nzfw – day one

update 1:

lovely sleep in my monster sized bed last night. caught derek on a  new zealand breakfast show then headed with him and his handler to the venue. me venus at the media breakfast onsite. tasty brekky snacks and coffee. nails done by magic tan & beauty, hair done by ghd, makeup mac. wearing andy hall blazer, vintage skirt, nella bella bag.

oh hai

ghd hair + mac makeup lounge

venus getting hair did

saw juliette hogan show this morning and now running to sera lilly.

having the best time. love you xo

imma eat you up.

This is my fav shiz right here – Jaffas, Minties, Pineapple Lumps (got them in the freezer), a dark chocolate Peanut Slab and a meat pie. I loooooove these guys, this stuff is New Zealand ledgendary to me. I will bring some home.

It’s really fun to be a Canadian/Kiwi here for Fashion Week. I am stoked to see a bunch of shows tomorrow. Met lots of nice peeps this evening. Wore a dress by Canadian Designer Paris Li -looking forward to seeing what she says after I styled it up kinda different. It was #3  (see here) from when I tried on dresses at her place. You wont recognize when I show you tomorrow, I insist on being different. Meet my minder Venus Tong tomorrow morning at breakfast to sort out what shows I am attending.

She is a babe.

They have all day music videos on more than one channel. Remember when our music stations had that? It was my fav. Found this new song today by Kimbra on JuiceTV, their site is cool. The video caught my eye and the beat crawled up in my ears and made my body wanna move arond. Toes tapping. I am having fun.

these are a few of my favourite things right now

My driver who picked Derek and I up at the Auckland Airport this AM bright & early.

NZFW Sponsors for sharing all these goodies and placing them in my room.

NZFW Designers who have invited me to their shows. Nice having my name on everything, seats assigned. See you front row my lovelies. My eyes are on your style.

The Weston Auckland Lighter Quay for the Beautiful room on the Auckland Harbour – City of Sails baby.

The City of Auckland for WIFI everythere.

Derek Fabulous because he is my new BFF.

This song by Lily Allen I just saw on NZ Juice TV.

Meeting up with my Kiwi friend I’ve not seen in like 10 years MC Bling!

Peach out till later. Will post a pic of my outfit before tonight’s NZFW opening party if not in too much of a rush. You know how I am always slow/late. Fashionably!

Hope you are having a lovely day. I’m doing what I always wanted to and loving every single minute of it. Good thing I slept the whole way here.


Aotearoa: land of the long white cloud

Got on the plane about 11pm and shortly after we were sailing high we were given our dinner. I remember flying Air NZ when I was younger that the food was delish, guess what? It still is!

I had this seared tuna and cute salad with lobster cream dressing. The dessert was some kinda pineapple/carrot delish. After I had the main course, lamb & potatoes w/ beans. I perfectly paired my dinner with gravol and a glass of red wine so I could sleep like a baby girl. (Mind you, there were some loud ass screaming little shits on the plane. Babies don’t seem to sleep so well on the plane, who knew? Luckily I decided it was not worth hurting them or grinding my teeth so I turned up my audio to drown them out.)

This is me after 1o hours airplane sleep.

Good morning! Would you like some brekky? Why yes, yes I would! Had this stuff then crepes + fresh berries & whipped cream.

Hellooooo homeland. Nice to see you again. You can always spot sheeps cruising in pastures from the plane when you get a little closer than this.

I almost got stopped at bag check on the way out of the airport cause the scanner guy saw I had gum boots (mine are actually red Moovboots). In NZ gum boots are worn by sheep farmers and in fields etc (which is not cool with airport security). I told him mine were fashion over function and had never left a big city. He laughed, I laughed, he let me go. I sure have a way with security guys!

I totally thought today was Sunday (like it is at home in Canada) but it really is MONDAY today in NZ. I was like, why are all these kids wearing uniforms on Sunday? DOH!

Fashion Week opening party is tonight! Yeow!

NUIT BLANCHE 2010: paint it red

Sitting in LAX waiting for my flight and thinking about Nuit Blanche on Oct 2. It’s the weekend right when I get back and I wanna see friends, I wanna see YOU. Every year I get a group of peeps together and we go out and cruise the streets causing a ruckus etc. I love dancing in the streets. Interpretive dance FTW!

This year, I wanna do that again but BIGGER. My idea is to meet at Starbucks  – King and Yonge Street at 8pm. Dress in red, make a mob. Let’s go GENYTO!!

How could would it be to have red paint & white painters outfits? A see of people dressed in red clothes? Red face paint? Maybe zombie face? 1,000 red balloons?

I’m so excited for Halloween why not start early? Make a whole damn month of it.

Lets do this together. I made a FB event, image above links to it. (Yes, I also hate FB events but it’s so easy to add/invite people ok. Just do it.) I love doing fun sh*t as you know, so if we have never met, this is a good time to get off your couch and come have fun with me & friends!

Maybe we can karaoke after? What if we did mobile karaoke? Karaoke on the street? I’m open to any ideas you have too so like, share ’em. Lets have fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!

Have to fly to New Zealand now. Have a great night/day depending where the heck you live in the world! I’ve been time travelling all day – three hours behind in LA and about 18 hours ahead in NZ. Cray cray! I am so excited! Yahoooooooooooooters.

Ok. Bye 🙂

he said ‘there’s this woman, she’s a hurricane’

Lets do this. Here we go.

Remmeber my Guns on Plane story from the summer when I went to Boston? Read it here. Anyhooters, being calm and was careful not to pack an firearms this time. Go through customs and doing bag check and who’s line do I end up in? Oh yeah, same dude who caught me with the gun. He says ” I remember you? Any guns this time? Do I need to search your bag?” We laugh. I say no. He explains what happened and that the dude last time should really have given me back my gun, 38 special (metal necklace). Then some other dude says “they always hassle the pretty girls”, I giggle, I’m always hassled. I gave him my card and I hope he reads this. HI, NICE SECURITY AIRPORT MAN!

Ran into Marcel next in the Molson Pub. Fancy that! He was on same flight to EL EH. The bartender took this artistic-fuzzy one. Cheers mate!

Guess who likes to sleep on planes and had TWO empty seats beside them? This girl. Snoooooooozefest. One beer prior to boarding, then pizza then gravol then comatose then almost in LA. Quizno pepperoni + cheese za was quite good.

What’s in my locket? Your heart. My heart.

i love this poem by e.e. cummings. one of my fav’s:

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Pretty watching the sun set on the horizon from the sky. Love that. Will be flying in to Ackland at about 7:30am so might catch the sunrising.

Lets hope it is sunny and beautiful when I arrive. There is a so called massive storm on the way. Looks like it will be more South than Auckland so imma be ok.

Remembered today that I have the ‘accent advantage’ for once, y’know, they will all talk the same and I talk Canadian. I love that. When I lived in Australia it worked out really good for me. I also thought how many cute & stylish boys are gonna be there. How did I totally forget these two things? Haha. Really stoked to meet my girl Venus who is gonna be all up mindin’ my business and keeping me on schedule. It’s gonna make me want an assistant and driver when I get home. Hell, I want that shit already!

Have you heard this track Warhol’s Portrait of Gretzky by Hawksley Workman? Saw him perform it live at the Festival Music House during TIFF. Oh man, I LOVE IT, pretty fucking sexy. Listened to it over and over, just got it from itunes so I can listen on plane. How was I not already in love with him?

Give a listen and make your ears happy. The actual Warhol is below.

Love you xo

leaving on a jet plane

Good morning.

Had a FREAKOUT this morning. No not because of my adventure but because my  blog was hacked. Don’t do that. Seriously. Who the fuck hacks a sunshine-rainbow-fantasty-glitter blog like mine? Looooooooosers. Panic at my disco when I got the notification. Seriously. First thought, shit, I leave for NZFW today what the hell imma do? Please don’t hack things, it’s not nice.

Bad actions/vibes you put into the universe have a magnetic particles and like attracts like and they will all come back to you. Be careful.

Heaps of clothes. Thanks to Canadian designers Paris Li, Andy Hall and Nella Bella for outfitting me with style. Thanks to Telus for my phone + keeping me connected. Thanks Betty Kiss for the massive suitcase &  reversible clutches.  I packed shoes galore, Doc’s, cowboys, wellies and five other pairs. It’s fashion week followed by chill time with the fams, totes necesary. My two suit cases aren’t stuffed though, need to leave room to bring home lotsa goodies & prezzies. Taking some Tim’s coffee for a cute little blogger named Hannah in NZ.

Carry on bag is from Nella Bella, the red reno suede. It’s lovely! I always bring my sketchbook on the plane. I get inspired watching people, looking at the flight path, reading listening to music, flying in general really. Crispers S&V are my fav snack (just saw on sale at Shoppers for $0.99, go stock up on my christmas present!). I can plow through a bag of them easy. SO crunchy.

New Wired mag arrived yesterday just in time. Might actually read it sice I’m travelling. I’ve been getting it for two years and each month I browse when it arrives then leave it sitting there to rot, spine uncracked. Packed Kabbalah meditation cards, the 72 names of God, good for focus. When I get anxiety I like to pull one out, focus on the name and it helps me calm down. Must get rescue remedy.

Listening to this song right now. Check out Morgan & Birds of Wales. He’s McDreamy, expecially at the start of the video when he looks into your eyes. Met his new puppy yesterday, pretty much die for cute.

If you find one of my cards around, I would like to give you a prize. I dunno what yet. Maybe I will write you a note and send it in the mail. That would be kinda fun eh?

Gadgets galore. Missing from this pile is the Barbie cam. She’s tucked in my suitcase. I reckon she might be fun to have on the plane though. Hmm, then I can travel with a friend. Haha.

Peach out Toronto. I love you. I love all of you xo

What do you wanna be when you grow up?


I wanna be Casie Stewart. I wanna be a world brand. I want to be famous for doing something great. I wanna be loved by you.

Ok, really though…

I wanna be myself, its what I’m best at. Why be anyone else? They all be damn taken. There is only one you. Remember that. You, you are the best you that will ever be. Make a name for yourself, of yourself. The other day I did a seminar about building your personal brand, I forgot to tell the sold out show – your brand is the most valuble asset you have. There is NO other YOU.

Mum told me “when you have nothing left, all you have is your word”. Let’s hope your word has meaning, value and substance mate.

No person in this whole wide world can make more content and stuff about/for you, than you. No person can make your dreams a reality more than you can. You are the best, be that best you. Go get it soldier, getter done.

Today is about besting, be your bestest you. Nothing will make you more success than that.

Love + light xo CASIE

take a deep breath, wait for it…

Dear VIP International media,

A driver will be waiting for you in the arrivals lounge of Auckland International Airport.  As you enter the public lounge from the customs area look to your left and you will see your driver, in a black suit, with a name badge, and a hand held sign featuring your name.

As a VIP guest you will have access to the MAC and ghd Lounge where you can relax and be pampered by their teams of hair and makeup specialists.

We also have available to you Audi courtesy cars for getting to and from NZFW related business appointments and our off-site shows.

host will be assigned to you to assist with appointments etc throughout the week. They will book your cars if they can and orientate you around the Fashion Week venue.

these lovely photos were shot by lynsie roberts. thanks babe!

this one time, i tried to vacuum…

I’ve never owned a vacuum but I do like vacuuming. I got sent this totally rad unit recently, LG Kompressor. In the handy kit from LG was this rug, dirt, coffee, cheerios and cardboard pieces so I could make a mess and clean it up to test how great the unit was. Well, I thought it was a crazy awesome idea to be all home shopping network and show you how good I am at that kind of thing.

Yeah, not so much.

So I set it up like this.

Then this happened…watch with amazement and enjoy the music.

No really, enojy the music.

So, I got dirt and stuff all over the rug AND our carpet. I do not recommend trying to vacuum piles of coffee, dirt, cheerios and cardboard AT THE SAME TIME. Otherwise, the unit is lovely. Quiet and sucks really hard. Haha.

i’m over you baby, i’m moving on

Richard from Monster Media took this one. Sums up TIFFest pretty good I reckon. Thank you TIFF, Stella and all the agencies and all the people who have had me out to great events and films over the last week or so. It’s been my best year at TIFF ever and I’m throwing in the towel.  Need to rest up and get ready to take on New Zealand. Was at  (diet) Coke party first last night, was fun. They had a photo booth, you know I love that. Rode in a big Coke limo. Fun fun crazy. Shiny disco balls.

Wore some recent goodies I’ve been given last night: Vest + skirt from Old Navy. White shirt + boots from Marks WW. Heart locket H&M. Lipstick is Poppy from Joe Fresh new makeup collection. Thanks guys.

Boots are quite lovely. Nice colour and salt proof. Gonna test that hard this winter, walking in snow banks.

Andrew F Stewart & Rannie, Photojunkie.

Sent Rochelle to Festival Music House in my place but then I showed up anyways later. Was a guestlist asshole bringing people. I don’t like to do that but it was necessary last night. Appreciate Rock-It Promo for being so kind to me and not being mad at me.

This looks good on me. Brocklyn was a hit again last night. Rising star he is. Watch it.

Carly is his agent now. Her talent roster is a garden of awesome in bloom.

Woke up to a message that I’ve got a minder/wrangler for NZFW. She’s a NZ hottie who goes by the name of Venus Tong, she is the head bitch at Party of Wolves, nightlife photography. I’ve also got a car picking me up at the airport. Hoping a handsome man in uniform is holding a sign with my name on it. Fingers crossed!

I love life. We are dating, we might even get married. Yes, crazy it sounds but crazy I am so whatever. Now in a comitted relationship. I have never loved anyone or anything the way I love LIFE.


yesterday on twitter, this happened:

  • W/ agent @carlyannedotcom star @brockmclaughlin #festivalmusichouse #classy (@ Roosevelt Room Supper Club w/ @hawleydunbar @sidewalkhustle) #
  • I was a guestlist jerk bringing extras. Sorry. Ma friends! We changed plans. #
  • Photo: Made these today #
  • dressed for fall fun. #
  • i love demi. moore. #
  • i hope joe fresh is doing makeup tonight at the #dietcokeTIFFest (long hashtaaaaag, i guest other options would be inappropriate eh) #
  • restarted fixed. love hate when that happens. #SOS #
  • omfg. deep breath baby, sit down. hot. RT @shopsterium: Just talked to RYAN GOSLING! He squeezed my forearm. I think I'm going to faint now. #
  • THATS WHAT SHE SAID hahaha. RT @lannycardow: @casiestewart thanks for the tip. These questions are best left to ppl cooler than me. #
  • #SOS my mem card slot on my comp makes noise when goes in, no reading though. tries card reader. need photos. please help. #
  • Photo: i love her. i will d.i.e. if we meet in NZ for #
  • this #genyto was fun #
  • atta girl haha RT @Sn00ki: My look is copywritten, you can tell I made it. -Fab 🙂 #
  • halloween. i'm waiting for you. i can't wait to pour blood on my face for the zombie walk too. #
  • happy birthday mum #
  • aahaha RT @jessepace NyQuil texts are the new drunk texts. #
  • i'm bringing @parishilton to the coke party. see you in the bathroom. #tiff10 #dietcoketiffest #
  • This is so funny to me. Meat head. "You think the meat dress matches the meat drapes? That would be my question?" via @Nick_Nolte #
  • Thanks @rockitpromo for #festivalmusichouse Reporting in my absence tonight is @rochlatinsky. Have fun!! #tiff10 #
  • the famn damn @brockmclaughlin @AndrewFstewart @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle @SidewalkHustle #
  • hi @NZFashionWk, i'm like mega stoked. will be styling at shows with Canada's own @NellaBellaBrand bags. Look out! #
  • going to a #tiff10 coke party tonght. haha funniest joke there. it's actually #dietcoketiffest look for me & Brocklyn aka @brockmclaughlin #
  • i really don't know what i ever saw in him. #
  • you guys are great. just want you to know that @TheFoodDudesTO @weareandyhall. #
  • i have been very productive today. yay me. #
  • converse, you are stanky. cripes. #
  • on skype with mum from halifax on the boat. sang her happy birthday! #
  • I have this one. Try carrying it around on the #TTC MAD STARES dude. RT @davidMTV: This ad is killllllling me lol #
  • cute boy just got a really cute puppy. imma wear something real cute when we hang out then a unicorn gonna fly by with glitter. #
  • i mean blog not bog #
  • gonna bog about my new vacuum and what not to do when using it today. i learned the hard way 🙁 #
  • omg webinar w/ video. am i wearing pants? you will never know! moooohahaha #
  • Photo: bohemea: #
  • Photo: vicemag: #
  • good thing today's webinar is online. i just had a sub with heaps of onions. hehe #
  • just kidding. email fine. casie retarted. #
  • omg if i don't start getting my email i am going to kill. [bats eyelashes at internet] #
  • dressing up in your love is a dangerous thing #
  • not getting any emails on my godaddy email? anyone else? suggestion why? don;t say cuz go dady sucksd #
  • omg just about got stung by a wasp…IN THE FACE! #
  • I said brr, its cold outsider #
  • today is Mum's birthday <3 #
  • new biz cards ordered. #
  • positivity. thoughts become things. #
  • what you doing at 12:30? wanna hang out online w/ me + talk about personal branding? webinar > #
  • my memory lacks initiative. #
  • i can not wait to see my friends + family in new zealand. hells yeah four days man. #
  • had some really bad dreams last night. lots of twitter friends were in too. some i've not met so it was real weird. #
  • crispers. ILU. #

tiff day seven: what say you. seasons changing.

Do you have any idea how excited I am? I just might fly to New Zealand, with my own damn wings.

Last night was fun. Lotsa bands. They were all great.

Tokyo Police Club

Jeff Parazzo
PJ Lazic

Julia Schneider

Picked up a suitcase for a friend. Business cards printed. I’ve not really been into them thus far but I want to make sure everyone remembers who I am and knows exactly where to find me. They don’t have my phone number on so kinda fun to give away. It’s the important stuff, twitter, blog, email. All the info you need to know. You will always know what I am doing. More than some of your friends who are not on Twitter or blog or Facebook or Tumbr or Posterous or LinkedIn or whatever other MSN, ICQ crap you are still using.

I’ve had a very productive day. I feel that I have to in order to keep going. It’s like I feel more motivated the more I work the more I do the more I wanna. Don’t try and stop me cause here I come. I’ve wanted to go and fly and take on the world forever .I am talking names and so are you. I refuse to let a day go by where I don’t feel like I am further ahead that I was the day before.

I would like to start writing more. Can  have a column somehwere? I can be Casie Bradshaw. You should see the giggle on my face as I am typing this moving my head “blah blah blah”, pounding keys. Pause, tild head.

Except, I wont write about dating or sexy people. I will write about dating gadgets, sexy fashions and attitudes. Pure awesomism. Going to a Coke party tonight. Coca- Cola TIFF> haha.  See ya in the bathroom Paris Hilton! I joke I joke.


See you on the dance floor.

happy birthday mum

You inspire me, you always have I am so proud of you for embarking on your one year sailing adventure. I know you have been planning this for a long time. You make me want to take adventures. I am. It was lovely talkingto you today. Happy I could skype video and you could see my excited face. I got new business cards today and a big suitcase for my trip to NZ. Can’t wait to see Nana and the rest of the fams. I can hardly believe this is all happening.

Things are moving along for October’s project too. I hope we can talk again soon. I would love to catch you up on the Y&R would you believe that Billy Abbot married Victoria Newman and is PREGNANT? Crazy, I know. Happy sailing!

How cute is Mum? I can just imagine how styling she is on the boat right now. Full sailing gear,  hat to match. Probably rocking some sunnies we picked up in Kensington last time she visited. I have a whole category on Mum in this blog of artistic awesomism. Sending you sunshine ♥

yesterday on twitter, this happened: and it was fun.

  • W/ @hawleydunbar #tiff10 #festivalmusichouse #
  • W/ @jkschneider and a babe named Jeff #
  • Tokyo Police Club #tiff10 #festivalmusichouse #
  • With some hot babes who are actors watching #tokyopoliceclub So fun. #
  • 12seconds – Likes this guy. #festivalmusichouse #tiff10 #
  • Want to be the best blogger you can be? Don’t force your views on anyone – offer them, let others choose. #sbt10 /via @DannyBrown #
  • I dunno who the guy on stage is right now but his “pretty fuckin’ sexy” song is pretty fucking succexy. Me likey. #festivalmusichouse #sexy #
  • Those mini burgs are taaaaasty. #
  • Up front camera high, filming everything! Is that really necessary? #
  • Brave new world? Uh, a whole new world. #aladdin #internet #tiff10 #spoke #
  • I wish my hand charged my damn phone when I pressed the keys. #
  • Just had my shine at the panel, they know my name now. Seems I am like, the only one tweeting? Weird no? #tiff10 #
  • One guy has worked in tv for 30 yrs. I am not even 30 haha. Communication has always been around yes but SOCIAL not always MEDIA. #tiff10 #
  • I had a delish treat at Fleishman today. Nom nom. Must be fun to work there. #
  • I’m getting more involved in tv & film. Starting already. Look out world, the internet girl is coming to your house. #
  • People upstairs at #netflix keep coming downstairs to the panel and being so loud. Doh. #spoke #
  • Oh, one panel dude is part of @trendhunter. Tres interesting! #
  • Panel dude says succes is audience – true? If you get audience, money comes. #
  • Super stylish handbags I’ll be rocking at #nzfw None other than @NellaBellaBrand baby. #style #canada in reply to NellaBellaBrand #
  • Storyteller. #
  • Um, we all create content for a screen Mr. Panel moderator. Duh. #
  • Future of Film, TV & social media #tiff10 (@ Spoke Club w/ 2 others) #
  • lookng for a hot girl band for something – any suggestions? #
  • Photo: Toronto! ILU!!!!!!!!!! #
  • View Post

you took something perfect and painted it red

A wee bit of stress is starting to sink in. I’m over film festing and focussed on New Zealand Fashion Week. I’m feeling quite artistic and looking forward to the plane ride. I love airports, people travelling. In my carry on I’ll have netbook, notebook, sketchbook, nintendo, pillow and blanket. Watched this little video again today, I think it’s so cute. Time lapse, I love.

I got a heap of clothes from Mark’s yesterday, yes, the Work Warehouse. You might be surprised how stylish. It was really fun trying on anything and everything before deciding on what I’d like to wear. One of my fav’s is this long black super soft cardigan. You can never have too many cardigans, perfect for all year. I got a pair of mom jeans, red gloves and grey leather riding boots too.

This vid is kinda cute too, the music is Yelle. Been listening to her this morning. Last night’s movie Jucy was really really good. I am so happy I got to meet the girls from the movie before seeing it. Really make a difference when you get to up close with the actors. I related to them and gave them huge hugs after it was over.

Post movie I met up with Morgan for a coffee. He played me a few songs from his solo album coming out in the new year. Impressed. Mum used to tell me”You can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls” and I like that. I’m surrounded by so many inspiring/talented people, it motivates me to work hard; to wake up early, to get things done, to be organized, to follow up, to be thankful.

Have a wonderful day friends. Do something that inspires you today. Do something for you, do something for others. Giving is the worlds greatest gift, once you have given, you already recieved.


yesterday on twitter, this happened:

film fest day five: lovely to meet you, welcome.

Yesterday was quite lovely. I attended PSH’s film Jack Goes Boating in the afternoon with Michael. Walked through Kensington in the sunshine and passed Tattoo at/for 4:20.

Then I met Lynsie and Shawna at The Red Tea Box to greet the cast of Jucy for a Tea Party. Was terribly cute, the party and the three of us blonde blogging babes. The Blondetourage rides again.

I’m going to see Jucy tonight and quite excited. The Director Louise Alston gave us a CD with the films soundtrack and tickets to attend. The three of us sat down with Jackie (Francesca Gasteen) and Lucy (Cindy Nelson) from the movie for a chat around the tea table. They were charming and we are friends now.

Post Tea party we went to Squirly’s one of my fav spots on Queen Street with some friends. Lynsie, Dwayne and I went to Hotshot gallery for treats & a toast to Jeffreyy‘s photography. Lovely exhibit he did in the kitchen of a resto called Grace on College. The night kicked up a notch, after that when we walked the red carpet at Charles Pachter’s gorgeous house. Honestly, the place is stunning. If you ever get to go there, go. Actually, find a reason.

It was the event for Steve Nash’s film Into The Wind and quite the place to be. That’s where I met team Australia as I like to call them, Brad, James & crew from Aussie TV/radio. Shit got crazy after that. I took them to the Vitamin Water Back Yard in Yorkville and we tore the roof off that place. So fun.

I have some serious following up to do and a stack of business cards in front of me. I would really like to star in a film, there is no doubt that I am a great actress. Ask Mum! haha After tonight’s movie I’m popping over to the Festival Music House and checking out the most adorable Beatrice ever, Coeur de Pirate. Here she is on Jian’s show (she starts at 2:30). Stoked, I have a crush on her.

Happy TIFFing friends!

break. it down. give thanks. rest. love it. smile.

“Be careful what you wish for” Mum said to me today as I was chatting her about what I’m up to. She called via Skype from the boat on the East Coast of Canada. Been a couple days since we last taked. Before she went on her sailing trip we used to chat almost daily. I would fill her on on what I’m up to. She inspires me, always has. I miss her.  Everything I’m doing r I always wanteight now… the parties, the makeup the hair the clothes. It’s all new to me.  I always wanted to be doing this stuff. Mum says luck is where preperation meets opportunity. I feel grateful. I’ve worked my ass off the last few years.

I arrived in Toronto five years ago post uni in Australia. Back then, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. I just did it. I believed in myself and I worked hard at whatever it was I was doing. When I was younger I used to say I wanted to be really well known for being good at something, I wasn’t sure what it was yet.  Maybe I still don’t? Either way, I have always been determined. When I really want to do something there is little to no stopping me. Mum will for SURE tell you that. I want to interview her one day so you can meet her.  She’s not been able to read my blog much from the boat, she usually reads it daily to see what I’m up to. She said it makes her happy. It makes me happy too.

I love looking back on what I was doing previous years, same time.  Makes me dream big about what I might be doing next year. Quite looking forward to the long  flight to New Zealand, that twenty or so hours to myself is going to be magical. I wonder if there will be internet? I hope no.

Hope you are not annoyed with my TIFFing. I am excited and I will continue to be excited about my life. You should be excited for yours too. It’s the only one you will ever have.

Thank you for reading. Love Casie xo

tiff day four: yesterday was fun, sh*t show, glitz show


I don’t have much time to tell you about the bundles of fun I had yesterday. Film fest is really crazy awesome. Team Australia last night was HILAR. Tell you about that when I take a breather hopefully later betweek parties/films. Have not taken many photos as it’s totally not kosher to take pix when everyone is famous (unless you are doing something retarted or crazy).

Team Australia. ILU.

Steve Nash house party location was amazing. Only pic I took of scenery. Andy Warhol-ish Toronto artist hot shot amazing guy.

P. Seymor Hoffman & cast on stage at Q&A post screening.

I’m heading to a shopping date with Rayanne for NZFW clothes right now. Trying on stuff at Marks Work Wearhouse, crazy eh? I betcha I will find some things to style up. Getting Greta Constantine to wear in NZ this week too. Have a meeting about my brand/possible show after that. I’m stoked and still thinking ‘omg this is my life’. Gah. Talk soon. I love you internet. We work well together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m late AGAIN from blogging. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Exhausted & excited, Casie xo

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

we were in a space ship flying through superspace

This is me at the Back Yard social the other day. Tons of celebs went through there. Oh yeah baby.

I can’t believe how tired I was when I woke up today. Surprising, considering I took it easy nast night. I’ve added a movie todays TIFF adventure. Michael is doing work for Stella Film and had dinner with Philip Seymour Hoffman who gave him a ticket to the premiere of his movie “Jack Goes Boating” today. I saw this trailer the other day and ready a review so was stoked when I was asked to attend.

What to wear? Jacket, hat, red lipstick is how I feel today. Maybe some of those new tights. I wonder who I might see there? Enjoy the day my friends. xo Casie

p.s. Add me on FB!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

tiff day 3: movie premiere + tiredness = night in

I managed to make it to a movie premiere last night but wasn’t up for the party scene. I have a busy day Sunday so trying not to burn myself out. Movie I saw was Client 9: The Rise & Fall of Eliot Spitzer. I was given tickets by Cadillac Festival Insider. Might actually be the only movie I get to. Hah, I know it’s Film Fest but for me it is more like party fest. The movie was well done, a doc about Eliot and his sex scandal. Liked it. Interesting, crazy how much escorts make and what people pay for sex. I don’t even want to get started talking about it. Blows my mind. I have no idea what I am going to wear out today. I got a HUGE box of tights from Secret  & Jockey yesterday. Like huge. There are about 20 pairs all different colours and styles. Totes one of the very bestest things I could get considering I NEVER wear pants. If you catch me in jeans it is a RARE ocassion. I would say it happens about 10-20 times a year. Seriously.

Today’s agenda isto attend an afternoon Tea Party at The Red Tea Box for an Australian movie called Jucy. After that I’m going to a house party hosted by Vitamin Water for  “Into the Wind”, the Terry Fox documentary directed by Steve Nash. Should be pretty packed with cool people. Here’s the trailer:

What are YOU doing today? 🙂

p.s. If you see this shirt anywhere. I NEED IT!

TIFF day two: apparently somebody is famous

Oh man. Was in bed all day today. I need to rest. I am almost Tiff’d out. Premiere tonight thanks the lovely Cadillac Insider. Going to see CLIENT 9 The rise and fall of Eliot Spitzer. Have to go get my tickets but I don’t want to go outside yet. It sounds windy. Not as sunny today.

Yesterday was an awesome day, an awesomely looooong day. Yorkville all day Tastmakers Gifting Lounge for  nails done, makeup and more. Thanks for the presents guys! That neighbourhood is growing on me, could also be that it is Film Fest so buzzing. Joe Fresh makeup is really nice. My lipstick didn’t leave marks when kissing cheeks of all the zillion people I saw throughout the day.

Diesel Lounge for lunch on the patio and a mini photo shoot with hot NY photog Raphael Mazzucco. He is apparently a pretty big deal, shooting covers of Time, Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret. Can’t wait to get those photos. He was also very good looking;  tall, long hair, charming.

Went to Vitamin Water Backyard Social. Was fun. Did this interview with O’Nizz and had my phototaken heaps. I could really get used to this kinda stuff. Met a few peeps that made a point to come say hi and were really happy to meet me for the first time. HI GUYS!

Vitamin Water party had a great bar, top shelf selection. Food was good too. Everyone was on Twitter which was fun. Hardly took any pics of my own. This is Blondetourage member, singer/actress and also ex-MTV babe Anna Cyzon. We in love, she has a great look eh. Blonde Jovi. haha

Went to private secret location roof thing on King Street after with some friends then home to change for the CBC party at the Hazelton. I took Morgan Ross as my date from the band Birds of Wales. We had fun, he is a babe. Photo booth at Strombo’s party was great. More parties should have those. I have about 10 strips of photos.

So many cool peeps at the Hazelton party, real celebs. I can’t even remember everyone’s names but Juliette Lewis was there. She is great. Apparently I am kinda known around CBC, some lovely exec’s were like “we know who know exactly who you are”. Hiiiiiiiiii! Please put me on a show, I’d be great at that.

This is Tobin. Once he paid he $5 to Tweet something nice about him. Man of the night Strombo w/ Brocklyn. Brock’s new nick name is sticking and he will grow to like it. He kinda looks like that Twilight vampire dude eh?

I can’t remember her name but she is an actress I think. Sweet thing.

I found this shirt to be quite amusing.

JULIA! We were in American Pie: Beta House together a couple years back. Total babe. My glasses are from FyshNation, they are new. You likey?

Meredith! Actress/blogger. She was one of the Top Bloggers when Notable TV did that list. She looks so cute in my glasses. Last Gang Entertainment boys Trevor & Dougie.  Nice dudes.

Traci Melchor from ET Canada is such a darling. We would always complilement each others outfits when I worked at CTV. You know Chris from Designer Guys ya? Same pose/glasses face. Cute.

I am feeling less like punching myself in the face now and more like getting back onthe TIFF train. Hitting up Nikki Beach with my sister after the premiere tonight. Going to something super exclusive tomorrow, Vitamin Water House party Steve Nash movie thingy. I was asked to attend yesterday. Heard the guest list is A-Listers and there will be paps out front. Have a tea party Sunday afternoon for an Aussie comedy movie called JUCY. I keep saying to myself “this is my life, this is my life”. I only ever dreamed I would be doing all this cool stuff.

One week from today I will be getting on a plane to New Zealand for Fashion Week. Did I tell you I am flying premium on the upper deck?  Oh yeah, gonna be my best flight to New Zealand ever. I need to sleep on that place cause once I get there, work starts. Please pray the earthquakes stop. There was another one today.

Must go get movie tickets and get ready to do it all again. I need to fit a disco nap in before I head out this evening. I have no idea what time I got home last night but I reckon it was late. 4am last call and open bar means time really flies. They say that’s what happens when you’re having fun, eh?

Happy TIFF-ing!


Last night was fun. I was with Carly, Down With Webster boys, Brock, and some socialy types. Ran into Randall from MuchMusic & Matt the DWW boys stylist and other  cool people. These are my friends.


My babes.

Hey do you

DWW Kyle & his Mrs.


Carly reporting for Sean Ward.

I have no time today. I would love to lay in bed and watch TV but I need to be at the Four Seasons really soon then the gifting lounge at the other hotel and then the Hazelton for something else. After that I need to scoot home and change then meet my hot date who is in a band and take him as arm candy to the CBC big deal party at the Hazelton again. TIFF is tiring, this is only day 2. zomg. BYEEEEEEEEE!

yesterday on twitter, this happened: