I Touched The Sky.

I looked at all the things on lifeexperiences.ca and really wanted to do something I’d never done before…so I did! I went on a helicopter tour of downtown Toronto! I was nervous for a few minutes but I can’t even imagine chickening out, I live for that nervous excited feeling. Here we go… So pretty our city, even with a blanket of snow. I reckon doing this in the summer would be just delightful. All the trees, the lake and water looking so nice. I can see my house! Was so neat to fly over downtown, take it all in from a different perspective.  We got pretty close to the CN Tower too. I was told they often get people planning proposals, especially this time of year. Lifeexperiences.ca has so heaps of adventures to pick from ex. drive a race car, visit a castle,  massages, spa packages, golf, wine tasting and beer school. You can even book a segway and be like Justin Bieber. (Please tell me if you do that! haha) I think this kinda thing makes a great gift. All the stuff ranges from under $50 to ultimate experiences like attending Cannes Film Fest worth over $10,000. I gave away a $50 voucher in December. I’m sure you’ve seen the gift cards at Shoppers or Walmart,  and perhaps will pick one up when shopping for your valentine.  😉 *cough, cough* Hey look up, that’s where I was flying! Today marks the first day of Social Media Week around the world. I’m up and off to the Ted Rogers School of Management for The Evolving Role of Social Media in Retail. Have an awesome day!

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something she said about the vigilantes

I was up late, I should have been packing but… internet, I keep working on stuff and Tweeting, which is work. I watched the Jimmy Fallon show after I saw someone say on Twitter that Johnny Depp looked like an idiot and guess what? Ra Ra Riot were on and I remember seeing them recently, but I don’t remmeber when. Does anyone out there remember when it was? I feel like Carrie Bradshaw right now because I was sitting there writing all day. I didn’t think I left the house but I just remembered I did go across the street to get a salad. Excited I’m gonna be in Boston tomorrow and then in the sun for a few days.  My body feels tired and so does my mind. I’m so ready to shut off my computer and leave it at home. Still taking iPad though! It’s so good at the airport/on a plane. Enjoy the day!

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building the snowman of my dreams

I love waking up to snow on the ground. It looks so pretty outside. Inspired me to get out of the house and venture to a coffee shop around the corner and soak up some scenery. I’ve got lots to get done today and tomorrow. I’ve never taken a week vacation from my blog. I wonder if I can even do it? It’s like my child and we’ve never really been apart. “Mommy’s going on vacation honey. No no, it’s ok, you will still be online, I have scheduled daily content feedings for you ok. I’ll check in on you when I can my sweet”. The joy of having a blog and talking to myself if so amusing. Don’t you think? Yeah, yeah I do. Oh, I chuckle to myself. They’re playing christmas music but I’ve got my earphones in anyways. Helps me concentrate. Look at that tower, man I love this cit. Happy Monday! Bag: Nella Bella Ear muffs: 180s Scarf: Me to We

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hello LALA LAND, i’m comin’ w/ my @nellabellabrand!

Was frantic yesterday running around looking for something to wear in Dallas that is ‘Western inspired’. Have no fear, the tickle trunk I like to call my closet room is chalk full of theatricical outfits. Jeans hanging up there are my Shop Girls Yoga Yeans, only jeans I’ve worn since I got them. Really comfy and slimming, this all coming from someone who does not like wearing pants so, I mean serious. Keri also came through with a rodeo shirt that will be perfect. I knew exactly what I was looking for and it was surely not this. Well, in some variation but not together… Before shopping I stopped by to see the lovely Tarek at Nella Bella and look what I got… BTW took the nose ring hoop out (Mum :)) so Dallas and customs don’t think I’m a punk. Shaved head/mohawk style looks kinda punky but the blonde hair is distracting, so… I try to take the safest route and go for cuteness when I visit to the airport. I feel like thatis somehting @barbiestyle (aka Barbie) would say. Haha. I wonder if I will see that one customs guy again? Whoa, tangent. Back to this this lovely HUGE bag, he said I needed this colour for LA. SO true. Thank you! I picked up a couple others that will come out during my travels. One is the famed Nella Bella London bag in red. The small part holds my passport and essentials and the big part fits my iPad (Andy) and netbook (Robert) in it perfectly. The big yellow guy is so handsome. If you ever wonder the white rabbit furry guy is from Ruby Boutique in New Zealand. Ok, flight time. Catch ya on the flip side AKA, in the air on Virgin America!

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peace, love & cupcakes #toronto from @virginamerica!!

Ladies and gentlemen of Toronto, It’s my duty as Virgin America Provocateur to share with you the awesome that is Virgin America. Today, your day is about to get a little bit sweeter 😉 To celebrate Virgin America’s (tasty) in-flight food, we’re surprising people with with red velvet cupcakes today. YES, CUPCAKES! Follow us both on Twitter > @casiestewart & @virginamerica (which you should already be doing) and when you’re out and about look for our Virgin America Street team. They will be at Union Station, King Street Station, and Dundas Square in the morning, Yonge & Dundas, Queen Street West, and King Street West at lunch, and Dundas Square, Air Canada Center, and Saint Andrews Station during the afternoon. Keep your eyes peeled for the team cause they’ve got 2,500 cupcakes AND 20% discount coupons. Plus, to upgrade your Monday a little more, listen to Z103.5 and call-in-to-win 100% off tickets! Amazing, I know. Maybe, just maybe we can trick you into thinking it’s Friday! I’ve got a VX flight out to LA tomorrow then to Dallas on Wednesday for a launch event. I finally get to meet Richard Branson andI reckon we’re gonna get along. Don’t cha think? Peace, love and cupcakes! HAPPY MONDAY! XO CASIE

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incredible india wecomes you!

Saturday night Brown Barbie and The Blondetourage hit up the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange India party at the Munition Factory. It was fun. Thanks Smirnoff! Doesn’t this look like a bunch of fun? Super cute, Keri & Raymi. Say wha? 5 rupees? No way. More blondes! Blonde Jovi! There was heaps of food and a market with all kinds of things I reckon you’d find in India. Man I love a good theme party. Christine, April, Carly. Babes. Dance party! Lauren’s BF Sean is the best. Great sport takin’ heaps of photos of us, THANK YOU! You know this rascal.Always with the ladies 😉 Thanks Mum for having this wiked vintage Kaftan. It was a hit!

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