Don’t give up. Don’t quit over your job. Don’t die over money. Don’t bottle your feelings up. Don’t stay inside and hide. Don’t give up. Don’t hold it all in. Don’t put on a smile and act like everything is fine when it’s not. Don’t write your last letter. Don’t plan your exit. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t be selfish. Don’t kill yourself. 


Yesterday I posted the suicide hotline after hearing about Kate Spade. I felt sad. Her death was a reminder that no matter how much money, fancy clothes, cars, businesses, health, family, no matter how much you have, you can still have dark thoughts. None of us are immune to feeling like we’re backed into a corner. We all go through love, loss, money, no money, jobs, no jobs, depression, anxiety. Life is hard. No matter how much it seems like someone has a perfect life, THEY DON’T.  They might have an even more fucked up life than you think you do, trust me! We all go through it. We all have days, weeks, months, years when we wonder why we are still doing it, or not making it, or are we just faking it?

Life is hard. We’re constantly bombarded with challenges, tests, to see if we can make it to the next level. We all have the strength to deal, to fight, to call on each other, to make it through. You are never alone. There are lots of people around you even though you might not feel like it sometimes. It’s easy to isolate yourself, to put on a smile and act like everything is a-ok when you feel like dying inside. Reach out to someone around you. People care, people at work, home, on Facebook, and right on the other side of the phone at your fingertips. And you have me, I am always on the internet, I’m here for you.

Yesterday I posted the suicide hotline for a second time. A friend messaged me to say that Darrek Kwik, my friend, who did my hair for years, who I always blogged about, took his own life. I saw him about a month ago. I feel sad and angry. I feel sad and angry everytime I have to call mum at work and say, “I’m ok, well actual, remember so-and-so? They died.” I have a Post-It note in my closet with names of people who have died recently and there are too many names.

Was there something I could have done? How is his family? I don’t have answers. I do have a platform and a voice.  I am here reaching out, sharing my story, maybe it will help you feel more comfortable sharing yours with me. You’re not alone.

Suicide is a mother fucker. I have lost a lot of people this way, unfortunately. I feel sad thinking about what they could have gone on to do with their lives, the things they missed out on. The hole in their family that will never be filled. Did they think of the pain and loss they will leave behind? Forest through the trees. It’s hard to see the consequences or what is happening around you when you are trapped inside yourself.

I almost didn’t make it once. When I was in grade 8, my parents were splitting up. My best friend was moving away. I was sad. I had been in some trouble at school. A couple girlfriends and I decided to walk home and walk on the train tracks. We were prepared to let the train hit us that day. I was ready to give up. A couple guy friends from school followed us and wondered why the girls were going down that path, on the tracks. The train always went by after school.

When the train was about 2 metres away from me I was pushed off the track by my friend Allan, the hero who saved my life that day. There have been other days where I thought about giving up but I have made the choice to be a story and not a statistic. I will not do that to my family and my future.

It hurts to imagine things I might have never have accomplished, that’s kind of backwards but I think about places I’ve travelled, stories, all the jokes, the outfits, and hairstyles. Darren was one of the first people I met when I moved to Toronto. I lived on Bathurst and we met one Sunday night at Sneaky Dees. We were instant friends. He knew me different than most people, your hair stylist always does. He did my hair for years, we spent so many hours together, blonde processing, chatting about life, having drinks, partying. He was in my 2010 Virgin America video, we shot some of the documentary ‘It’s All About Me‘ in his studio, there’s a video of him shaving my head. I wish that he had reached out.

Please know, we are all fighting battles on our own. Behind the perfect Instagram posts and Facebook, behind the blogs, behind the camera, someone is struggling with something. You are not alone.

I went to the gym today and booked a session with a trainer.
Trying to channel this sadness and anger into motivation.
Please know I am always here, on the other side of the screen.

Posting the suicide hotlines another time, in case you need. ?

  • Toronto Distress Centre: 416-408-HELP
  • Ontario Distress Centre: 905-688-3711
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255
  • Canada Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-TALK
  • Kids Help Phone 1-800-678-6868

My Job Rocks! TV -The Blogger Episode

casiestewart, casie stewart, my job rocks, toronto blogger,my job rocks, influencer, toronto

Late last year I was asked to be on an episode of a teen-oriented tv show called My Job Rocks and the episode is out! It aired this week on WinHD TV and was available on Rogers Cable Channel 672 and Bell Fibe Channel 679.

The show introduces Canadian youth to potential and trending career paths they otherwise might not know exist.

I always like to remind younger people to follow what they love because the job they end up doing might now exist yet. Thanks to technology, so many new and unique jobs are being created in new industries.

Social media didn’t exist when I was in school but the things I’m doing now, writing, photography, travel, marketing, are all things I was into back then.

The show is actually pretty funny! I loved sitting down to chat about my work. There are 3 hosts and one of them is a little sock puppet named Maximus Fluffisness. In the show when I talk about travel writing he said he wanted to MARRY ME! That was the start of some witty banter and hilarity. The editing is well done and it was so fun shoot in a big studio.

Watch the Episode: My Job Rocks S2 E8

MJR408 from My Job Rocks on Vimeo.

Thanks to Sara Cabrera-Aragon and
the My Job Rocks crew for inviting me to be part of the show.

My Job Rocks!


Twitter Fronts – Content Partnerships & New Live Shows!

casiestewart, twitter, blogger, media, #twitterfronts, influencer

I love Twitter, I have since the day I joined over 10 years ago. It’s still my favourite social media platform, it’s the place news breaks and where you want to be when live events happen around the world.  Thanks to Twitter, I’ve been able to share my voice, meet like-minded people, and build life-long relationships. I love sharing random thoughts, photos, links to things I read and write, and getting the latest news.

“When something happens in the world, it happens first on Twitter”
@KayMadati, Head of Content at Twitter

If you’re not familiar with the term ‘Upfronts” it comes from TV and has to do with advertising. The Twitter Fronts are a chance for agencies, brands, and advertisers to see what options are available for branded content and partnerships.

Upfronts: In the television industry, an upfront is a gathering at the start of important advertising sales periods, held by television network executives and attended by major advertisers and the media. [Wikipedia]

Read My #TwitterFronts Tweets Here

According to the source, Twitter users are engaged, affluent, and educated. They want to make sure brand partnerships have contextual relevance, they have to make sense, and be mutually beneficial relationships.

They’re bringing exclusive partnerships for live content straight to Twitter to leverage their storytelling capabilities. We’re talking Buzzfeed, BNN, Corus, sports, BetaKit for tech, and a new media centre for brands who want to create live content. They’ve got everything covered, #onedirtydish will feature your fav chefs,

This year, for the first time the MMVAs will be broadcast live on Twitter, the show AND the red carpet. This is huge! I was the social media manager for the show when I worked there back in 2010. It was a dream of mine to see the show live on Twitter, although video wasn’t introduced on the platform until 2015 and there definitely wasn’t a ‘live’ option.

BuzzFeed’s AM2DM is a weekday show at 10am with all the latest entertainment. Canada’s managing editor said they’re bringing ‘next level conversations’ and I am here for it.

Twitter is also working with brands to create bespoke content. They’re breaking down what relevance means and making sure content is reaching the right people. Check out Producer, Twitter advanced brand tool for live broadcasts.

twitter, casie stewart, producer

I’m excited to see all this roll out. Gone are the days when we need cable TV, the future is INTERNET!


I’m Internet, but I’m Human Too

I’m Internet, but I’m Human Too

Do you ever just feel like you need a break? To run away. Get on a plane. Be alone. Put away your phone. Take flight and be free. I don’t know exactly why but today I feel frustrated.

casie stewart, iphonex, telus, sunshine

There are lots of things to feel great about but with a few roadblocks, no amount of meditation, water or walking is going to save me right now. I want to curl up with my computer on a patio of a villa somewhere far away, alone. I’ve got things I want to write and I feel like I need a secluded place away from everyone and everything. Life is full of distractions and no matter where I go, they’re all around. Maybe I should turn off wifi.

I’m doing a wellness retreat this afternoon and in the middle of planning a trip with Aeroplan. Maybe I have travel jitters and I just want to leave now?

Please remember that no matter how many smiling selfies, cute couple photos, designer dresses, great skin, and clean houses, nothing is that perfect in real life. We all have our struggles, battles, and have no idea what we are doing. But we’re doing it. I had no idea what I was doing when I started my blog and stuck at it. I was addicted to documenting, I love writing, smiling photos. Most of my blog posts aren’t even about anything other than how I’m feeling or where I’m going, but we all feel things and go places. Writing it down helps me deal with everything, it’s great therapy.

I’m gonna go for that walk now. I think it might actually help. 

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, speaker, influencer, "this is my life"

P.S. When I opened up Twitter before leaving my computer for the aforementioned walk, this Tweet was waiting for me. Good read. I relate to this ‘smiling depression’ quite a bit.


My dad had depression when I was growing up. My bf says sometimes I share all my sunshine with the world and have nothing left when I come home.

Last year I made it a priority to give more time to myself, to keep my energy vessel full as much as I can instead of emptying it to the world. I work at it every damn day. I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs over the last 10+ years of having this blog, I’ve shared a lot of them. Trust me that there are a lot more behind the scenes I don’t share. I’m Internet, but I’m human too.

Hang in there my friends!
We need each other and we can do this. I am here for you.
Wow this PS is almost longer than the blog post. 

Turn Your Frown Into a Crown, Put Yourself in an Evening Gown

casie stewart, iphonex, telus, sunshine

Gooooooood morning! I’m not sure what’s up but for the last couple days, I’ve been feeling super tired. I was in Vancouver for less than a week but I don’t think jet lag would affect me like this. It’s not even that much of a time difference! Had a nice weekend at the cottage weather was amazing. It’s crazy how the weather can affect us so much. Did you see that May Flower Moon last night? There’s magic in the air!

Today I’m doing a wellness retreat followed by a cannabis workship event. I’m also planning a summer trip to Europe w/ Aeroplan. What a time to be alive! 

Was nice to be back in the office after 4 days of the cottage, 3 in Vancouver, and the long weekend. It felt like ages! I am reallllly loving this sunshine. Makes such a difference in my mood each day.

“So next time that you’re feeling down
Turn your frown into a crown
Put yourself in an evening gown”


Vancouver: Hello from the other side!

casie stewart, toronto, blogger, celine, bathing belle, travel blogger, travel tuesday

Hi! I was up early and out the door about 5:30am, arriving in Vancouver just after 9:30am PST. Driving to the hotel it was clear today was going to be beautiful! It’s MUCH different from my last visit in March when it was cold & snowy! When I’m travelling for work I try to get there with a few hours to spare so I can relax, nap, eat, get some computing done, or check out the area.

Fellow #TeamTelus friend, Christine ( was on my flight. so her and I decided to check out the area. We walked along the sea wall past parks and people until we got to Cactus Club Cafe. We’d been in Van for less than an hour before we found a great patio and refreshing cocktail.  I have a real knack for this haha.

Our waitress said we had to check out the award-winning Bella Gelateria for gelato and MY GOD IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING. I almost always get chocolate and this was truly one of the BEST I’ve had in my life. There were chunks of brownies. I can taste this photo.

The view from the Westin Bayshore is beautiful. My room overlooks the pool with mountains in the background. I popped down to the pool to sit in the shade, catch up on emails, and read my book in the pool.

Tomorrow is a full day of activities with Telus and I’m excited to see what we get up to. I’m heading out tonight to meet the team for dinner. It’s so nice out, planning to leave early and walk.