I’m Just Talking to Myselves

Day was good. Started with brunch. Got my hair done. Went for a hot tub at my old place. Took my GoPro everywhere I went. Had sushi for dinner. Spending the rest of the night at home watching movies. Still have no voice. Gonna practice being quiet as much as I can. Mum’s still away in New Zealand. Going to see Wolf of Wall Street tomorrow with friends. Dreaming of summer and vacation vacation, not work vacation but a real holiday. It’s been ages since I had one of those. I should clean the house tomorrow. Sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation y’know?  Watching The Iceman with Michael Shannon, love him. Lots of updates on tumblr and Pinterest if you’re in the mood for browsing. Hope your weekend is good. ♥   I’m Just Talking to Myselves US Drugs Online Pharmacy World Online Trusted Pharmacy US Pharmacy Online

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Find a Place Where the Sun Hits Your Face

OK YES, IT’S COLD! The weather isn’t so bad if you dress for it. Almost everyone in Canada and a bunch of the USA are all under extreme cold warming. This is the coldest winter we’ve had in 18 years or something. Wearing the Twiggy + Mickey sweater from Over the Rainbow today (see that post here). Dress is from H&M. Phone case is ‘Mountain View‘ by We Kill You from GelaSkins.   Today I sat down on the couch to take a call and when I did I heard a little jingle in the cushions and found these two babies! $4 find is a pretty good one I say. Gonna pick up a lotto ticket and hope my luck continues. Never know guys, you never know.   If you find place where the sun hits your face, you’ll be alright 🙂 <3 CASIE Pharmacy Greenline Lawrence Pharmacy online overnight drug Online Overnight Pharmacy USA

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But Darling, This Is Not Wonderland

I can’t even believe it’d as cold as it is in Toronto right now. It’s -26 Celsius. Canada is even colder than on Mars or the South Pole. Have been sitting on beside this heater at the office all day. haven’t taken off my scarf either. Coffee was nice and warm to start the day. This is my fav cup. Got my hair cut shorter on New Years Eve and this weekend I’m going back, back, to super blonde. I let it grow out and long for months, now I want it back. Today I spiced it up with pink Colour Bug in it by Kevin Murphy. Picked up this Unicorn sweater on New Year’s Eve too. If you’ve never stopped by The Store on Queen you deff should. It’s one of my fav shops to find things that are unique and the store owners are simply darling. You’ll love their photos too. <3 CASIE Pharmacy Overnight Drugs awc pharmacy online online Pharmacy

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Celebrate what you want to see more of.

Had an awesome New Year’s Eve with Lauren and the Seans. We had dinner at SoHo House and the food was fantastic. After that we went to the Gillespie bro’s party. Spent the entire first day of the year on the couch with my love watching movies. Ordered all my favs from Magic Oven and got a great sleep. Excited for a great year full of adventure. Last year was an awesome one and I’m excited for what the next few months will bring. Coming up next is my year in review post!  Much love! <3 CASIE  * title is a quote by Tom Peters Buy Fluoxetine without prescription Buy Professional Levitra online Buy Topamax without prescription Buy Wellbutrin without prescription

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Travel | Thailand w/ The ContikiThai Crew!

Check out this great vid by my Vancouver buds the Sunday Fundayz. These dudes were so much fun to hang out with in Thailand. They’re the ones doing backflips and splits in my photos. We crammed heaps of adventure into our 10 days. Now that’s so dang freezing here I’m really wishing I was back in the hot, hot sun. If you love travel, subscribe to the Sunday Fundayz on YouTube, they’re constantly on adventure! They also have a clothing line of which I just ordered a pile of stuff. Thailand via Instagram: 46 Photos in 15 Seconds Made this little video using Statigram, an app that allows you to create a video from your Instagram vids. Super great for summarizing trips, special moments, or looking back at the year past. It’s free but for $1.99 you can add your own watermark as I did below. Stay warm out there, <3 CASIE

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Blog life: Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #10

The last couple weeks have been very busy and it’s been a bit ghostly around here. In the last 4 weeks I returned from the trip a lifetime in Thailand, started a new job, and before I knew it the holidays were here. The number of blog posts this month has been significantly lower than normal. Every once in a while I publish a post with this same title, we’re up to 10 in 8 years so, as a daily blogger I think that’s not too bad. To be honest, having a blog is one of the best things in my life but it can be quite overwhelming at times. I’m planning a revamp for the new year so wait for it, it’s coming. I just needed a little break. I’m recharging my mental batteries and come January, I’ll be ready to rock. With love, CASIE Buy Soma without prescription Buy Strattera without prescription Buy Trazodone without prescription Buy Ventolin without prescription

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