it’s more about the us than the meme

Mum is coming today and I’m really excited to see her. I’m really excited for Lady Gaga tonight too. Currently watching the Hooters Bikini pageant, it’s hot/awesome. Have you ever seen the Hooters  outfit on me? It was 2005, I looked different, heavier. I never worked there, but I was close once, in my younger days.  I won a pageant and bikini contest back then too. Ha. Thanks for the votes in the Virgin contest. I’m in the lead, lets keep it that way. I think the other six are under the impression it’s a job.(Yes, only six entries!) It’s just like winning an online pageant, you get to carry the title of Toronto Provocateur for the year and you have perks/duties. You get to be the party planner and 12 free trips, I have room for that in my life.  I do. I would LOVE some free trips… I dream about all the people I could visit, conferences I can attend and things to explore. I’d also REALLY like to be able to leverage the stellar community we’ve got for GenyTO and do some really great/cool/fun things. I’m darn sure that’s a win-win for everyone. We’re having GenyTO on July 27th. You saw how fun the game was I went to recently. Did you know that out of the whole group, I had only ever met two of those people in real life? And one is Jon fron the TFC. Tickets are $40, the  special code to purchase is ‘genyto‘ and you can get tickets here.  All the other important info is right here. I would love to see you there! Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-Roma-ma-ah! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your RAD romance ♥

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how many clicks does it take to get to the centre of the…

this post is regarding the influence project: the search for the most influential person online i feel like, if i participate in ‘everything’ that shows my ‘influence’ it devalues when i post good content. everything is becoming about your so called ‘influence’ and i hate pushing links on people all the time. what do i get if i put my name in this?  my picture in a magazine. meh, been there done that a few times. so, it doesn’t really seem worth it? who really gains? they do. where are the perks for making people click on something that does nothing for them. i like to give people value, that’s where my influence comes from. i hope someone cool gets this thingy but it surely won’t be me. as for the Virgin thing, that will provide heaps of value back to everyone who votes for me. i will be an ambassador, organize parties and create fun memories for people all over the place. all this talk about influence, makes me think it’s more about VALUE. y’know what i’m sayin? another thing, the site is all built in flash and really slow too.  i’m more than happy to not try for this one. i’m sure we will all be seeing more and more of this user generated ‘meme’ stuff floating around (ex. i only wanna take part in things that give back, things that have value for everyone not just for myself. it’s pretty much the same reason I don’t put ads on my site, i don’t want you to think i’m banking off you visiting, i like to think i make you smile, and maybe  i even inspire you. i do the internet stuff because i love it. it started out as a way to keep more memories and…

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i’ll take ten virgins on the thompson roof please

My friend Vaneska was DJ at the Thompson Pride Pool Party in Sunday.  I kinda screwed up because it WAS a day party and I thought it was a night party. It was finished at 8 and we all arrived after 9pm. Whoopsey. I wore one of my favorite dresses, ever. Matched perfect with my new tan from earlier in the day. It worked out more than a-ok and we had a quiet & classy Sunday night rendevous on my new favorite patio. Pretty good looking group I say. We had such a fun time soaking up the scene and couple drinks. The place is gorgeous. I would LOVE to live there. It’s hotel/condo and you can get membership for the roof/partio bar. I found out recently that Virgin & Thompson Hotels worldwide are BFF’s. Another reason why you should vote for me to be the Toronto Provocateur. It would  be a seriously hot ticket in the door for us ALL. Vote here. Too cute not to post this 🙂

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mashable social media day :: toronto

I like social and media. And I like talking. Pix frm the event are here via Kevin Chung. Here’s my talk, I hope you enjoy it. Casie Stewart (@casiestewart) at #SMdayTO from Ron Wolf I like talking about how many awesome people I have met through twitter. How I got a job because I really loved the internet, being social and sharing creativity all over the place. I like landscape photos better than portrait. I like when the sun shines through the clouds and you can see it coming right at you. I like writing the stories as they happen and living out all kinda of adventures. I like being positive, it’s really the best medicine you can give yourself. I’ve always liked to write. In 1996 my friend Holly and I, with the help of our Mum’s publihed and anthology of poetry & prose called JEANS. It was all kinds of things we had written in Grade. 8. I wanna publish a new book. I have hundreds written verse and such just dying to have your eyes. Words all wanting attention. I’ve decided to hire and intern, I need some help with the stuff. Looking for someone unique, someone kinda like me to be honest; loves internet, learning, sharing, twitter, hard work, fun. There’s always skill involved but the things that really matter most are not learned in class. What I think (1996) I’d like to do more public speaking. I like it and I’m just getting started. I won in a speech competition about a hundred years ago when I was younger. This one time, in drama class, I read my whole speech with my back facing the audience, it was the speech you tell youself before you go on stage. The two minute “you can do…

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I attended one of the first sessions for NXNE Interactive this morning. Couple people I know were on the panel and I like to surpport them as well as the session itself was interesting: Social Media Circle Jerking 101. I’m surprised that I didn’t take considering all the girls I saw there: Carly, Abby, Lucia, Lisa & Jas. That’s a social media circle jerk right there. haha. Couldn’t help but think of Raymi, she always calls the SM events circle jerks. It’s true really, a bunch of ‘meme’ people in a room talking about themselves. If you wanna see comments from the session or what people are saying, check the hashtag #nxnei. Gonna get back there this arvo for Lucia’s session. Then I get ma hair did by Darren Kwik. What should I do? MMVA weekend and I’m tryna hook up with Katy Perry to be honest Today is a good day if you make it one. Your choice!

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tonight i’m not takin’ no calls, ’cause i’ll be dancin’

I had a really fun time last night. Like, reeeeeeeeeally fun.  Stayed late at work tweeting @muchmusic before shipping over to Rivoli to hang out with a bunch of music industry peeps from different labels etc.  I met this adorable little miss with great style named Monica who just moved here from Australia. I also met her lovely BF Ricky who…. PLAYS GUITAR FOR LADY GAGA! I die. I die. You know how much I love her. After that I cruised over to see 40Deuce & Hawaii for a hang then peeped over to #loserkaraoke and sang me some Telephone. I love my friends. I love my job. I love Friday and I love the weekend. Cheers to life and living it out. FTW!

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