys, young. I don’t know ages of kids these days but I’m guessing like 4 and 7. Little buggers.


The subway is so interesting. I always watch and wonder. So many people on paths, journeys, going places.

We pass a couple stops and suddenly I hear a familiar song, why that, that is the ABC’s! It was being sung loud and proud with by a little monster. He was a cute one.


I don’t really know any kids, they’re fascinating and scary at the same time. I don’t know if Iwant any.  It will be far from now if ever. I have started the room clean. Lets hope I have great success today. You too.

Wakestock Recap in Photos – Part 3

Sunday we packed up for the last day of our adventure and said bye to Jonathan. HUGE thank you to him & Wakestock Canada for hooking up the whole party thing for us. We had a blast. THANK YOU!!

Made a pit stop for outfit changes. Needed to be more suited for the weather.

Caught some actual Wakeboarding.

The Virgin bus wasn’t as bangin’ on Day 2. BTW did you vote for me in the Virgin contest?

These boys all look they love Hollister.

Weather was not nearly as nice Day 2 and it rained a bit here and there. This is where the Virgin Back Stage tent was most special.

These babes are Rebel Emergency. They were handsome and sweet. Music was pretty good too. They opened for Snoop Dog the night before.

There was no way I was doing the Sprite rope jump. Get my hair wet & go in the freezing water? Aaah.

Khaleed was less afraid of getting his hair wet and totally went for it. Awesomerrrrrrrrrr!

That pretty much sums up our weekend. It was my first time at Wakestock and it was a blast.  I’ll do it again next year for sure.

For more pix check out Part 1 and Part 2 or search Wakestock on my blog. You can find the others girsl blogs at Lauren Out Loud, Raymi the Minx & Carly-Anne. Thanks for following our Wakestock adventure. I’m looking forward to the Bloundetourage’s next quest! I’m at Bud Camp Aug 20th fore the weekend. Look out!


dear god make me a bird so i can fly far, far far away from here.

the more we dress together the happier we’ll be

I want you.

I need you.

Stopped by to see Jonathan. Mentioned him before, he runs Shop My Clothes which you should totally check out. I got shopped. Check out my additions to clothes mountain – yellow skirt & top . Skirt was a hit last night. You can buy sell your own clothes on the site FOR FREE. There are so many nice things. I could get lost in that online closet for sure.

I want these. Just got the Fall lookbook for Gap. GAH. SO many nice things.  Gap was my first job ever when I was 16. It was a dream to work there then. I was well dressed in high school. People love/hated it.

Love the windows at Holts right now. I was never inside the box. Claustrophobia. Cluster-phobia.

How cute is Marc? Adorable. He’s in the Scott Pilgrim movie. Seriously. Saw it last night and saw his face on the big screen. My friends are famous.

Roof pool hangsies with Lauren time. Hmm, been hanging around a few ‘Laurens’ lately. Boutette, O’Nizz, Raymi Lauren – all babes, love it. Ok, have a great day. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


today in the news

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You like my glasses? You’ve been blogged.











Post Scott Pilgrim crazy @ Adelaide St. Pub. Love you guys. Drawings by Randeep. Glasses & outfit, me of course 🙂

casie stewart vs. teh interweb

I’m running late again because the internet so damn distracting. Weak excuse I know. I just can’t be tamed, creativity killed her. “Sorry I’m late guys, it was the internet!!” Going to Scott Pilgrim vs The World with a heap of people. Got tickets already. Hopefully some are already there. Movie is at 7:30. I you see me say HI. Today is also Friday the 13th, explains how the shewolf in my closet came out strike of midnight last night.  Owwwwwwwwwww owwwww! Tonight is tame time.


BTW, someone reminded me of this today. Ever seen it? 420 photos one train ride, no internet.

Judge me by the content of my character.

The content. The character.
The me. The judge.

Judge of content.
Character, the judge.

The judge of character.
The character of content.

Content my judge.
Of me, my character.

* wordplay

eye see rad people.

Breakfast making. Last night was a sht show.



So many friends and babes. Free drinks. Photographers. Hipsters galore, which I loved. Vice magazine + INQ Mobile. Never even saw a phone.  So many beards. I need a day to recover.  Ha! Summer was made for love. I love you.

today in the news

  • Sexy beards & babes (@ INQ Vice Event! w/ @j_lab) http://4sq.com/9zs56H #
  • When I'm on my way to a party and I see people out exercising I think 'nice'. #
  • ha! @JohnInToronto my head is a party hat! #
  • go go gadget outfit. #
  • tamil lyger #
  • omg just saw a donut burger on Globan news – Krispy Kreme w/ a meat patty. Zomg fatgasm. #
  • Going on the #BudCamp bus with 30 Bud girls next Friday morning. I'm jealous of myself right now. #
  • i'm going to be a meteor shower when i grow up. #
  • Open roof film fest w/ @crystalgibson then meeting @michaelnus @kylerehling & heading to @INQMobile donut party. Woot. Look the eff out. #
  • OMG. Nicest thing everrrr. RT @stephwashere: I wanna be like @casiestewart when I grow up. #
  • i love you guys, you make me happy & feel good. #
  • my ringtone is bad romance. what's yours? #
  • i need a new tattoo artist. mine shipped out to BC to be a hippy. #
  • beckham should just model now. he's the best when he just stands there & makes a sexy face. #
  • yes, i know it's not friday. #
  • you guys know about @shopmyclothes? pretty neat site. picking up new digs tomorrow. stay tuned! #followfriday #
  • doododododo dee dada. #
  • Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. Imma see if I can sneak in a tattoo 🙂 #
  • i have a feeling tonight;s event might turn in to a shit show. i'm feeling roudy. #
  • who's going to #BudCamp #
  • Did I mention I'm in a contest with @VirginAtlantic & could use your votes? T-19 Days! http://bit.ly/cPTRTt #
  • oh galen weston, you are so cute in those close to home commercials. #
  • i lost 80 pounds with slimband too. ok no i didn't. #
  • ok this Adam/Victor thing on the #YandR today is bull and boring. GIMME DRAMA! #FTW #
  • i hope someone puts a donut ring on my finger tonight hehe #
  • what do you wear to donut party? doh, nuts! #
  • Made it home from today's meetings just in time for the #YandR I love me. #
  • Couple babes here today. (@ Starbucks (Festival Hall Chapters)) http://4sq.com/6pGaze #
  • is me!! http://twitpic.com/2e2rl7 #
  • Fingers type "comwe" brain means "come with me". #
  • Killing time before meeting 🙂 (@ Friendly Stranger) http://4sq.com/deQLnD #
  • sending you all #positivevibes today. #
  • had a dream about the iceberg http://bit.ly/aH3JtQ #
  • i love wordpress. #
  • i wrote a beautiful post on empathy an it deleted itself. how ironic. wahhhhhhhhh. #
  • really looking forward to my lunch date today. you know who you are 🙂 #
  • Photo: nobody really cares if you’re miserable… http://tumblr.com/xmjfl55fb #
  • HAHAHAHAHA! RT @flashlight: OH: "Son, it's private, keep it in your pants." "But daddy, it's like a rocket ship!" #
  • email is the new snail mail. #
  • we are all made of stars. #
  • what's the site/app called where you can record your actions on computer and save as a video? #
  • Photo: › This Is For Luck, Baby! http://tumblr.com/xmjfl3rl4 #
  • missing the #smmeasure chat today, will check in post meeting! #
  • My FAV UK Blogger @bangsandabun is up for the Cosmo Blog awards in Sex & Relationships, I've voted have you? http://bit.ly/9MpjUf #
  • godaddy email = the suck. i know i know. google apps is the way to go. grrrr. #
  • New people following… Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Reveal yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #
  • some very beautiful music on BRAVO right now. djembe, sitar & other wooden instruments. #
  • good morning. i just cleaned living room & kitchen andit's not 10 am yet., today is a good day. #

Wakestock Recap in Photos – Part 2

Wha? Pubic Enememy. No way.

Flava Flav!

Time to get down.

And get UP!

I’m so badass. Scouts America shirt. Oh yeah.

Lots of crown surfing in the sunset. Less surfing internet.

We loved it. So much energy.

We were on our phones about 80% of the time. Tweeting to tell everyone how fun it was. Mobile charging stations next year for sure. Opportunity there.

After a long day it was time to be escorted back to our castle to chage for night imte fun. Party was at the curling club any everyone was going.

Except maybe these dudes.No Wakestock pork shirts allowed.

You may recognize this dude with Carly as Maestro, Canadian hip hip royalty.

This was Kevin, Parkdale dreamboat. Saw him a couple times during the day. Nice shirt hot stuff.

We didn’t stay out too late. Lauren & Raymi heaps taller than me yet adorkable 🙂

Part 3 coming with Sunday fun!!!!!!!

Omg seriously. Just do it.

Put on some music miss thang, turn it up. Put on the lights and wear something cute. Headband hairpiece helps. Put all the clothes on the bed. Organize the empty hangers. Get the bins to throw stuff in. Put on lipstick. Put your clothes away. It doesn’t reallllllllly take that long. Clean up the other crap you’ve collected and throw shit out. Put clean sheets on the bed. Make bed, lay on top, relax. Look at the cleanness of the place, feel good. Go out and play.


Can’t focus. Keep thinking of you. Keep thinking about the impact you’ll have on my future. Our connection, your energy, my energy. So cold right now you are.You melt, I taste you. You feel nice on my skin, you feel nice all over me. When will I see you? Feel you. I don’t know. You are moving closer to me every single day.

The iceberg.tip of the iceberg

blah blah blah, think you’lll be getting this nah nah nah

i would like a barbie house and hot modern ken.


This afternoon Beans and I threw on some heels and strutted over to GCI Canada for the Summer BBQ. Nice roof patio partio they have going on. Perfect for tanning.


My boy Luke wasn’t there (Mexico vacay!) so I got to know a bunch of the ladies.  Seems like a real positive place to work, they all seemed quite happy.  Beautiful sun and beers were a nice addition too.


Food was great. Very organic and healthy tasting which went swell with radiant sunshine and an ice cold Stella. Ice cream sanny was the perf addition to our lunchable. Don’t judge my chippy nail polish or funny face.

Ok, now for the best part. I chatted Naz who does stuff with Barbie and she gave me a present. It was in a nice box and I was like OMG OMG is it a BARBIE?


It WAS a BARBIE! A 1662 Special Edition, Brunette, Bubble Cut hair with bathingsuit and outfit. Oh man. Now Peaches & Creme has a new bestie. Just kiddin, not opening it. The Barbie faces have changed to much over the years. Sabrina got one too.  Skinnier with bigger boobs now. I like the older Marilyn style better.How sweet is this lady? I love her.


omg. i am totally going to be late for this bbq. sorry.

Don’t have long. Gotta run. Roof lunch beer BBQ at GCI Canada shortly and I don’t wanna be late. I wonder if they will have gift bags? They sent me VIP to the Barbie show for LGFW. I love Barbie. Do you know I hve all my Barbies at my condo right now. I would love to play with them. Maybe later.  A  gift bag was delivered to CTV for me but marked FORA, so they kept it. Naturally. Hope my PR girly sends a new one. I guess it was like a parting gift for the girls I used to work with. Ha! You’re welcome. Went for dinner with a babe to Joe Mama’s last night. Goat cheese, pistachio salad I love you. Must clean room today. Omg the days are flying by. I have some serious work to do post BBQ in the sun. Still winning the Virgin Provocateur votes but PLEASE tell you friends, I must win this thing. If you vote the others down Richard Branson will say cheeky things to you. How naughty! Vote here.

My friend Crystal designed this Social Media Monopoly and it was on Mashable yesterday. I shared it on FB and didn’t even see that it was HER, MY FRIEND. Iwas like OMG, getting on Mashable is a social media geek wet dream. CONGRATS GIRL, keep up the awesomeness. One day I will be on Mashable too! I’ve seen a couple peeps I know on there in the last year so I know it can be done.

Ok I am so late. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wakestock Recap in Photos: Part 1

So it started. Four girls, one car, one weeknd. Go.

We arrived safe and sound. You saw the Cribs O’Nizzle did of where we were staying eh.

Went out the first night Sailor Hats were a hit. There were lineups at all the clubs so next time, go early.

Saturday rolled around and before we knew it, the party started.

It was so hot out.

I went to Uni in Australia with these punks – Prince left, Rye right. So nice to see them. My Zeugari suit was a hit.

OMG Prince!

We spent time cruising around the grounds. Heaps of pople enjoying the tunage. Back stage Allison helped us out with whatedcer we needed. Including driving us in the production vehicle.

We were up front and back stage like traditional media.

I loved seeing the fans screaming from front stage.

Back stage was a the place to be in order to avoid beer lines for sure.

Part 2 coming up including Flava Flav & night time party…