snowy snowy day eight: photodiary

stay off the tracks, dress for the weather

so Nana of me to close my eyes. she always does that.

do we look alike? hi sister

what’s in your basket there miss?

cougar hunter

netbook, ipad, phone, nella bella bag and some other jazz

so pretty: harbourfront centre food market. no food, no market.

snow roads

ride that baby, nice snow seat

warm wool socks are ffrom the kia toa rugby club in new zealand.

lynsie working, so pretty.

jenie made this today before i woke up. i added music. i love the snow.

going tobogganing in trinity bellwoods park at 4pm if you wanna join the cool kids. open invite! see ya on the slope 😉 haha

today is my favourite: day eight


Jenie stayed over last night and I’ve successfully not been drunk yet this year. Yay me. Feels good. We watched movies and stuff and it was pretty much the best ever.


Posting this via mobile but have a good pic of our boots on my camera. My boots are Hunter and I gave Jenie my Cougars…”Cougar Hunter”. Funny to me ok. That’s what really matters here. haha.


Woke up to winter wonderland, you can hardly see the ground. We made brekky and now heading to studio of my friend and fashion photographer Lynsie Roberts. Doing work from her place this afternoon.

Enjoy the day!



yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i really wanna see if you can go downtown with a girl like me, hey boy

This week has been really busy. Good busy. Monday I worked in my hibernation station, had meetings the rest of the days and now it’s Friday. Whoa. Flew by.

Going to meet a girlfriend for lunch then gonna try & pop by a friends new office space. I love when friends get new office space. I’m so proud and grateful to have the people around me I do. They’re all so smart and good at stuff. INSPIRING!

Last night wa slike a blizzzzzzzzzzzzard. I walked two blocks and then from a friends place in the neighbourhood and jesus cripes it was windy-snow-blowy.

I was practically attacked & violated by the weather.

The island is looking incredibly beautiful today. This photo doesn’t show just how lovely the water is glittering in the sun. I love living here. I love glitter.

This song has been stuck in my head all day. So, I’M PASSING IT ON.

OH NA NA you know my name. ♥

Happy Friday!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

‘We Live In Public’ makes me feel funny inside.

I can’t stop thinking about this movie. It’s the sharing that sometimes creeps me out. The ‘onlineness’ of my life. That movie got me thinking about privacy and openness. I obviously don’t mind being open and sharing about my life and thought to myself, ‘where do I draw the line?’ Where do you draw the line? Is there even a line? Do I care about a line?

I leave out certain things from you, the internet, my friends, things like sex, dating, my family, pretty much any problems I have as well as feelings of sadness/anger. Would I be more real if I shared all that? Am I less real because I don’t?

To a bunch of people, I’m a girl from the internet, possibly someone they (you)  feel connected to but have never met. On the other hand, there’s many people I’ve met via Twitter who know me, but don’t really know me at all.

It boggles my mind when I think about our world sometimes. Everyone is so connected. I feed on connections with people. I need them.  I’m sitting at my desk as I write this with a external monitor for my netbook (two screens going) while my iPad is beside me (anbother screen) and my phone beside that (four screens). All have twitter running and multilple email accounts and the second I hear a sound from one of them my attention is captured.

Maybe that’s it right there, my attention is captured by the internet, by you. I don’t really know how I feel about the future of the internet but I like it. Even if it makes me feel funny sometimes.

It’s a crazy world we live in. We live in public.

This is what I did last night… I took a break from work for an hour to check out Nat & Marie on ustream then stream live myself  on twitcam while my friend Jason streamed from his house. Jason and I chatted with people via twitter and watched each other (twitter-skype?).

To me, was the funniest thing ever. I just watched it again and it was funny.

I really like being on camera.

he started it, so then i started it too:

I posted it before but maybe you didn’t watch it, here’s the trailer for We Live In Public. This very blog post enticed reader @the_jmoney to blog his thoughts about the same topic. Check out his post ‘overshare or unique TV’.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

  • i like that idea. more babes the better (@issarged live on #
  • yep. you just have to get in before 11pm then can stay till 2AM (@issarged live on #
  • get the fuck over here. ok fine, finding photo now (@issarged live on #
  • i have a hot tub (@issarged live on #
  • i have multi screens. you are in the background on one (@issarged live on #
  • oh hai (@shariyatweets live on #
  • omg @smack416 you just missed me! (@issarged live on #
  • well that was fun and unexpected. haha #
  • couldn't understand my lovelies! good night xo (@yaasmin_alves live on #
  • still creeping 😉 (@issarged live on #
  • good night friends xo (@casiestewart live on #
  • good night (@issarged live on #
  • whoops (@casiestewart live on #
  • hola
    (@yaasmin_alves live on #
  • they have more delay than me!!
    (@issarged live on #
  • (@issarged live on #
  • omg hhihi (@yaasmin_alves live on #
  • For @brentwinsor xo #
  • where? (@issarged live on #
  • i'm like a 4 cause i have boobs, is that ok? (@issarged live on #
  • fav thing about you: your beard (@issarged live on #
  • Epic fail #
  • puerto ricoooooo (@issarged live on #
  • who is kevin? (@issarged live on #
  • mad delay from my camp. grrr (@issarged live on #
  • i watch you secretly all the time (@issarged live on #
  • pants off party (@issarged live on #
  • take your pants off (@issarged live on #
  • i love watching you dance! (@issarged live on #
  • 🙂 (@casiestewart live on #
  • twitter skype (@issarged live on #
  • haha
    (@issarged live on #
  • – oh hai @issarged i wanna play too #
  • should i start a show right now too? (@issarged live on #
  • thank you for that, you are sexier to me. but i have them on too #natandmarie (@issarged live on #
  • hi darling (@issarged live on #
  • "do not use artificial sweeter, you will get a fake cavity" #mitchhedberg #
  • I'm in love with Nick Newman. There, I said it. #
  • Woot! “@BigThinkerJon: Hey @CasieStewart your tweet made it in the Live Chat on the Raptors website: #Baller

sailing in the caribbean sea: life is such a dream!

Founds these pix from my trip last month to Puerto Rico.. We took a day cruise with about 20 people on a huge catamaran off the coast to some little island where there was a reef and went snorkeling. The pix certainly warmed me up a little! Enjoy xo

it was sooooo beautiful.

i considered staying with my hot puerto rican BF and Captain Ron…

but, by the end of the day, i craved wifi and modern technology.

AND relised I was quite hammered from so many RUMski’s in the hot sun. AI MAMI!!

it was my first time snorkeling and WOW, it was so amazing. i felt like a FISH!

then again, he was really hot though w/ tattoos and spoke soft spanish words to me….

ah, well. simple pleasures 😉

team boston aka team AWESOME!!

ONLINE (there was one of these in english right by my house when i left)

FYI: been using that jergens lotion and it’s kinda helping me keep a nice glow

this is where i was staying, El San Juan. SO NICE.

CASTING CALL #TORONTO: @blakemcgrath’s new video for STAGE FRIGHT

Casting for Blake McGrath‘s new video for Stage Fright shooting January 13 in Toronto if interested please send photos to [email protected]

  • Casting both features & extras
  • Male or Female
  • Must be 18+
  • Director will contact feautre potentials (NOT ME!)

Follow Blake on Twitter here.
Universal Music Recording Artist/ MTV Dancelife/ SYTYCD/ Judge- SYTYCDC.

cheers to you: a little message from moi!

only wearing my sweater & headband = the benefits of working from home 😛

streetcar stories: day four, two thousand eleven


On streetcar for the first time in ages. I love the style and energy of this city. It’s so vibrant despite being winter. Its not really even that cold. Went three blocks and saw two friends. Made a hot tub date for this eveing with a babe too.

It feels good to be out of the house and back in the city I love.

My streetcar just went past that burlesque girl I met in Montreal. I need to contact her!

I’m off to a meeting now then meeting friends and back home in time for my show.

Life is good. Hope you are enjoying the day. 🙂

attention: wearing pants is highly unacceptable.

Ok so, next Sunday Improv Toronto is putting on the Annual No Pants subway ride. I’ve never done it. I’m gonna go.

Anyone wanna come with me?

In 2009 Jenie & did the Sunbay Dance Party it was SO FUN.

Me dancing:

Jenie doing single ladies & the whole massive party happening:

Requirements For Participation in No Pants Sunway Ride Are:

1) Willing to take pants off on subway
2) Able to keep a straight face about it


When: Sunday, January 9th at 3:00 PM, Sharp! (Over by around 6:00)
Where: Meet at the giant horseman statue in the middle of Queens Park
Bring: A backpack and a metropass/tokens
Wear: Normal winter clothes and underwear (please wear acceptible underwear. Don’t embarrASS yourself!)

This event is being run by Improv In Toronto if you want more deets see here.

If you are ballsy or crazy enough to join me LEAVE A COMMENT OK!!

you did it HOW MANY times? WHOA.

I first joined twittter on May 5th, 2008. At that time I was working for an online casino company doing project management. I liked my job and was blogging daily. Near the end of 2008 I was really into Twitter despite not knowing THAT many people into it. I had under 500 followers and the Toronto community was very small compared to what it is now.

Since then, my life has been enriched with HEAPS of wonderful people and experiences. I’m looking forward to the next 45,000 AND when I hit 100,000 tweets. OMFG that will be AMAZING.

Cheers to Twitter and my 45,000 milestone!

One of my followers @MCIbites introduced me to this video made with 45,000 still images. Pretty neat.

Fat City Reprise – Long Gone from Cesar Kuriyama

In other news, there’s this new thinger called Facto.Me and Mashable said it’s kinda addicting so naturally, I tried it. Well, it is quite amusing. See facts about me here. Some thing you might now know like “The ring on my finger is based on a personality theory.”

ringin’ it in style: december 31, 2010 #INQNYE

wakey wakey it’s breakfast tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!

i’ll have water (w/ airborne), simosa, juice, coffee, and a smoothie, thank you.

yummy. raymi & both went glasses styles, it was like 8:30 am.

ahem, pardon me, what’s that? oh,  cock & balls bull.

back to the hotel to get ready for the evening

our group 20 had a five course dinner at the ever so lovely buonanotte. the website has heaps of plates signed by famous people who ate there like lenny kravitz, jerry seinfeld & jimmy kimmel.

me & brother andrew stewart

melodie got a sexy new short cut. hawt!

sat beside Stew

our chariot for the night was a massive limo disco bus (like the ones 905’ers get to come downtown!)

we had a massive area for our crew at this club calle BAINS DOUCHES. haha. these hot ladies danced sexy burlesque for us. rrrrrarrrrrrr. one of the girls is from TO and would like me to come to her class. i like this idea.


this giant 6’5″ 19 year old may have kissed me at midnight

we had a photographer so i didn’t take many photos of our party

i came back from the club earlier than the rest and made use of our awesomely huge tub

our suite was pretty awesome, well except that it was 911. bad sign, gah 9/11?  bathroom is behind blue curtain.

make a gif

had a great sleep, woke up and hung out with myself around the hotel lobby

looked at the beautiful & modern art displayed by an artiste named TONE

then i went to the Away Spa @ W Montreal for a massage and a lovely breakfast

post brekky i met up with the rest of the crew and prepared for departure…

and finally… I share this with you beacause it is pretty freaking AWESOME. Posted details on tumblr.

fun with @facebook, look what did…

It’s not as easy as you think. I drew the images on iPad then uploaded to FB. They had to be cropped and edited etc., took a bit longer than I thought but was good practie.There’s some real creative ones on Techcrunch and Mashable.

c’est où la partie commence

our NYE adventure started out with a lovely lunch breifing at Mercatto in TO. andrew & monoka gave us all the deets incuding fancy dinners, clubs, limo rides, shopping, plus hair & spa appointments.

we like this

all ma ladies melodie, raymi, monika

post lunch we hopped into cabs to the island airport and caught a 4:30 on Porter to MTL

by the time we left the plane was full and were were so loud and excited. i’m sure everyone hated us.

a limo picked us up and from P.E. Trudeau airport & took us to our new home, the W Montreal

beautiful hotel, go there next time you are in MTL.

i was in love with the art they have displayed right now. reminded me of a fine toronto artist, HINTO.

most comfy beds at W hotels

“why am i single”

was not long before the party got started

looooooved the colour changing lights in our booth at Wunderbar (the club inside the dubs)

team INQ: andrew & karin

the friedly giant contest winner & raymi

poppin’ bottles. sht gon’ get wiiiiiild.

Stew is pretty much the cutest thing everrr.

W Montreal has cult cloaks for smoking in cold weather. they think of everything!

heck yeah party time. thanks INQ mobile 🙂

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

if you are looking for a good movie to watch

Watch this:

I watched it last night as I had a lovely bath in my suite at the W Montreal. It really got me thinking about sharing of content online. Living in public. It opened a few windows in my mind that lead to doors with ideas behind them. I’ve got lots to share with you this year my friends.

Happy New Year!

* pix from INQ NYE shenanegans tomorrow

dinner menu at #buonanotte for #inqnye



We’re having a five course dinner. There’s twenty of us. The food is just divine. We arrived in a huge disco limo bus with a bar in it.

I packed a confetti popper in my purse for later! Hazaaaaa!

Happy New Year friends!

(Resto is beauty, snapped that pic before the 8:30 seating!)

you wish you were here: #Montreal #INQNYE

Having the most fun. We are quite a hilarious bunch. Flight was short and we were quite loud which made it even more hilarious. We clapped at the end, y’know like how people sometimes do when you go on vacation?? Yes. Funny.

The W Hotel Montreal is so beautiful. It’s my first time staying at this one. Went to Wunderbar the club here last night. The INQ Team is treating us really great, had bottle service and a nice dinner before hand. Brekky this AM with the whole crew, there’s about 15 people in the #INQNYE group, us, couple peeps from Strategic Objectives and contest winners.

Spent some time shopping morning then I ventured out on a massive walk around downtown Montreal. Was nice to have a little self time before tonight. It is going to be INSANE, the whole place is open bar and we have a section to ourselves, a bodyguard (Frank Farmer?), and a massive limo for the night. Dinner is at a fancy place too.

This is the life. This is my life, aaaaaaaaaaaaah!

In other news, I’m blogging from iPad and it’s not going as well as planned. Adding photos is harrrrrrd. So many good ones to share too. Gah, getting me frustrrrrrrated. Check Raymi’s blog to see pix until I figure this crap out. Rarrrrrr.

I need a nap before tonight for sure. Ok bye xoxo

last three months of 2010: bring on the new year!

This was a very exciting time of year for me. In the past three months I’ve been in San Fran, LA, Boston, Dallas, and Puerto Rico. Last year my New Years relolution was to reavel more and I deff made that a reality.

These are some of my fav things from the last three months of 2010:

I was a spokesperson and got my first national gig and hosted an event in Young/Dundas Square.

my friends were in contests

wore a cute outfit

hung out with friends

another smirnoff party

had my photo taken

zombie nation

smirnoff india party


mum sailed to the bahamas from near toronto

some of my fav things

played with toys

went to hohoTO

was at the beach

gave away LOTS of gifts

made fashion toast

went to Dallas w/ Virgin America, was on Boing Boing

met a REAL cowboy



time for change: july august september 2010

These are some of my fav things from earlier this year:

tweetgasm 1 @ the gladstone

i saw bon jovi in concert

rant about reality

went to smirnoff party, (the one i later was in the commericial for)

i got a piercing in my FACE

i entered the biggest contest of my life and ALL OF YOU VOTED for ME.

#genyto august 2010

i was a domestic diva

went to TedxTO

i was in NEW ZEALAND for Fashion Week. front row at every show.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

let’s remember: april may june 2010

this stuff happened:

muchmusic was about to get degrassi so we did some creative work

i was interviewed by jacon from 58ninety

was feeling young & restless

i met the FIFA World Cup trophy

saw this and thought of you


had a photoshoot with erika

i made pho

drew some photos: borderline artistic

you know those loud talkers on the subway?

this is me at the W Hotel in Miami Beach

i did not get in trouble for traveling with a gun

shopping party!!

rainbow fruit and a wig on

went to the beach

my city lives video: genyto & red carpet

escaped the G20

there were riots

new camera

we got a SUPERSWARM on foursquare

there was an earthquake

had a rant

new tattoo

the retrieval of events or information from the past #memory

i love going back and looking at my archives, it’s amazing how much you forget. for me, it is a really good reminder to make the most of each day, smile, be positive and keep motivated. you never know what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.

lots happened january – march 2010, here are some of my favs:

i was in toronto life magazine and now everyone knows where i live

i worked at CTV doing the FB & twitter for @MuchMusic & @MTV Canada

i didn’t feel like blogging then i posted a fav quote by thomas edision

a professor at queens university used me as an example in her class

told you about a date

partied with DJ pauly D and The Situation, kinda.

told you about about a best friend

i was interviewed in techvibes

i met the guys from mtv’s the buried life

…but then it was suddenly warm out.

we all learned about chatroulette

an example of modern media at work

played with barbies

bare bum on blogTO

kissed a REAL Olympic gold medal

there was a hot nerd takeover to raise money for haiti

I’m way more into the Internet than sports.

gave away some givenchy play for men to this lucky guy

told you about my old job

twestival 2010

went to a leaf’s game

patio season was just around the corner

had a blog girl gang hang

bloggers dressed pretty in peachy for MTV

lady blogga came out for a blog party

i talked about blogging

crazy awesome fun #genyto party

went to art battle

canada won gold

YES. Yes, I am.

You can too, if you believe.

yesterday on twitter, this happened: