elsa taught me how to fly

Elsa got a new job as a Super Blogger and I was so happy for her.  She’s in NYC and lives the little rich girl lifestyle I dream of.  Aaah, one day! I drew this for her because I was so excited. She also mentioned something about appearing in an Net Opera. Sounds interesting & will have to inquire about that a little more. Tomorrow I have been asked to join forces with some of Toronto’s Top Social Media guru’s to be part of  the World Partnership Walk. I’m on a team called Toronto’s Legion of Social Media Super Heroes and we are fighting Global Poverty. The walk takes place in 9 cities in Canada, and is largest charity walk fighting Global poverty. The RedWire girls will be there as the RedWire Angels, Saul Colt will be there as Mr. Zoocasa, Stuart MacDonald (former founder of Expedia.ca) will come as Captain Stuman! There are so many great people coming out including Miss KarmaCake (AKA Marie Nicola), Miss Sunshine Girl! (AKA Talia Russo), Mr. DailyChallenge (AKA Darius Bashar), The Rypple (AKA Jay Goldman),Mr. Facebook! (AKA Karim Kanji) and more! Anyone can dress up as any Social Media icon they wish! I’m you think walking is cool or you just wanna hang out, come meet me at Metro Hall at 11am.  I’m the lowest on the sponsorship scale and it would make me feel cool if someone would be generous enough to sponsor me. I’d really appreciate not being a loser! (wipes tear) It’s for the kids!

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wow, you’re all so good looking

The other day I had a lovely evening with some of TO’s best bloggers.  I’m quite happy to be included in the best and would have been really pissed if I wasn’t.  Seriously.  It was really awesome to meet the other blog kids, most of whom I only know from le internet.  I was surprised to really see how different we all are. Each person brings to the mix a different perspective on life and a different creative process of putting it online through their blog. This is a pic of a few of them, you can see more of the Toronto local bloggers on Flickr. From left to right I have Vanessa from Vaneska.com, Ted Healy from Dead Robot, Sean Ward, Lisa Charleyboy from UrbanNativeGirlStuff, Raymi The Minx, and of course yours truly. We had Julian Brass of Notable TV there documenting the evening as we build Toronto’s first Top bloggers network. There is so much opportunity for advertisers to reach Toronto’s people through our blogs that get read by thousands of cool TO people and HEAPS of others around the world. If you want to chat about opportunities don’t hesitate to leave comment or contact me.  I’m stoked about where this is heading!! My dream of being a full time blogger WILL come true! Andrew Lewis has some good pix of us all.  Nice one of me here.

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not feeling so hot

It’;s raining again today and I woke up with a bit of a tickle in my throat. I hate that feeling. I’m quite tired since I returned from a wild weekend in Florida and now it’s catching up wit hme. The rain really puts a damper on things and the mood of everyone around me is somewhat gloomy and grey. I could hear Mum’s voice this morning as I received the following Tweet from one of my followers after saying I felt a soar throat.  This is  just what would come out of Mum’s mouth the second I tell her how I feel. I love you Mum and thanks to Sarah for being on it with the herbal remedies.  The stuff really works but let me tell you, it tasteds like shit.  I’ll pick some up at lunch today and hopefully, the little soldiers will fight off whatever bad guys are making me feel sicky just like in the book.  I also posted a video of driving to Miami, it’s cloudy and kinda gloomy, just like today.

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It Was a Very Special Factory | #Florida

I had a great weekend, this is obvious. However, there is something else…Mum I never told you I was going to this party because I didn’t want you to worry! This weekend in Florida marked the Festish Factory 14th Anniversary Weekend. It was my first time ever going to a fetish party and it just so happened to be the world’s biggest and best. I wasn’t able to bring my camera to the parties but there will eventually be some great photos that show up from the many professional photographers that were there. I can totally understand why people enjoy BDSM Dating now! Here’s one from my camera and one that my friend took of us before going out. I hung out with the cool kids known as the NYC Tribe. It was badass. Sunday night was the Fetish Ball and what a night that was! OMG. I’ll update this post as I get more pix. I met some really awesome and really hot people. I wore latex and leather and some other stuff too. If you ask me, maybe I’ll tell you. This red outfit was what I wore the first night. I didn’t want to be too crazy for my first night there. For my second night, my outfit was a bit more ‘out there’ and, I won’t tell you what, but I purchased some bits from https://loveplugs.co… I’ll leave that to your imagination. I made friends with some lovely ladies from Boston & New Orleans. They have been to these parties before. I was super nervous yet excited, I had no idea what I was in for. It was amazing, I loved it. There were pool parties and afterparties all over the place and the whole hotel was full of people attending the event. You gotta go.…

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so hot – so fun – all sun

My friends picked me up from the airport and we went back to the hotel. It felt so nice to be in the hot hot sun and surrounded my air that was so warm.  I did lots of cool stuff like drink and tan and I even went to a nude beach. I was a good girl and didn’t take any photos  there (it’s VERY frowned upon).  I love going to nude beaches, I usually keep my bottoms on. You feel so free just hanging out and not having anyone really staring. I was with some babes and we frolicked in the waves which did in fact attract some attention. The girls were both buck , so I can see why!! My friend June (aka: June Bug or Sicilia Ricci)  from New Orleans got a really, really, big hot dog. I got a big pizza but her photo was way more entertaining. Look at the size of that wiener! MASSIVE UNIT! I think this is a very artistic one. As we were coming off the highway there are these people selling flowers. I can’t imagine what that must be like or how you even get into a job like that.  I wanted to capture a pure expression and snapped this photo of him.  It’s so real.

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you did me good

last night I got ma hair did. It was awesome. I love going to see Darren. I get super excited because he always does something cool to my hair and he is also cute as. Go see him. He is good.  He will take care of you babies. He’s actualy pretty shy, Darren. He is, however one of the best. Recently he was at the ABA Show (biggest hair show in Canada) and won Redken’s Fashion Magazine Cover award.  He rules. Only the best touch my head!! Technorati sanasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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