There’s No Place Like Home
Good morning from Cambridge, Ontario! I’m up early at Mum’s to do a wee bit of work. It’s going to be a lovely day. Sun is shining bright. I’m a bit slower at using this Dell Ultrabook than Mac but it’s good. Soon as I arrived yesterday, Mum and I went cruising to all kinds of places like my old dance studio, modelling studio, visiting old friends, old work and finally through Langdon Hall Country House Hotel. Some family friends live up the street and we used to run around the back forrest and play there when we were kids. Mum had a chuckle as we left cause a young man who worked there came out and invited us inside as soon as I pulled up. It was really cute. Check out this old photo. I was a teen model/actress many moons ago. Teen model profile on the wall circa 1997. #sisters #model #acting@ Expressions by D.S.K — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 10, 2012 ; Dad is on his way, in a really rad car I’m sure and we’re going cruising then for brekky. I’ve got lunch with a friend in Kitchener and then heading to see a band later. If you are in the area and wanna hang out, LMK. I absolutely love driving this G37, it’s got some real attitude! Dad just pulled up in a 1932 Ford English wide model.We think it’s the only one in Canada. GOTTA GO! <3 CASIE
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