I’d like to thank the academy & blah, blah, blog!
Remember a couple months ago I asked you nicely to click a link and show some love for my life(s) work? Welllllllllll…..thanks for your votes and thank you for reading because…drum roll please…we made the shortlist for Best Life Weblog in Canada! Congrats to my friends for noms in their categories Unbrelievable, Shop My Clothes and Dear Photograph. To check out all nominees or judging criteria go here. In other exciting news…MY SXSW panel has been scheduled. If you are going to be please please don’t miss it. There’s lots of things to see & do there but our panel is Psychology of Narcissism & How It Affects Brands. The hashtag is #LOOKATME and it’s sure to be entertaining. On that note I leave you with this song I’ve been diggin’ ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ feat. Kimbra from Gotye’s album Making Mirrors. Sitting at Darren Kwik Studio waiting for toner in my hair while blogging and tweeting away. Thank you Telus & iPhone for the MAGIC of Personal Hotspot. I now have the freedom to stop & blog it like it’s hot any time, any place. Heading to get Sammy & meet my darling sister Jenie & friends at Gio Rana’s Really Really Nice Restaurant for her birthday dinner. Have an awesome night!
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