New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth.

* title is quote by Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions

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I’m going up there. Right on the edge. Cross my heart and hope to die I make it though ok. A wee bit terrified but excited in the same. That’s my favourite feeling, nervous/excited. The kind that makes you get all riled up with excitement yet you’re deeply terrified.

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Marketing is Dead. Strategy is Dead.

Learned a bunch the last few days at FITC but what really stuck with me was the very last session I went to by Jason Theodor about creativity and how to create more, better different. I have some great notes from the conference I’ll be formulating into a piece an article TAXI. Feeling inspired! This UK stud is from Tumblr – OH CASIE Read this article “Marketing is dead” by Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide. I’ve been a Saatchi fan for as ling as I can remember. Passion for advertising and design started very young. Anyhoo, here’s an excerpt, read the whole thing on The Drum UK here. I reckon you’ll enjoy it. “We don’t just live in a VUCA world – a volatile, uncertain, ambiguous and complex world – we live in a super VUCA world. We live in a vibrant world where our kids are connecting to each other and to brands across the world with no money involved. To us this is a world that’s gone crazy. “Strategy is dead. Who really knows that is going to happen anymore in this super VUCA world? The more time and money you spend devising strategies the more time you are giving you rivals to start eating your lunch. “Management is dead. To win today you need a culture and an environment where the unreasonable power of creativity thrives. Ideas are today’s currency not strategy. Martin Luther King did not say ‘I have a vision statement’ did he? He had a dream. You have to make sure you have dreams and your brand also needs a dream.” In other news, posted a bunch of bearded babes to my Pinterest board yesterday. If you’re into that, you’ll be REALLY into it. Enjoy the day!  

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Queen Street Up to the Minute Weather Report

Weather report Apr 25, 2012 | Source: But the sun is lovely! Put on a jacket and go for a walk. Sun is vitamins, soak ’em up! <3 CASIE 2pm Update: Way warmer now! This Instrgram pic I took is gettin’ lots of Likes! See here if you no have Instagram.

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Birthday Anxiety Setting In …TONIIIIIIGHT.

FML!! WTF? Urghh 🙁 In other news, it seems Jessica Simpson named a shoe after ME! The CASIE! Seriously though right here. Casie, it must be ME, right? Thanks Jessica. I’ve had a couple pairs of her shoes and they’re quite confortable. Nude wedges are essential for perfect summer wardrobe so I could deff see myself wearing these. I’m sure she’ll send them our RIIIIIIGHT after she has that baby. She’s giving birth in this leopard kaftan. Gorgeous.

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Encounter With a Cheetah Cub. He Hates Me. RARRRR.

I love the little animals Telus uses in their commercial so when I was in Mexico a few months back. I saw one and for $20 you could hold it. I was like OME LET ME HAVE IT. Yeah, well… Safe to say, he didn’t like me much. I just found this on my phone today and uploaded it to Viddy. Enjoy haha. It’s awkward. Be happy I shortened it! In other news, Peacock Parade has a bunch of dresses on sale today, TFC Ticket contest is still on here, and the TripOn contest is still on too. I’m at FITC again causing trouble. 😉

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