TheTech | Business of YouTube: Buffer Festival Industry Day

There is no doubt that video is a powerful platform to connect with your audience. If you are a brand, blogger, or you want to be famous on the Internet, knowing how to work the YouTube machine is to your advantage. The key to this is to build a large follower base and have plenty of views on your videos. Luckily, you can buy these, just make sure you use the best site to buy youtube views otherwise you might fall to victim to one of the many scam sites out there. You might not like the idea of buying views and followers but it has been proven to lead to their authentic counterpart, and many people have chosen this path to the top. There are plenty of alternatives to Youtube you can also use. I had the opportunity to travel to Thailand last year with some of Canada’s top YouTubers and it was a learning experience. There’s a real science to cracking the YouTube code and the more you know, well, the better you’ll be! I’ve partnered w/ the CFC to let you know about Buffer Festival Industry Day on October 16th. The one day event is not a YouTube fan event, but rather a chance to soak up information about the business of YouTube from some of the top YouTubers in the world. YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine (to Google) and 1 out of EVERY 2 internet users visits YouTube. Innovation is key to relevancy in our ever changing internet world, so if YouTube is on your radar you don’t wanna miss this. About Buffer Festival Industry Day: This one-day conference is for industry professionals looking to optimize YouTube as a content and talent development platform and a marketing and distribution channel. It provides a unique…

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Saw this from Gary Vaynerchuk earlier today and just thought I would INFORM YOU. HUGE pet peeve on Twitter is people who RT everything nice someone says about them. It’s not necessary! It’s bad party form. You wouldn’t do that in real life so, don’t do it on the internet! * BTW thinking about cutting my hair like this again?  To be honest though, I fav all the nice things people say about me, great for uplifting spirits on a bad day or reminding yourself just how awesome you are! Fav is different than ReTweeting though. WHAT IS A BIRDY BRAG? READ THIS: BE HUMAN, PEOPLE! <3 CASIE buy propecia without prescription buy prozac without prescription buy sildenafil without prescription buy tadalafil without prescription

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so what i’m crazy, that leaves me with all the freedom

“People will laugh at you because you’re different. You will laugh at them because they’re all the same.” This quote came in a Twitter post by an experienced blogger I follow on Twitter named John Chow. People have always said “You’re crazy” or as I dance by myself in the middle of the dance floor with my arms over my head “That’s Casie, she’s crazy“.   For a while I thought, “Oh no, they think I’m crazy” but that was followed by thinking, “no, you are just different and they are all the same.” (Yes, I have had this conversation with myself more than once.) I would rather be seen as crazy, than ordinary any day.     As soon as someone says you are crazy, they really give you the power and freedom of expression to do whatever you want. You can transcend all boundaries of what people consider normal because they already know you’re ‘out there’.   This motivates me. Buy Propecia without prescription Buy Sildenafil without prescription Buy Trazodone without prescription Buy Zithromax without prescription

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I wish I could share posts to other sites like Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, Pinterest. Remember when it first came out? It has changed heaps. I think there’s potential. I use so many other Google products and have  thousands of photos from Picasa web albums that are now Google+ photos. We shall see… follow me Buy flomax online Buy fluoxetine online buy lasix online buy nexium online

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Believe it: essence & the Justin Bieber World Tour

A week ago I was in Brooklyn, NY on a press junket with the 2013 Justin Bieber tour sponsor essence cosmetics. It was awesome. I got TO MEET JUSTIN BIEBER. (I’m sure you saw or knew when I was there because I could not simply help myself from documenting the entire thing!) He was very… mellow. The concert was really good though, he’s a great performer. I was swooning, actually. essence is  the #1 value cosmetics brand in the world and I started using their products about six months ago after receiving them at the Canadian launch. All the essence products can be found at Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada and range from $.99 to $4.99. There’s a new collection for fall that’s jam packed with great new items and colours. I’m in love with the new matt lip paint (the red I’ve been wearing recently) and the Extreme Lash mascara. There’s some rad new nail polish colours which are great because they dry really fast. Look at Shoppers, you will see a massive rainbow. [View the story “BROOKLYN + BELIEVE TOUR #essenceJB” on Storify]

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Casie at Her Desk

I’ve been taking desky photos for years and today’s post is dedicated to two fun tumblr blogs by my internetty friends Kevin (@kevinjn) and Russ (@russless). Check out and for some animated fun of them, well, working. The video below is from four years ago when I worked in Liberty Village at a software company. That was fun. I used to take heaps of desky shots. It’s a fun time capsule, THE INTERNET! Hope the day is treating you well. Remember, you’ll never be younger than you are today so make the most of it! <3 CASIE

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