Beat Winter SAD: Sweat!

Since making exercise part of my life over the last few months, I’ve started to crave the feeling I get from working out. Each night I lay out my gym stuff and look forward to going each morning. I wrote a bit about my fitness journey here and once I started to see results, it motivated me to keep going. I’m committed to not letting this winter give me seasonal affective disorder like last year, I never want to get that way again. I’m sure there will be sad days here and there (there deff are), but I know I can fight it with fitness. Today’s tip to beat Winter SAD is to SWEAT. Find a class, get a YouTube video going, download Nike Training club, dance, or jump around. Do something to get yourself moving, create endorphins, get your brain high on body moment. My Fav Apps & Fitness Resources I like the NTC app for exercises and the NRC app for running. I often do Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube or find workouts on Pinterest. There are so many free resources available online if you don’t have a gym membership. If you are in GTA and want a workout buddy to try a class, ask me anytime! I love hanging with friends and movement makes us all feel good. You got this, we can beat winter SAD!

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Beat Winter SAD: 50 Self-care Ideas

Self-care can legit mean just about anything these days. For me, there are a lot of things I like to do and sometimes it’s as simple as putting away that pile of clothes or saying no to leaving the house. I made a list of things I like to do for myself, usually on a Sunday to prep for the week. Self-care is taking a few moments to yourself to do something for yourself, which makes you feel good and alleviate stress. Thankfully this winter hasn’t been as brutal as last year’s super cold months where everything was covered in ice. The 2019 winter blues really got me down and I am trying to best to make this winter not seem as dark, lonely, and depressing. It may seem like I am out on the town quite a bit but I assure you, it’s usually not for long. I love staying at home. I love hair masks, face masks, exfoliating, nice lotion, naps, cooking, and doing things inside the house. I started this list to make 10 things but kept going and now there are 50. Most of these you can do without leaving your house of opening your wallet. I added a shoppable section at the bottom in case you want to grab any of my favorites via Amazon Prime. If you are feeling down, do one little thing each day to bring happiness into your life. You DESERVE it. Treat yourself!

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Beat Winter SAD: Hire a Cleaner

Cleaning the house at any time of year can be a challenge. When you have the long dreary winter where it’s dark before work and dark when you get home, it’s even harder. Also, how do we go through so many dishes and kid’s clothes in a week? IDK. We have been meaning to do a deep clean on everything for longer than I care to admit. AskForTask gave me two hours of free cleaning to try the service and let me tell you, IT WAS AMAZING. I booked the cleaning via and was able to list the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and share comments. The whole process took about 5 minutes and I paid the difference (after my discount) with PayPal. I booked the recommended 3 hours and our Tasker arrived Sunday morning and cleaned for the requested time. They require you to be home for the cleaning so I booked a time that worked for us. Starting the week knowing the work is done has me feeling grateful. I can’t believe how much she deep cleaned! At one point I went to our first floor and she had completely moved our furniture to clean behind the couch. Our while place looks great. Highly recommend Maria with AskforTask, very thorough. For all the work you do in a day, a week, a month, treat yourself and hire a cleaner. There’s a handy app that allows you to communicate with your Tasker and add more hours if need be. Use code CASIESTEWART for $10 off your first task and give yourself some peace of mind. You deserve it.

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Beat Winter SAD: Book a Staycation

We are almost through January and the countdown to spring is ON! OK, it’s 50 days, and yes I’m counting. I’m really working on finding ways to make this winter not seem as long, cold, or depressing as 2019. Last week, I shared a post about beating winter Seasonal Affective Disorder by taking a vacation. This week, I’m sharing an AWESOME recommendation for a staycation. Sean and I spent a relaxing ~24-hours at Hotel X Toronto in downtown Toronto and it was a really nice mini-getaway. If you’d like to see more of my stay in video, check out my Staycation highlight on Instagram. I magically picked the BEST day for a staycation because we had a major snowstorm that morning. I arrived at noon for a hot yoga class and to see the amenities before checking in at 3pm. From the moment you walk in the hotel, it feels luxurious. It makes for a great staycation because there are lots of plants, several restaurants, a great gym, and amenities, meaning you don’t have to leave the hotel. There’s also a kid’s play center if you have little ones. I have added the Guerlain Spa to my ‘must visit‘ list for next time. Hotel X Toronto definitely has a resort-type feel. There’s a pool on the roof that I imagine is absolutely stunning in the summer. Yes, I did test it out in the winter. Scroll down!

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Beat Winter SAD: Take A Vacation

Last winter was really hard, we had one of the coldest seasons in ages, there was ice everywhere, and my arm was messed up. I spent most of the winter inside our house going Marie Kondo through every cupboard and drawer. This winter, I’m determined to find joy in simple things and actively make an effort to warm myself up and beat winter SAD. I wrote a few posts with ways I’m trying to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder with the hope it will help make our days a bit brighter. Some take a little more money/planning but others you can do at home right now. I’ll update this post with a link to each so you can scroll once they’re live. Vacation The easiest way to boost your mood in winter? Take a vacation. I know this isn’t an option for everyone with work/family/finances but if you can do it, it’s so nice. This year, I took a 7-day all-inclusive trip to Cuba with a friend. We have been talking about doing a low-key beach getaway at the start of January for 2+ years and finally did it! Cuba was a good option because we were not going for luxury, our conditions for the trip were affordable, beach, sun. The beach was beautiful and the sun was hot. The food wasn’t luxe but we managed to eat simple, the main things I ate were bread, rice, fruit, pasta, and eggs. I read an entire book, took heaps of photos, and finished the week well-rested and refreshed. We went to bed early (and sober) most nights. I stuck to Amy’s 1K a day challenge and did some type of activity each day (long walk, dance, NTC). It was just what I needed and a perfect reset to start the year. I…

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Flowers Will Bloom, So Will You

It feels like spring feels like it’s playing hide and seek, last week we had double digits temps and today we’re under a blanket of snow. There’s only 3 weeks before the time change and we’ll have brighter days. Good things come to those who wait, right? My workouts have become my go-to therapy. There’s nothing like a good sweat sesh to boost those endorphins and kick winter SAD to the curb. I’ve been hitting the gym, yoga & pilates classes, and lots of long walks outside. These moments of movement are like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. As I’m here hustling through the last stretch of winter, I’m to sending good vibes your way. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, know that warmer days are just around the corner. Spring might be playing hard to get, but we’re not backing down. Stay warm, stay active, and remember – the flowers will bloom, and so will you. 🌷✨💖

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Embrace Winter at Cold Camp

I recently spent a weekend with Unbounded at Canada’s Cold Camp, and if peace & tranquility had a home, it would be right there on that secluded peninsula by Oak Lake. It was awesome. For more photos & info follow @stayunbounded on Instagram & scroll down for a discount to book your own experience. Unbounded’s motto is all about embracing winter and immersing yourself in nature, and trust me, they deliver on that promise. The setting was pure magic – a private spot that offers the perfect blend of serenity and comfort, far removed from the city chaos. Very chill vibes. 😎 The experience encourages you to step out of your comfort zones with cold exposure, but in the most laid-back way possible. Imagine frozen lake ice pools, a cedar barrel sauna, and a cliffside cedar barrel hot tub – all against the backdrop of nature. Winter at its best. Throughout the weekend, Sean and walked in the woods, did yoga, breath work, and cycled thought cold dips in the lake, hot sauna sessions, or relaxing in the hot tub. Sean even got out for a cross country ski on the frozen lake. Activities at Cold Camp are thoughtfully curated for relaxation and are low-key yet invigorating. Each moment was an opportunity to unwind and connect with nature in a way that left us feeling rejuvenated. We stated in a private chalet on the property that had a queen size bed and smaller room with a couch that folds out to a bed. I used the smaller room as my closet because I packed 100 outfits. Unbounded gives you the option to bring your groceries or you can pre-order meals, snacks, and juices from their partner, Nook Kitchen. We packed our own food because cooking at a cabin in the…

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Plant Stores & Vintage Shopping

Cory and I made a date to go for a nice Saturday walk in the sun. It’s hard to stay positive with the compound stress of seasonal affective disorder, Covid, and general life anxiety, but seeing a friend and getting outside always makes me feel better. One great way to beat winter SAD is to plan a day with plant stores & vintage shopping. The Urban Gardener is my fav local plant shop, I swear just walking in there will boost your mood. It’s warm, green, and filled with beautiful growing plants. I picked up a new lil’ guy to bring home with a nice new planter pot for him to live in. Our next stop was Pictus Goods on Dupont which is filled with heaps of lovely goods for your home, candles, jewellery, and fresh flowers. Super cute shop! Highly recommend checking it out. They also have a GREAT selection of nice cards. Our third stop was a private shopping appointment at Nouveau Riche Vintage which DID NOT DISAPPOINT. Tbh, IDK if I have EVER seen such an incredible collection. They have heaps of items for sale including designer, denim, coats, and accessories. The best part for me was the exclusive rental section we got to check out that’s filled with the best outfits you can dream of. SO GOOD. I didn’t get anything but Cory scored a few goodies. I will deff be back there again!

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Keep Going

This week has been pretty good. I’ve been out running every day except Monday when we had a massive snowstorm. I find it really helps my mental health. I remind myself daily to KEEP GOING no matter how cold it is or if I’m tired. I miss going out and seeing people but I’ve also made new routines that include making nice dinners, taking better care of my skin, and going to bed early. On Sunday I met up with some friends for a hike around High Park, it was cold but refreshing. Didn’t realize there was a skating rink there! My skates are at the cottage and since I broke my collarbone a few years ago, my skating skills are not what they used to be. I’m scared of falling! Trying to not let the winter SAD get me down and am working at finding joy in little things. If you’re looking for some ideas to boost your mood, I wrote a few posts about beating winter SAD. Happy Friday & have a great weekend!

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Day 268: A Monday MOOD.

Feeling good today! I love Monday, it’s a day full of opportunity, a fresh start to the week. Yesterday’s outing left me feeling all kinds of happiness. When I posted this today on IG, a few people were surprised at how long my hair is now. It’s growing like crazy! Longest I’ve had it in over a decade. One friend even said they weren’t sure if it was my sister until the mask came off! Did you like the IG post yet?! This mask is a new design by my friend Anela, the designer behind Considerate Goods (posted about her here). I picked up a few new masks from last time I was in the city and they are SO STYLISH. I even got a special one for holiday and I look forward to sharing it with you! I also got the houndstooth which is super nice. I know things are hard right now and we wish it could be different but it’s important to see the joy in little things, to get outside each day, and find things to be happy about. Last winter I wrote a series about dealing with winter SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), you can find those suggestions here. As it gets colder and we have nowhere to go, it’s gonna be hard but WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS. HANG IN THERE MY FRIENDS! This post was featured on Links à la Mode fashion roundup by Independent Fashion Bloggers. More fashion articles: Day 268: A Monday MOOD by Casie Stewart: This Is My Life Made-to-Measure and Custom by Oliver Wicks Belgrade diaries: Life is a collection of moments by Ivana’s World 10 Most Relaxing Nintendo Switch Games For Mindfulness by Emily Underworld

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Just Take the Photo

2020 is bringing more of the #oneleggedselfie, a fav of @hey.maca and the original Man Repeller. This is the year I start taking photos of my outfits. If I see an opportunity, I’m taking it. I used to share my looks a lot but I stopped because I didn’t feel good in my clothes, in my skin. So, I made a change, I’m moving forward. I want to document what I wear so I can remember. Like this dress over a mesh t-shirt and pants, with running shoes? Oh, yes. I am finally, after all these years, starting to plan content out a little more long term. I have some great stuff coming including a series on beating winter sadness, cause we all need to try and avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder. Last winter really got me down so I’m actively attempting to stay in high spirits till summer. I am here when you need a pick me up on cold days or a reminder of what spring feels like. I AM IN BLOOM. Saw this on IG and thought it was a nice finish to a great week. Professional Cialis

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Make Time For Yourself

You only live each day once, tomorrow is a new day. How are you spending your time?  A few months ago I was feeling really burnt out and over everything. I had no energy to go out, write, do anything creative. May was a really stressful month and by the time June/July rolled around I was stressed TF out. All I wanted to do was stay home, watch Netflix, my room was a mess, I’d piled up boxes and paper that needed to be processed. I didn’t have the energy to do it. So I rested. I took time to chill. I’m grateful for the privilege to mostly work from home, to work on myself, and to breathe. I started spending a bit less time on asocial, taking breaks. I began to really love seeing the + beside my name on IG Stories, showing I hadn’t posted anything in 24 hours. That felt like a win with me. I’ve been updating the internet for 15+ years about my life and what I’m doing, burnout is real and it’s ok to take a break. I thought about what I wanted (even though I’m constantly trying to figure out exactly what that looks like!) and I focussed on it. Made some other changes too. I got serious about drinking less and explored being sober curious. I even spoke at an event where I shared some stuff I’ve never talked about. I was hesitant at first but I figure, if I can make this change in my life, it might be helpful to someone else going through the same things. It was the first TIFF in 10 years where I didn’t get drunk, I didn’t even drink at parties. And y’ know what? IT WAS AWESOME AND I STILL HAD FUN. I started intermittent…

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