I AM ART: Nuit Blanche tonight. See you on the street!

Here’s a couple things I’ve done and loved fronm Nuit Blanche in past years. I live in the Zone and am totes excited to stayup all night being and BE ART exploring art. 2009 – on Queen Street with my sister Jenie. 2008 at U of Toronto with a bunch of peeps. If you wanna join me lemme know. I have two free flights and mad coupons from Virgin to give away. So aside from just being fun, you might really get something great. I like the artness of this video too. So cool. SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

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riveting talks by remarkable people…like me.

Ok so I’m not speaking at TedxTO today but I have been chosen as part of the select group to attend. You can catch the LIVE STREAM here. Naturally, I’m dressed cute as a button in a vintage 1960’s dress from a small shop in St. Kevin’s Arcade on K-Road in Auckland. I’ll be blogging (hopefully) a bit during the day and letting you know what smart things I’m learning and listening to. I need to get that infinity tattoo redone asap. Pretty to see lots of friends there today who I’ve not seen in a while. Oh, guess what else I did this morning? I went to the gym and ran 2k. I’ve been thinking I should really get off my ass and be more active and I thought about it so much that it got me out of bed and all the way downstairs to the gym. I’m proud of myself. The last time I went, was about a year ago I reckon. Peace out for now peeps. Mama needs a coffee! See you on the internet. Follow my Tweets for pix & commentary of the day!

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the fruit, maturing in autumn, is green

new fav drink – Feijoa wine. i got a dress like this  red one yesterday from a wee vintage shop that isn’t online and doesn’t have a twitter. would be fun if they did. everything was really cute and well priced. i feel closer to NZ thanever. growing up oit always seemed so far away but now, the world is so small thanks to internet and how we communicate. we are  all connected, i’m a citizen of the world yo. it’s kinda chilly today and i’m wearing a long really weater from mark’s.  like this tune below by NZ artists ‘naked & famous’. have a wonderful day. i’m seeing my cousin & auntie this afternoon! yahoooooooooooo! xo CASIE

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leaving on a jet plane

Good morning. Had a FREAKOUT this morning. No not because of my adventure but because my  blog was hacked. Don’t do that. Seriously. Who the fuck hacks a sunshine-rainbow-fantasty-glitter blog like mine? Looooooooosers. Panic at my disco when I got the notification. Seriously. First thought, shit, I leave for NZFW today what the hell imma do? Please don’t hack things, it’s not nice. Bad actions/vibes you put into the universe have a magnetic particles and like attracts like and they will all come back to you. Be careful. Heaps of clothes. Thanks to Canadian designers Paris Li, Andy Hall and Nella Bella for outfitting me with style. Thanks to Telus for my phone + keeping me connected. Thanks Betty Kiss for the massive suitcase &  reversible clutches.  I packed shoes galore, Doc’s, cowboys, wellies and five other pairs. It’s fashion week followed by chill time with the fams, totes necesary. My two suit cases aren’t stuffed though, need to leave room to bring home lotsa goodies & prezzies. Taking some Tim’s coffee for a cute little blogger named Hannah in NZ. Carry on bag is from Nella Bella, the red reno suede. It’s lovely! I always bring my sketchbook on the plane. I get inspired watching people, looking at the flight path, reading listening to music, flying in general really. Crispers S&V are my fav snack (just saw on sale at Shoppers for $0.99, go stock up on my christmas present!). I can plow through a bag of them easy. SO crunchy. New Wired mag arrived yesterday just in time. Might actually read it sice I’m travelling. I’ve been getting it for two years and each month I browse when it arrives then leave it sitting there to rot, spine uncracked. Packed Kabbalah meditation cards, the 72 names of God,…

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i’m over you baby, i’m moving on

Richard from Monster Media took this one. Sums up TIFFest pretty good I reckon. Thank you TIFF, Stella and all the agencies and all the people who have had me out to great events and films over the last week or so. It’s been my best year at TIFF ever and I’m throwing in the towel.  Need to rest up and get ready to take on New Zealand. Was at  (diet) Coke party first last night, was fun. They had a photo booth, you know I love that. Rode in a big Coke limo. Fun fun crazy. Shiny disco balls. Wore some recent goodies I’ve been given last night: Vest + skirt from Old Navy. White shirt + boots from Marks WW. Heart locket H&M. Lipstick is Poppy from Joe Fresh new makeup collection. Thanks guys. Boots are quite lovely. Nice colour and salt proof. Gonna test that hard this winter, walking in snow banks. Andrew F Stewart & Rannie, Photojunkie. Sent Rochelle to Festival Music House in my place but then I showed up anyways later. Was a guestlist asshole bringing people. I don’t like to do that but it was necessary last night. Appreciate Rock-It Promo for being so kind to me and not being mad at me. This looks good on me. Brocklyn was a hit again last night. Rising star he is. Watch it. Carly is his agent now. Her talent roster is a garden of awesome in bloom. Woke up to a message that I’ve got a minder/wrangler for NZFW. She’s a NZ hottie who goes by the name of Venus Tong, she is the head bitch at Party of Wolves, nightlife photography. I’ve also got a car picking me up at the airport. Hoping a handsome man in uniform is holding a sign with…

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film fest day five: lovely to meet you, welcome.

Yesterday was quite lovely. I attended PSH’s film Jack Goes Boating in the afternoon with Michael. Walked through Kensington in the sunshine and passed Tattoo at/for 4:20. Then I met Lynsie and Shawna at The Red Tea Box to greet the cast of Jucy for a Tea Party. Was terribly cute, the party and the three of us blonde blogging babes. The Blondetourage rides again. I’m going to see Jucy tonight and quite excited. The Director Louise Alston gave us a CD with the films soundtrack and tickets to attend. The three of us sat down with Jackie (Francesca Gasteen) and Lucy (Cindy Nelson) from the movie for a chat around the tea table. They were charming and we are friends now. Post Tea party we went to Squirly’s one of my fav spots on Queen Street with some friends. Lynsie, Dwayne and I went to Hotshot gallery for treats & a toast to Jeffreyy‘s photography. Lovely exhibit he did in the kitchen of a resto called Grace on College. The night kicked up a notch, after that when we walked the red carpet at Charles Pachter’s gorgeous house. Honestly, the place is stunning. If you ever get to go there, go. Actually, find a reason. It was the event for Steve Nash’s film Into The Wind and quite the place to be. That’s where I met team Australia as I like to call them, Brad, James & crew from Aussie TV/radio. Shit got crazy after that. I took them to the Vitamin Water Back Yard in Yorkville and we tore the roof off that place. So fun. I have some serious following up to do and a stack of business cards in front of me. I would really like to star in a film, there is no doubt that…

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