i love this city and your photos

Toronto is a great place to live. There is always something to do whether its warm or cold or you have money or don’t. There are so many pockets of creativity and diversity that it makes me proud of our culture and country. 300 Toronto Panorama Images from photojunkie on Vimeo. My friend and photographer extraordinaire, Rannie aka photojuknie has taken 300 panaroaic photos of our great city and compiled them in an awesome video. Each of the he 300 photos in this set were taken with an iPhone for his entry into the Hypercube viral campaign  icanhaz.com/hypercube. He shared the video with me and I liked it so much I wanna share it with you too. You can vote for him here.

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the worlds greatest gift, thanks mum

When my Mum was pregnant with my sister I was 3.5 years old.  I distinctly remember laying on Mum and Dad’s  water bed and being asked ‘what should we call the baby?” I was an interesting kid, as I am an interesting character now and could only think of one name to call her, Jenie. I had a whole slew of dolls at home and each one I had was named Jenny.  I’m not quite sure why or what made me love that name so very much. A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty I love hanging out with her. It’s like we’re little kids again half the time. It’s also almost creepy how alike we are. We talk the same and say the same things at the same time all the time. We make the same hand gestures when we talk and do the same knee-slap-head-throw-back when we laugh really hard. Kills me. Having a sister is something I am so grateful for, I have someone who will always be there for me and pick me up when I’m down or tell me when I need to pick it up.  Jenie is on Twitter too if you want to follow her.  She’s not all internet/twitter obsessed like me, but she is 100% pure gold. Pure gold.

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she was happy dancing with her arms over head

Drum circle happens every week during the summer. It goes down at Cherry Beach one week than Trinity Bellwoods the next. I usually only go to TBP because it’s closer than the beaches.  I love it.  There are lots of mad hippies dancing. There are also lots of skid kids too. We moved our home-base-blanket around a few times to avoid the dirty kids from contaminating us. One time a kid puked while sitting in front of us and we picked up shop like nomads and moved in NO time. My favorite is being in the middle of the circle dancing with my arms flailing around. There is something magical about the connection between the music and the people all being brought together in an open space .  When it gets really hot out there’s more girls & boys with their shorts and shoes off dancing. There is drinking and smoking in the park  all around.  We saw a couple of kids chasing each other around with McCain pies and tossing them at each other. What are kids doing these days you ask? That I guess. There were hundreds of people there. You can hear the beating of the drums as you approach the pit in the park, I love that sound! Drum Circle #001 2009 from moi on Vimeo. this is sadie, she spins fire from me again on Vimeo. There’s fire spinning too. Some nights there is lots of fire spinning!! This girl was really good she was doing the hula-fire-hoop and poi’s at the same time. I’m not even going to try that, I’m waaaay to accident prone. Overall, stellar time. Absolutely stellar.

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art hives: Saturday in Kensi with Charlietron

We went into “This Ain’t the Rosedale” to check out some books. I got 2 really creative mini ones that fit great in the purse. I love those little ones. Trying on fancy hats is always one of my favorite things to do, along with trying on stuff and taking my picture in it. I went to Bungalow and as I was leaving but then found this totally rad dress that was black with RED LEATHER! I knew it must be tried on, by me. Obviously. I went to the Cameron House and the bathroom stall I went into your DJ Scootz in it from 2007. Rad! Charlie and I read books there and listened to some live music. He tried on my glasses and put his book upside down for the pic by accident. I think it looks intellectual. I dug for some scarves to find jems. Got hooked up these. Those vintage babies were only a buck a piece. God I love that, I make it look a million bux! All & all, I haven’t had a Saturday afternoon in Kensi like that for a couple weeks and it was lovely.

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so, like, who’s your friend?

Check out this little feature about yours truly on Canadian Blog Friends. They contacted me recently to profile me and my blog. They said I’ve been doing good. I think that’s great. The site, Canada Blog Friends is an index of our nation’s best blogs. I’m happy to now be added to the mix! Check it out & leave a comment on there. I’d be really happy for you to share your thoughts. Thanks for all the love ♥

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tag those greenbacks

Would you get in trouble if you tagged a URL on cash?What if you wrote your twitter name?Would it help you keep track of your money? Yesterday I came across this fine stamped bill at a friends place as we were celebrating the greatness that was yesterday. Seems the Black Diamond Riders have stamped their bills. Interesting. I’m sure I’d get haterade from someone if I marked up the bills I use! Is it worth a shot? Hmm.

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