#moovboot: and the winner is…

Thank you for the comments, I didn’t expect to get SO MANY!  I’m happy to announce the winner of the #Moovboot contest is… I wish I could give you all a pair to keep your little feet warm and dry. I met Bre through Twitter and IRL at the Movember party. We’ve become friends now so she probably doesn’t think she’ll be the winner BUT SHE IS! Not only did she comment & tweet with the hashtag, but she posted a twitpic and started a conversation with me about them more than once. She’s probably gonna freak when she reads this. Congrats Bre, I’ll chat you about delivery etc. The other winner is CANADA! We fucking killed it last night. I’m so proud to be Canadian. My sisters puppy Tikka is proud to. Went for pint of Molson Canadian with the fams. Don’t mind my double chin, it’s not really like that ok. Have a great day. Enjoy the gold glory. Kinda glad it’s all over and I never wanna hear ‘I Believe’ again, too bad it’s stuck in my head! ah.

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Cougar Boots from Matchstick

This post is waaaaaay overdue…. Cougar & Matchstick sent boots way back in September but the weather was so lovely and warm I didn’t bust them out for months. And well, there’s no way for me to review something if I haven’t really given it a try! Now that winter is here I’ve been wearing them and they’re quite lovely. Leather & suede outer, slight heel and comfy to walk in. They’re not the warmest I’ve ever worn but luckily it hasn’t been THAT cold. Here’s me doing a little dance last time I got my hair done! You can get Cougar Boots at The Bay, SoftMoc, Sears or online at cougarboots.com. (Beware their site has auto music!) Stay warm out there! * For mega warm boots for your tootsie toes check out my posts on Moovboots!

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I like the way you MOOV.

New FW 2011 Moovboots arrived this week. Hand delivered! I love GOOOOOOOLD! Thanks Team 🙂 You’ll be able to buy the newest Moovs at The Bay soon enough. I’ll keep ya posted. I’m the only person in Canada with these ones right now (woo hoo). Been rockin’ the Moovs for a few years. Also have Red glossy, Black tall and Black Huskies with rabbit fur. So warm in winter.  No talking about winter. Heard we’re gonna have an extended summer! Yippeeee.

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whoa that storm yesterday was CRAZY awesome.

Tomorrow I will work from some remote location downtown. Will decide where in the morning. Until then, #goodnight 🙂 # Tony aka @busblog on @klout | nothing in here is true. http://t.co/nqMhr65 # Vote for me to be the face of @aboutdotme on a #TimesSquare billboard: http://t.co/NikdPUo #CASIE # Good morning! Been going to bed earlier and getting up earlier the last week. Feels good! How is you today? # New gold boots from @moovbootcanada arrive next week. Been waiting months! Weeeee # that bear will never pay you back http://t.co/cya1JQ7 #saynotobears # Awesome vid of Lightning TO by Jon Simonassi   Imagine me on a billboard in #TimesSquare I can. Vote for me to be the face of @aboutdotme in Times Square: http://t.co/NikdPUo # Honestly, “Approved” on copy has become one of my most fav things. # if every word i said, could make you laugh, i’d #blog forever http://t.co/YDamoZr #newpost # Thanks @jgrdnr for +K in blogging & social web. You arrive safe in EURO? http://t.co/FA0oGrB # PinPointsocial Pricing @dribbble: http://t.co/4dYxp4T # iphone app for @KeekInc is now avails. http://t.co/qGbWoxy love the short videos. hope to get for android soon! # An Update on @Sprouter! #thisjustin http://t.co/046N75T # rain, rain, you sound so pretty dancing on the windows. # love it. so fun. again before summer is over 🙂 RT @laurenonizzle b-roll http://t.co/wtFPxkj # part of my work today involves this, which I love http://t.co/c5xm64S #bearded # Twitter Founders Weight Behind A #NewStartup #Lift http://t.co/ntP6FEK by @robinwauters via @techcrunch # This is weirdy cool RT @mashable: Inventors Propose “Liquid Keyboard” Upgrade for the iPad [VIDEO] – http://t.co/Sln8TBm # Sale ends today on @porterairlines 30% off http://t.co/FoNWu0k # RE: yeah! Biking is a great workout. Arms, abs & booty! I ride on the sidewalk most the time and only in the…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Today is the best day yet. Younger than tomorrow! #ftw # fresh cut grass (@ Toronto Music Garden) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kWoByM # Ahhh! My cuz just had a new baby! 7pound 9oz, Travis John Stewart! Now, I must get back to #NewZealand # Photo: › Mena Suvari – Vanity Fair Italia by Mark Liddell, October 2007 http://tumblr.com/xmj2ha1w25 # Photo: break dancing ant allcreatures: http://tumblr.com/xmj2ha1sns # this is how i feel today. i love this feeling. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/-kKswLd65Ws?a) # i know i know, that’s what she said. # where did 4pm come from? ah # tomorrow 3-7 @ Roosevelt Room #swag2011 w/ @rightsleeve RSVP here if ya wanna join the par-tay http://rightsleeve.com/swag2011 # #NewZealand Wine Fair tomorrow @ Design Exchange http://bit.ly/kjt81u # Debt show #CastingCall http://on.fb.me/lViUAB (I was on one of these once & it totally helped me & I got PAID!) # #friday13th this week! booked a massage & facial. used to hate numbers 13 & 3 but now I take over the day & plan something awesome! #win # Yo ladies! @moovbootcanada SALE tonight!! Selling off samples size 7 & 8 at 545 King West from 5 to 8pm! RT # busy & exciting day today! yeehaw. # View from my office, looks pretty out there! http://twitpic.com/4wby6h # happy happy birthday from Canada to the lovely & beautiful @NZTopModelColin! ILU xo # building a guestlist for something cool May 31. if i don’t have your email you might wanna flip it to me MEOW. # oh btw @laurenonizzle, i blogged your standup today. hope to see you at Yuk Yuk’s. Me thinks you funny 🙂 http://bit.ly/liClZN # HOW TO: Move Your Band’s MySpace Page Onto Your Facebook Fan Page – http://on.mash.to/jBlajH cc @brockmclaughlin @universalmusicC # for the record @itsbrownbarbie i did NOT mark us down as common law on the…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

making internet. stewart, art stew. # when you want to book a flight where do you go for good deals? ex. to FLA # hilarity RT @KeriBlog: It’s @casiestewart and I at #SheGotGapd http://twitpic.com/4w13wc # Babes! RT @rochlatinsky: Found two of my fave blondes @casiestewart @Keriblog @shedoesthecity http://twitpic.com/4w18n0 # #shegotgapd w/ @shedoesthecity! #shoppingparty (@ Gap w/ @rochlatinsky) http://4sq.com/klc2Yb # Memories of #firstjob & #highschool #teenagedream http://twitpic.com/4w13gw # OMG OMG #yandr RT @mrssharonnewman: @casiestewart @moovbootcanada would love to have a pair of Moovboots for the farm! They look amazing # Omg I KNOW them! > Wired Women of #Canada @SarahPrevette & @erinbury http://t.co/CU79NBg via @globeandmail # #Uganda “Kill the Gays” bill could be passed in 24 hours-sign this urgent petition to stop it! @alloutorg http://t.co/fZMyMzx # may have taken on to many Robaxacet today. feeling floaty but with much less pain. # Photo: i would very much like to be here, in this bath. http://tumblr.com/xmj2gqsl58 # balloooooons! ILU. http://twitpic.com/4vyr13 # easy or hard to change favcon in #wordpress # hi. watcha doin? #livefeed http://dailybooth.com/u/9cqfn # reco for the best desk chair? reckon this mama needs a new. ikea little guy is not cutting it! # Party (@ Sense Appeal) http://4sq.com/m1INji # stoked for FLA in two weeks w/ my sis @jeniestewart! # YUSSSSSS @DQcanada! RT @GeoffGooden: 23,400 lbs. They did it! #dqworldrecord # what’s for lunch? #icecream lolz http://bit.ly/jnGCSu # OMG guys, working on something really fun/cool w/ a big company you all know. Announcement end of the week! # because at @DQCanada, good isn’t good enough http://goo.gl/fb/KthNy #blog # Jusrt ordered these sexy gold shine boots from @moovbootcanada in US. Not in CAN yet! #win http://post.ly/21CPA # you know who is really awesome? the team @moovbootcanada that’s who 🙂 thanks guys! # don’t fake it embrace it cause it’s just…

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