four and twenty, baked in a pie

Update: Ottawa had a Pot Protest yesterday. Check out this massive dube this guy is smoking that got him in the Metro. Nice one buddy! Canada is a wonderful country and Toronto a splendid city. Both are known places where people smoke marijuana regularly. Which is why you can always find cheap weed canada. Today is an extra rainy April day and also marks a day celebrated around the world in Cannabis culture known as 4:20 (four-twenty). Toronto has a pot friendly neighbourhood called Youngsterdam and a variety friendly places to smoke downtown. Each year in May there is a Global Marijuana March where people around the world protest for legalization and the right to smoke pot. This year’s event is Saturday, May 2nd. A few years ago I attended the Marijuana March at Queens Park. It was fun. There were over 20,000 people in the park celebrating so I figured, when in Rome!

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blackout city

We had a blackout on Saturday night. It started at about 6:30 and went until just after sun set for my section of buildings. I wish it had looked this way during Earth Hour.This week is Earth Week with Earth Day on Wednesday. After our power was back on I went to have a shower and the water was brown and dirty. Imagine, a billion people go without access to clean water each day. The first well was drilled recently from the funds we raised at Twestival, you can see it here. I captured the nasty water so I can remember just how gross it was.

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oops he did it again

Toronto Poster Boy is on the loooooooooooooooooose! He postered me again! Moooohaha. I wonder if you can find it? I know he’s usually around Queen Street and the downtown core. I especially like this one becuase it’s from a post where I wrote “stop working, go home, get outside“.

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whoa throw back mama

This evening I connected my trusty old external drive to find something and it’s like a time capsule. I also realize that I keep everything, take a zillion pictures and am a total loser sometimes. I’ve been through a few laptops over the years and I keep backing that ass up on the same drive and now it’s like those boxes in mum’s basement and dad’s storage filled with memories. I’ve had so many different hair colours, lengths and cuts. You may have seen this long red haired one? Crazy.I also saw this crazy streak in the sky just before the sun set tonight. I had a friend that was all about looking into conspiracy theories and she was convinced it was chemtrails. trails in the sky from me on vimeo.Vimeo is slow if you don’t upgrade.

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lovage and chocolate sweetness

Lately I’ve been listening to Lovage thanks to @jaygoldman. The tunes are a cool ass collaborative project headed by Dan the Automator, under his pseudonym “Nathaniel Merriweather” (he made up that name for Handsome Boy Modeling School).Something else I have alot of love for is my bike. I’m hoping to get the baby tuned up this week so I can get riding. This weekend’s weather is going to sweet as. Last night I made chocolate brownies with fancy icing for my roomate. She’s sweet.

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the final home game kids

Last night I went to the Rap’s game at the ACC. It was pretty fun. It was the last home game of the season and it was very energetic. They were also giving away TONS of stuff. My friend from college happened to be tossing out shirts and stuff right in my section and he tossed me this Bosh jersey. Still has the tag on it for $134.99. I asked Jenie if she can get it signed so I can sell it for big bux. I hear people like this Bosh guy. I realized by the time I got home that I had too many beers which is stupid because I took it easy all weekend. Ah well, happens to the best of us!

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