Make a Path Leave A Trail – National Trail Day w/ Tilley

This week I joined Tilley and a bunch of friends to clean up a Toronto trail. We each got to pick them out a new Tilley hat before the event and I chose the Charlie Fedora Straw hat. I am obsessed with it! This photo of Andrew and I basically sums up our relationship. LOL. ?I can 100% imagine what we were chuckling about. I love events like this, we were doing good for the environment, everyone got new hats, and it was a chance to spend quality time with friends. Attending media events you never really know who is going to be there but luckily, there’s almost always have someone there I’ve been wanting to hang out with! Andrew and I went to Thailand with Contiki a few years back and have done some other cool stuff. If you’re not familiar with Andrew, aka Gunnarolla, he is a VERY talented creator. Find him on YouTube or hosting Nom Voyage on Travel Channel. Today is National Trails Day and Tilley is encouraging everyone to get out and Clean a Trail. Seriously though, you can clean a trail anytime. This is the only earth we have and we all need to do our part to clean the environment. Thanks, Tilley for bringing us together to do some good! Today, Emily are heading out along the West Toronto Railpath to do a little cleanup and ride bikes. I’m on the hunt for a couple of garage sales in the neighborhood! Yay, spring!

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This month has been one of the most exciting OF MY LIFE. Six hours after I landed from the press trip in Spain, I walked in the @Fitzroy #BabeYoureMagic fashion show with an INCREDIBLE group of power women. 36hr later I was en route to @festivaldecannes! In other news, adding a new @imdb credit to my roster for my role in the film #Astronaut that will be coming out soon. Ahhh! I am so behind on blog life but I’m hoping this weekend to really, actually, get everything documented. One of the reasons I started this blog was an attempt to keep more memories. It’s easy to forget everything you do if you don’t write it down. I’m so excited about what’s coming down the pipeline and all the joy life brings. Here’s some amazing photos from the Fitzroy fashion show. Dress: @forloveandlemons ⠀MUA: @hairbyvanessa Photos by Scott Perreira  

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And now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

It’s been a few wild weeks! Hard to believe we’re halfway through 2019. I’ve been away for most of May and also managed to model in a fashion show and attend the world’s largest tech conference. It’s been a lot of work, long days, and filled with lessons but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I’ll be back to regularly scheduled blogging after this weekend. I need to catch up with my life, it’s been moving fast for weeks! I’ve got heaps of photos and stories from my adventures and I’m excited to share them with you. I got some great news that Astronaut, the feature film I am in is going to start posting behind the scenes content ahead of the release. Ahhhh! Had a few great days at the cottage for getting caught up on writing, reading, and relaxing. I spent more time gardening than I thought I would but I feel rejuvenated. Here’s to a great week! With love from Muskoka, Buy Levaquin online

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HideSeek: Real Life Recess

The other day, Cory Lee and I went to HideSeek, a “pop-up experience inspired by childhood nostalgia“.  We spent over an hour taking photos, changing outfits and laughing our heads off and got to meet the team behind the experience. It was heaps of fun.  I’ve been to a bunch of Instagram friendly pop-ups over the last year (Happy Place, Museum of Ice cream, Museum of Illusions) and this was was my favourite one in Canada so far. There are 15 installations with multiple photo ops in each. Grab your BFF, kid, parent, partner, or a date and go back in time. I have heaps of photos from the experience so if you follow me on Instagram (HERE) you’ll see some of these rolling out over the next few weeks. HideSeek is at 305 Dundas St. West. Toronto and you can find them on Instagram at @gohideseek. It’s running until June 2nd so you have a little while to get in on the action. Visit for tickets & info.

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Motivation | Your Life Is Your Movie

Your life is your movie. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You decide who plays a starring role, what kind of movie it is, and what path you take. Make a path leave a trail. Take up space. Take up as much space as you need. Be proud of who you are. You are unique, there is only one you. Your stories matter. Share if you like or hold onto them for safekeeping. Do what makes you feel good. The seasons are changing and you can change anytime you want to. You don’t need a day, a new moon, a new year, you just need to shift. Move in the direction you want to go. Make little steps each day or take strides. You got this. Have faith in yourself and the universe will listen. You have to believe in yourself 100% in order for the universe to respond. Let go of self-doubt, don’t carry it with you anymore, it’s heavy and doesn’t serve you. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Open doors for yourself. Your life is your movie and you are the star. ?☀️

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Tips to Get Your Car Ready For Spring from OK Tire

It’s almost spring! This post has some handy tips to get your car ready for warmer weather. Read my interview with OK Tire.

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