In the light of the sun, you shine so bright. You do.

Welcome to my grass patch, glass castle in the sky. Shopped the Peacock Parade sale yesterday. Got the vest. You like? I love. There were so many nice things. I realized I have a clothes problem when I looked through the Line Knitwear leathers and found one of my own, the shoes that matched ones I have. I must clean my room. I attempted last weekend but failed. They had a bunch of stuff by Nicole Miller. Remember when her and I were hanging out with Derek in New Zealand? SO fun. The cafe at the hipster Queen Street Loblaws is great for people watching. It’s also sunny. Had a second of sadness as the Fashion Television truck drove by. No more FT. I hear the Dare to Wear Love fashion show was on it. A couple people said they saw me. LIFE GOAL, check that one off the Bucket List. Loved that show for over 20 years. That’s my Tattoo shop beside Shoppers, FY Ink. I’ve got an appointment there tomorrow to get some work on my sleeve done. I’m so incredibly excited. A hot blonde girl is doing it. This is my Sharpie rendition. I always draw them on first, hence why right arm is being done. I’m left handed! Today & tomorrow is a HUGE Billabong sample sale. It used to be held in the Carpet Factory building in Liberty Village when i worked there and I got heaps of stuff over the years. Good prices, lots of merch. I’ve been wearing Billabong for ages, see all kinds of past outfits here.

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Art Attack: arm doodle, healthy snacks & sunshine

Shortly before the holidays I got the ship tattoo I’d been wanting for ages. It’s part of a masterpiece that will eventually be a half sleeve on my right forearm. This beautiful rose the latest addition. I took this in Instagram cause it’s not as bright as it will be when it heals up nice yet but I wanted to share. Pretty eh? I’m thinking that the feather Stephen Shaw did will look really pretty if it’s coloured in kinda like this babe I follow in Instagram. Don’t mind what she is doing. You’ve probably done it too. Bob reminded me of the day I got my septum pierced last year. I’ve been really temped to do it again (sorry Bob and Darren too!). If I do get it, it will be a really small one that I can tuck up and hide from the world if I want to. I love when all my tattoos are hidden and then someone sees them is really surprised. Been eating more healthy snacks around the house lately. January is eat healthy and have a clear head time for me. It can be a really downerish time for people so I’m trying to make sure I feed myself good food & thoughts. One of the great things about our house is how bright the sun is during the day. It can be super duper cold outside but if it’s sunny you’d never know! Sometimes I feel like I’m getting a tan, if you close your eyes and imagine, you almost do. 🙂

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Every Day is a Chance to Make Your Life Better

The last couple days I’ve been feeling really exhausted. I wondered if I’m getting sick and refuse to let that happen. This morning I dragged myself out of bed ready for a new routine. When I was in away in the hot sun last month I still worked every day but I added things to my life that made it better, long walk on the beach, smoothie for breakfast, writing in my journal. When I returned to the hustle and bustle of city life, I got caught up in the rush and lumped right back into old habits, drinking, eating bad etc. I got to thinking last night that there is nothing standing in my way of eating healthier and doing more exercise. I have a damn grocery store across the street and two gyms downstairs for christs sake! Took one look right into iPhoto and said STOP BEING A LAZY WOMAN! Every single day that passes is a chance to make your life better, to start volunteering, to help a friend, to clean your room, to buy better groceries, to walk instead of transit, to hit the gym instead of the bar. You are the director of your movie, cast who you want to star in it and live out the script of your dreams. I’m drinking a smoothie, watching The IT Crowd on Netflix and cleaning my room AND when I stop for break I will be at the gym. Enjoy the day! Do something amazing 🙂 Love, Casie xo P.S. Got a beauty rose tattoo beside the ship on my arm yesterday. I know I’ve not really shown many photos but I’m planning to shoot some real nice ones when they’re all healed up & looking bright!

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land of plenty

MMVA Stage is lookin’ pretty rad. I love cruisin’ by there mid day on my own schedule. Liberating! I worked mega long hours this time last year getting ready for the MMVA show. It was fun at the time. Took the subway yesterday. I rarely ever take the subway. Most the time I walk. There’s never a shortage of interesting characters. I used to TTC often & would write stories about people & things I saw. Remmeber that book lady, Seen Reading? I think she got slammed for writing about people on the subway. I wonder where this guy was going? I like his outfit. Went with Keri to The Richmond to learn about Snoxin. I’m gonna have a face like a child in no time. Lots of pretty girls there & nice outfits. This stuff makes you look younger. Better than any $500 cream and available for $39. Last year I got Nanoblur from the same company, that stuff is awesome too. Post girl time, got beer & had a hipster hang w/ Australian in the park. Watched the sunset. This dude was totes checking him out. I love park hangs. He doubled me on his hipster bike. I was scared, it was exciting. Rushing to Spoke Club, then Globe & Mail then to pick up my NXNE Priority media pass. Hectic day. Wish I had a bike right now. Hope you have a really awesome day! XO CASIE  

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this post is alllllllll about winning.

The other night I was at Century Room for a music video shoot. Was chilling with a bunch of babes/models/friends: Jo, Jess, Me, Grace & Lilly. You are so cute JoJo. Renee, Kevin & her cute friend. (R-L) Jo dancing in the back, Jess txting in fur. I lost count on how many fireworks/bottles there were over the course of the night. We had a great time, I ended woke up with a killer hangover. Casie Sheen, aaahaha. My friend JD Howel was shooting the video, check out this awesome footage he shot of the Shuttle Discovery on a plane the other day. It’s now on MSNBC. WIN! “I was returning to Toronto from a shoot in Cuba on an Air Canada flight, and awoke just as it was happening,” Howell told me in an e-mail. “I started rolling my iPhone and caught two minutes of it before it exited the atmosphere. Talk about timing!” Went for a little stroll fitst thing this morning. Super sunny outside today. Check out this super hot photo of Keri by Suzy Lamont. WIN! Lady Gaga killed the runway in Paris last night for the Theirry Mugler  A/W 2011 show. God I love her. Waiting for a call from my sister to see if we will be attending her show tonight. Fingers crossed. I saw her last time she was in town, LOVE. Photo from In other news, I would like to thank GM Canada because tomorrow A CAR is being dropped off at my place for the weekend. I tweeted the other day that I would love the use of a vehicle now & then and that I didn’t want to own it, just use it. By the powers on the internet, I got an email from the lovely Adria  at…

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i have a halloween message for you

No, seriously. I will Snooki punch you. Come to a party on Friday night at Tequila Bookworm. I’m not sure what I’m gonna go as quite yet but alas, it will NOT be Snickers. haha. How cute is this guy? Halloween BF material right there. Planned out my tattoo sleeve last night. Pen and marker all over my arm right now. Need to do some more drawing. We’ve got an old sailing ship, an eagle, a poem I wrote in my own handwriting and a sunshine band. Soooo excited to get moving on the inking. Perhaps next month I’ll gett’er started. ANy reco’s of who should draw on me with a mechanic needle? That makes it sould so hardcore. I am bbbbbadass. Ok, no I’m not.

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