Berlin Party Time

Where did I leave off? It seemed like only the beginning of Fashion Week… yesterday. This city moves so fast you gotta catch up with it. There is no time to waste, let alone sleep. The best thing is that “fashion week” is more than just fashion. It’s about the city and the style on the streets and the parties and the people. And that’s exactly what I did. Wednesday: Attended the invite-only VICE/Rdio party where a friend was DJing… something we all adore by solomun Lots of hipsters and the usual, but good music and good friends and good drinks and good fun. Made it home just in time for the last train. Party win! Thursday: Skipped out on a fashion party to attend a geeky girls dinner at a restaurant in Mitte (the middle) where I chatted about the tech side of life with girls from other startups in Berlin. Friday: Went to a sexy club called Watergate where it was the Diynamic Nacht party, a record label based in Hamburg that specializes in sexy house music. And damn, was it hot. Danced until dawn and took the tram home (Berlin’s version of the streetcar). Saturday: Went to a tiny tiny club, Paloma Bar Sunday: Went to mauerpark Monday: Picked up my friend from Osaka from the train station and he cooked me some soba noodles and 豆大福 Tuesday: Went to the Berliner Philharmonie and listened to some Brahms, Tchaikovsky Wednesday: Boiler Room. That is all. Just an average week in the living of my life. – Jessica, in Berlin

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Morning! I’ve been added as a speaker to a second panel during Social Media Week and this one is probably the most personal talk I’ve even agreed to take part in. It’s about to get deep, we’re talking ANXIETY. One of the things that gives me the most anxiety and possibly you too, is not having money. I’ve gone through lots of ups & downs in my life and I don’t come from money so all I have, is all I’ve earned. When I returned from Australia I was so skinny from living on next to nothing I looked like Nicole in her anorexic days, not by choice. It’s hard to carve out a way to get paid for what you love doing. Especially as a creative person. Last summer I wrote a post about how you can’t pay me in chips or chocolate bars. I got sick and tired of people asking me to do work for them in return for things I don’t need. What would I do with a bunch of chips & chocolate? I go to the gym for a reason! Helloooooo. If they (whoever is asking) are getting a paycheque and are asking me to do work, I should get paid too. You wouldn’t believe some of the extreme things I get asked to to in return for ‘publicity’. I turn down way more than I accept. (That’s not to say I don’t love getting a few freebie’s along the way!) Lauren posted this video that’s an excerpt from an upcoming documentary on Harlan Ellison, “DREAMS WITH SHARP TEETH“. He’s an excellent writer and inspiring man. I’m sure you will enjoy it. My startup disk is full so I’ll be spending the afternoon moving TO THE CLOUD. Have a spectacular day. It’s lovely & sunny in Toronto 🙂

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iworkout: wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, touchdown

[View the story “Superbowl Sunday Funday” on Storify]

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Who’s the BOSS? #mustang

Made friends with 2012 Mustang Boss 302 last week. Sexy. I was nervous but then I just gav’er. Something magical about a really powerful engine. I’m gunning to take this babe for a spin on the streets. Wanna drive a Porsche too. Friday I’m invited a fancy party hosted by my friends at Ford for the unveiling of the 2013 Escape, Shelby GT500, Taurus SHO, Focus ST. I really, really hope they’ll let me borrow the Shelby this summer. I grew up around cars, mostly old classics in Dad’s shop.

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Daily Twitter News for 2012-02-04

It’s harder than you think. #thisismylife #tvontheinternet #video # Photo: Believe in yourself # Good morning! two exciting event dates to launch today #genyto & @BridleBash! # ##GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21! #thisismylife #friends #socialmedia # Happy Birthday @dylanculhane you sexy South African babe! Love from Canada <3 # Last year's #MotionBall was fun. Archive post w/ @jeniestewart @nicoleMTV @liztrinnear @julianbrass & the Ned Ma guy 😛 # Date of @BridleBash announced for July, 28. Mark your calendar, gonna be WILD! #poolparty # I uploaded a @YouTube video Daily Vid Challenge: 3/29 – Feb.3, 2012 # I've just snapped a new picture: # preeeeeeeeetttttttyyyyyyyyy # Infographic: Generation Y and Facebook "actively shaping culture" #genyto # Tavi to Perform Neil Young Cover Live During Fashion Week # Jesus Crotch he is so sexy!! The fashion evolution of David Beckham # Disco never dies via @dazedmagazine via @wearemansion #party # NKOTB ftw # how could you hate this face? # London College launches UK’s first ever ‘iPhoneography’ course # haha "@maulingmueller If I text you a question and you immediately call me instead of texting back, I hate you." # Netflix on too many devices and now can't watch. Damn me for being nice and sharing account info! I need to watch my TARA! # i can't wait to hear what the personality disorder expert on my panel for #SXSW has to say about ME? i've never been assessed. (thank god!) # Sweet Dreams & Delivered Lunch #thisismylife #socialmedia # Mad Men’s Minimalist Subway Ads Get Street Art Remixes # don't bite, little doggy # don't bite, little doggy # Who' gonna be next? Eddy Murphy ain't dead.…

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#GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21!

We are way over due for this meeting meetup. Let’s celebrate ‘carnival season’ on Fat Tuesday with some good ol’ southern BBQ, live music and a whole bunch of awesome people. Get a ticket HERE through Guestlist. If you have never been to #GenYTO, come! If you HAVE been before, you should especially come and see your friends. WE MISS YOU. Check out some posts from previous events here. What is GenYTO? In January 2009  Erin Bury, Renee Warren, Daniel Patricio, Dave Coleman and I started GenYTO.  A group for the wired, creative and ambitious young people in the in the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech community. We’ve done some pretty fun things since 2009 and helped out a whole bunch of local, national & international charities.  For more info visit the GenYTO tumblr. February 2012 Charity: Breakaway Addiction Services Located in Parkdale, Breakaway Addiction Services has a mission to provide seamless, comprehensive and effective harm reduction services and a full range of addictions treatment services. Their services are offered through community-based facilities with a focus on street and community outreach. Come join us for good times 🙂  

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